PACKARD, Mary (Sawyer)
Was Born in Decatur, March 4, 1837
Mrs. Mary S. Packard, widow of Silas Packard, died at her home, 401 College
Square. Her death was due to injuries sustained last Tuesday when she fell, breaking her hip.
She seemed to be doing well until Friday, when complications set in and she declined rapdily.
Her sufferings were intense.
Mrs. Packard was one of the best known women of Decatur. She would have been
sevenry-eight years old next March. She had lived here all her life and was especially well
known among the older residents and among the members of the First Methodist church, both young
and old.
Mrs. Packard's maiden name was Mary S. Sawyer. She was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Sawyer and was born in Decatur March 4, 1837, in a house that stood where the
Y.W.C.A. building is now. Much of her girlhood was spent at the old Sawyer homestead north
of the city. She and Silas Packard were married May 27, 1856. He died Jan. 27, 1908.
Mr. and Mrs. Packard had no children of their own. Mrs. Robert I. Hunt is a
foster daughter. She was the daughter of a brother of Mrs. Packard. Her mother died when Mrs.
Hunt was a baby and Mrs. Packard took her and reared her as her own. Besides Mrs. Hunt she is
survived by three brothers and a sister, William Sawyer of Decatur, John Sawyer of Forsyth,
Orlando Sawyer of Lovington, and Mrs. G.B. Butler of Forsyth. She also leaves several nephews
and nieces.
Mrs. Packard was active in the work of the women's societies of the First
Methodist church, frequently opening her home to them for social entertainments and as a
meeting place. She belonged to the Ladies' Aid society, the two missionary societies and the
Daughters of the American Revolution, and she took an active interest in all of them. She had
been a member of the Methodist church since she was a child.
She possessed a cheerful disposition that endeared her to all. She was
exceedingly fond of flowers and took great delight in their culture. She was always ready
to contribute to worthy causes, but always wanted her benevolences kept from the public.
She could always find something good to say about all whom she knew, and was never known to
speak ill of any one. She doubtless knew their faults, but she never spoke of them, and very
seldom spoke of herself. She was a good woman.
The funeral of Mrs. Packard will be held at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the
First Methodist church. The interment will be in Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 24 Aug 1914
Same Songs Were Sung at Husband's Funeral
Paid By Pastor in Eulogy
The funeral of Mrs. Mary S. Packard, widow of Silas Packard, was held at 4 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon at the first Methodist church. The services were conducted by Rev. E.M. Antrim.
There was a large attendance, most of the members of the church being present, and probably every
one there was personally acquainted with Mrs. Packard. The flowers were many and beautiful. Mr.
Antrim paid a beautiful tribute to the life and character of Mrs. Packard, whose active interest in
the work of the church continued from early childhood until her last illness.
The music was furnished by Mrs. Earl Belden, Mrs. Leslie Dillehunt, Arthur Van Cleve,
and W.W. Doane. Miss Norma K. Rodgers was accompanist. The selections were the same as those
sung at the funeral of Mr. Packard, "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me," "The Christian's Good Night," and
"Lead, Kindly Light."
The flowers were in charge of Mrs. Lynn M. Barnes, Miss Nita Clark and Mrs. Florence
L. Dawson. The pallbearers were three newphews, Frank Sawyer, William Sawyer, Jr. and Carl Butler,
and three representatives of the First Methodist church, H.B. Wise, Cyrus M. Imboden and Dr. E.T.
Evans. The interment was in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 26 Aug 1914, pg. 7
PARKER, Emily C. (Clark)
In Memoriam
The following extract handed us for publication is in memory of a young
lady who was much loved by her friends and associates while a resident in our city,
but since deceased:
PARKER - Maiden name Clark. Emily C. Clark was born in Brockport, Monroe
county, N.Y., May 18, 1859. Professed religion and joined the Presbyterian church at the
age of 12 years. Her father moved from N.Y. to Decatur, Ill., where Emily was a faithful
christian, working in the church and Sunday school all the time; also as a member of the
ladies auxiliary to the Y.M.C.A.; she left many dear friends to regret her departure, when
in 1881 she came with her father's family to Yell county, Ark., where she renewed her work
in the church and Sunday school. Her hands were always ready to help the needy and to wait
on the sick.
She was married to Dr. G.C. Parker Sept. 23d, 1884, and moved to Ferguson's
Mill, Yell county, Ark., where she soon won many close friends. She was loved by old and
young, far and near the people all loved her. But alas, the ties of love must be broken,
for on the 8th of February, 1887, after about a month's illness, the last enemy, death, came
and broke those ties, and she died in the faith. Sister Parker left behind her a devoted
husband to mourn his loss, and a little babe born on the 25th of January, 1887. While sick
she named her baby, who followed her to the happy land on the 13th of May. We bid the
afflicted husband and father not to weep as those who have no hope, but trust in God, who
doeth all things well, and he will see them again in the home of the blessed. BASCOM MONK.
Decatur Daily Republican, 8 Jul 1887
PARKER, Frances M. (Cornwall)
Mrs. Frances M. Parker died at 8:55 o'clock Monday morning at the home of her neice,
Mrs. Grace Denise, 1005 East Cleveland avenue. Her death was caused by paralysis. She was seventy
years old last January. Mrs. Parker had been ill for three years and had been confined to her bed
for eight weeks. She was the widow of W.H. Parker, who died June 28, 1915.
Her maiden name was Frances M. Cornwell. She was born in Pickaway county, O., Jan. 27,
1847. She and W.H. Parker were married at Maroa June 28, 1872. They lived on a farm southwest of
Maroa until ten years ago. Since then the family home has been in Decatur. She is survived by five
children, James E. Parker of Maroa, Thomas W. Parker of Decatur, Mrs. Lacie Roney and Mrs. Nancy
Mosier of Maroa and Mrs. Hannah Brown of Decatur. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. David Blue of
Kenney, and a brother, I.P. Cornwell of Custer, Okla. She was a member of the Christian church in
Arrangements for the funeral have not been completed.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 14 May 1917
PARKER, William H.
W.H. Parker, Former Maroa Man, Expires
W.H. Parker, 1353 North Edward street, died suddenly at about 10 o'clock Monday
morning at his home. The day was his forty-fourth wedding anniversary. Mr. Parker began feeling
ill about 8 o'clock Monday morning and at 9:30 went to the bath room. There he fell on the
floor and never regained consciousness. The lungmotor was called.
He was the oldest son of James S. and Rachel Parker and was born May 1, 1811, in
Preble county, Ohio, being seventy-four years old. When a boy, he came to DeWitt county with
his parents and later moved to a farm in Austin township, four miles west of Maroa.
He married Eliza C. Shaw of Clinton on Dec. 28, 1864, and she died in August, 1869.
To that union two children were born, both of whom have died. On June 28, 1871, he married
Frances M. Cornwell. He is survived by his wife, who is in poor health, and the following
children: James E., of Maroa, T.W. Parker of Decatur, Mrs. John Brown of Decatur, Mrs. H.B.
Roney and Mrs. _.H. Morris, both of Maroa. He is also survived by two brothers, James and
John of Maroa and a sister, Mrs. Lillie E. Bates, of Maroa; also nineteen grandchildren, and
five great grandchildren.
He had been a member of the Presbyterian church at Maroa for twenty-two years.
He lived on the farm west of Maroa until seven years ago when he retired and moved to Decatur.
The funeral arrangements have not yet been made but the services will probably be in the
Maroa Presbyterian church.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 28 Jun 1915
Charles Parkhurst died at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 19, at his home, 1326 North
Railroad Avenue, aged 54 years. The cause of death was dropsy and heart trouble, diseases with
which he has suffered for some time past. The deceased is survived by a wife and three children,
Minnie, Bertha and Willie, the oldest being 14 years of age. Mr. Parkhurst was a member of Company
C., 11th New York infantry, during the war of the rebellion.
The funeral was held this afternoon at 2: 30 o'clock from the residence. The services
were conducted by the Rev. Marion Stevenson, pastor of the Edward Street Christian church. The
members of Dunham Post, No. 141, G.A.R., had general charge of the funeral and escorted the remains
to Greenwood cemetery, where the burial occurred.
The Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 20 Jul 1899, pg. 9
PARLIER, Hattie E.
Died, at her home, No. 406 East Decatur street, at 4:45 p.m. Sunday, June 14, Mrs.
Hattie E. Parlier, aged 31 years and two months. Funeral services were held from the residence
yesterday afternoon. Rev. J.A.F. King officiating. The remains were interred at Boiling Springs
cemetery. The deceased leaves a husband and child, a father, two sisters and six brothers to
mourn her early departure.
Decatur Morning Review, Decatur, IL, 16 Jun 1891
PARR, Harriet
Had Been In Poor Health Four Years
Miss Harriet Parr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Parr, died at 5 o'clock Saturday
afternoon in Denver, Colo., where she had been for almost a year. She was thirty-one years old last
May. The message received by her father did not state the cause of her death which is believed to have
been sudden. Recent letters from her referred to sightseeing trips she had taken into the mountains.
Mr. Parr left Sunday morning for Denver. The body will be buried there, it is understood.
Accompanied by her mother and brother, Arnold Parr, Miss Parr went to Colorado in the
hope that a change of climate would benefit her health, which for four years had not been very good.
They started in their automobile Sept. 15, 1924. Miss Parr stood the trip well and the three of them
have been in Denver ever since. For a while the change did not appear to do her much good, but for
the last few months Miss Parr had been able to be up and around most of the time.
Miss Parr was born north of Oreana May 11, 1894. Much of her early life was spent in
the wewst, where her father had various business interests. They returned to Decatur in 1911. Miss
Parr graduated from the Decatur high school in 1913. Later she attended the Millikin conservatory.
In 1916 she went to Washington and there graduated as an honor pupil from Fairmount school in 1917.
She attended the second inauguration of President Wilson. She was widely known and was held in high
esteem by all. She was a great reader and an enthusiastic motorist. Failing health kept her in her
room of late years and she was forced to give up all social activities. Her death was a shock to her
many friends.
Decatur Review, 17 Aug 1925
PASLEY, Barbara A.
Mrs. Barbara A. Pasley died at 8 p.m. Monday at her home, 1172 West Macon street,
aged 76 years and 19 days. The cause of her death was paralysis.
Mrs. Pasley was born in Hardin county, Kentucky. She came to Macon county in 1837.
She was the widow of Joseph Pasley who died at the family home in Boody, two years ago. Mrs.
Pasley is surbvived by six sons and daughters. They are Mrs. Samuel Hughes of Los Angeles, Cal.,
Mrs. James Hopkins and Mrs. Nelson Hopkins of Boody; Mrs. James Leshe of Elwin; Mrs. Willis Walker
of Decatur and L.G. Pasley of Boody. One of her sons is dead.
Mrs. Pasley was a member of the Methodist church, a devout Christian and a well known
woman. She was called "Aunt Barbara" by her large number of friends. She was prominent in church
work at Blue Mound chapel but for the past three years she has been an invalid. The funeral will
be held from Salem church Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock.
Daily Review, 17 March 1903
PASLEY, Joseph A. 
Joseph A. Pasley, Dalton City Dies
Retired Macon County Farmer
Civil War Vet.
Joseph A. Pasley, ninety years of age, a Civil War veteran and a member of Durham post G.A.R., of
Decatur, died at 5:30 o’clock Tuesday morning at his residents in Dalton City, after a short illness of
complication diseases incident to old age.
He was born near Bowling Green, Ky., May 6, 1837, and came to Illinois at the age of sixteen,
riding horseback from his Kentucky home, settling near Boody. For the last forty-five years he had been a resident
of Dalton City and vicinity, thirty-three years of which were spent on a farm near Prairie Hall church.
Mr. Pasley married Mary E. Weaver near Boody, December 3, 1857 and to this union nine children were
born. He is survived by his wife; three daughters, Mrs Mary C. Dinger, Custer Okla.; Mrs. Ida J. Williams, Brownstown
and Mrs. Jessie G. Boyer, Moweaqua; four sons, Frank, Lake City, Thomas and Samuel, Dalton City and Charles of
Galveston, Texas. There are also thirty-four grand children, forty great grand children and one great great-grand
child surviving.
All his life had been devoted to farming in Macon county, until he retired eighteen years ago. Mr.
Pasley was for sixteen years superintendent of the Prairie Hall Church Sunday school, and at the time of his
death was a member of the Presbyterian church of Dalton City.
After the beginning of the Civil war he enlisted in Company E, Forty-first Illinois Volunteer Infantry
and served three years and nine months. He was at the battles of Shiloh, Gettysburg, Fort Donaldson. Corynth and
Lookout Mountain, and during all this time received only a slight wound. He was a charter member of Pugh post, G.A.R.,
of Dalton City, and was later a member of Dunham post of Decatur. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
Decatur Review, Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 18 Oct 1927, pg. 24
PASLEY, Joseph M.
Joseph M. Pasley For 68 Years Resident of Macon County
Dies At His Home in Boody
Joseph M. Pasley aged 70 years, died Wednesday, January 16, at his home in Boody.
His death is due to the feebleness of age. The deceased was a native of Kentucky and had lived in
Macon county for 68 years, the last ten years of that time being in Boody. For many years he was
one of the the active members of the Blue Mound chapel. He is survived by his wife and five
children. They are Mrs. Bell Hughes of Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Jennie Hopkins and Mrs. Melvina
Hopkins of Boody, Mrs. Leslie of Elwin, Mrs. William Walker of Decatur and Louis Pasley of Boody.
The funeral will occur today (Thursday), the services being at the Boody U.B. church at 12:30.
Rev. Longenbaugh will officiate and the interment will be at Salem.
Decatur Herald, Friday 18 January 1901
Death of W.F. Patterson
W.F. Patterson died last evening about half past eight at his home, 993 East Eldorado Street,
in the fifty-fifth year of his age. He has been ill of consumption for some months past and death was not
entirely unexpected. He has been in the employ of the Wabash road for ten years past as night caller and
had hosts of friends among the railroad employees. A wife and four children survive him. The children are
Mrs. Will Carter, Charles D., Edward and Lelah W. Patterson. The funeral will take place from the residence
to-morrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 14 May 1890, pg. 3
PATTON, Alexander
Death of a Pioneer - On Friday night last, Alexander Patton died at Oakley,
at the advanced age of 87 years. The deceased had been in Macon county about 47 years,
coming here in 1830 with his nephew, Samuel Rea, Esq. The funeral took place at Oakley
on Sunday, and was largely attended.
Decatur Republican, 16 Aug 1877
PEAKE, George B. 
Death of Capt. Geo B. Peake
After many years of suffering, Captain George B. Peake died on Friday at Hot Springs,
Arkansas attended by his wife and son. The fact that he had been of late in a dangerous condition has
been announced through the Decatur papers, and therefore the telegram received telling of his
dissolution occasioned no surprise.
His age was 49 years. Captain Peake was born in Sangamon county and came to Decatur with
the Peake family in 1854, where he was engaged in the jewelry business for a while. When the call came
for men to go to the front, George enlisted, and served honorably and bravely as captain of a company in
the 35th Illinois Infantry, taking part in many hot battles. He was wounded three times, and up to the
time of his death earned Rebel lead in his body. During the administration of Andrew Johnson, Captain
Peake was appointed postmaster, succeeding John Ryan, and held the office until relieved by Capt W.J. Usrey.
He was also a railroad contractor, building part of the St. Louis branch of the Wabash road and also part
of the Peoria, Decatur & Evansville road. For nearly ten years his sickness has incapacitated him for business.
The deceased leaves a widow, his second wife, and a son, George V. Peake aged 21 years. His brothers are
James L. Peake, S.J Peake, Charles E. Peake and Stephen L. Peake. The body will arrive at noon to-morrow
and the funeral will be held at the residence of J.S. Campbell, corner of North and Jackson streets,
tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Friends are invited.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 6 Oct 1888, pg. 3
PEARSON, Elenor C. (Nicholson)
Born: 3 Jul 1845 in KY
Died: 21 May 1888 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
PECK, Arby
The funeral of Arby Peck was held Tuesday. A short service was held at the residence,
846 West Maocn street, at 9:30 by Rev. Frost Craft of the First Methodist church, after which the body
was taken to Cerro Gordo, where regular services were held at the Methodist church. The funeral
sermon was by Rev. Frost Craft. The burial was at the Peck cemetery. The pall bearers were Woody
Blakeney, Warren Williams, Guy Lipscomb, Leslie Blakeney, Merle Cobb, and Guy Crosley. About
twenty friends from Decatur accompanied the relatives to Cerro Gordo.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 21 Nov 1900
PECK, Belle
Death of A Spinster
Miss Belle Peck, daughter of Daniel Peck, died of dropsy and consumption at
Cerro Gordo yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, aged 52 years. The funeral will occur at 10
a.m. to-morrow and Undertaker Bullard will take the casket up in his hearse and superintend
the burial.
Decatur Daily Republican, 8 Jul 1886
PECK, Jacob
Killed by Lightning
This morning at 2 o'clock, while the storm was raging furiously in and about
La Place, Jacob Peck, a well known farmer, was instantly killed by lightning in his dwelling,
one mile north of the village. The rain was coming down in torrents and the water was coming
down the chimney. Mr. Peck arose to repair the chimney from the inside. Lightning struck
the chimney, and Mr. Peck was instantly killed. The house was badly damaged and the inmates
were severely shocked. Mr. Peck was aged about 45 years, and leaves a widow and five children.
He was a member of the 116th Regiment, and the owner of a farm of 80 acres.
LATER - Further particulars are to the effect that Mrs. Peck lies at the point of
death, her limbs from the hips down having been paralyzed by the lightning shock.
Decatur Daily Republican, 17 Aug 1886
The funeral of Jacob Peck, who was killed at his home near La Place early
Tuesday morning by lightning took place Wednesday forenoon at Cerro Gordo. The remains
were interred with the honors of war by Cerro Gordo Post No. 210, G.A.R.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 21 Aug 1886
PECK, Jane
Mrs. Jane Peck died at the home of her son, W.H. Peck, northeast of Cerro
Gordo on Thursday, March 3d, aged 81 years and 3 months. The funeral was held at the
residence Friday at 1 o'clock.
Decatur Herald, 8 Mar 1904
PECK, Jacob 
Killed By Lightning
This morning at 2 o'clock, while the storm was raging in and about La
Place, Jacob Peck a well-known farmer was instantly killed by lightning in his dwelling,
one mile north of the village. The rain was coming down in torrents and the water was
coming down the chimney. Mr. Peck arose to repair the chimney from the inside. Lightning
struck the chimney, and Mr. Peck was instantly killed. The house was badly damaged and
the inmates were severely shocked. Mr. Peck was aged about 45 years, and leaves a widow
and five children. He was a member of the 116th Regiment, and the owner of 80 acres.
Later: Further particulars are to the effect that Mrs. Peck lies at the point of death,
her limbs from the hips down have been paralyzed by the lightning.
Decatur Daily Republican Tuesday Eve., 17 Aug 1886, pg. 3
Killed by Lightning
Jacob Peck, who lived five miles south of Cerro Gordo, was struck by
lightning and instantly killed Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock, while he was endeavoring
to stop a leak about the chimney in his home. The bolt struck the chimney and he was
killed instantly. Mrs Peck was severally shocked, a portion of the bolt striking her
in the region of the hips and completely paralyzing her lower limbs. Mr. Peck had been
a member of Company A, 116th Regt. Ill. Vol. He was a member of Cerro Gordo Post No.
210, G A R. He leaves a wife and five children.
Decatur Saturday Herald, 21 Aug 1886, pg. 1
PECK, John 
Research Notes: No Obit Could Be Found
Muster and Descriptive Roll of Company A
One Hundred and Sixteenth Infantry Regiment of Illinois
Private John Peck, Age 23, 5' 11" Black Hair, Hazel Eyes, Dark Complexion
Farmer, Born Pickaway County, Ohio.
Joined service and Enrolled July 21, 1862 at Cerro Gordo, Illinois for a 3 year period
Mustered Into Service September 6, 1862 at Decatur, Illinois
Died at Macon County, Illinois of Typhoid Fever while home on furlough.
John Peck was born December 16, 1838 in Pickaway County, Penn., the son of Daniel
Peck and Hettie Rock. He never married. He was a brother to Jacob Peck. He died September
28, 1863 in Macon County, Illinois. He is buried in Peck Cemetery, Oakley Township,
Macon County, Illinois.
PECK, Mary
Died - January 12, 1879 at her residence, Mrs. Mary Peck, wife of I.F. Peck, in
the 47th year of her life. Funeral from the Christian church, Tuesday at 2 p.m.
Decatur Review, 14 January 1879
PECK, William
William Peck died Sunday evening at 8:55 o'clock, of old age, at his residence,
271 Bradford street, aged 82 years, 11 months and 4 days. He was born in Virginia and lived
there until he reached the age of six years, when the family moved to Ohio. He was one of a
family of nine children and was the last survivor. When 21 years of age he married a Miss
Stookey, who died 20 years later. To the couple were born 8 children. Several years later
he married Mrs. David Johnson and to this couple five children were born. His second wife
and eight children survive him.
He was a man of good character, respected by all who knew him, a loving husband
and a kind father. He leaves a host of friends to mourn his loss. The remains will be taken
to Cerro Gordo tomorrow at 11:15 for burial. A short service will be held at the residence
at 9:30 o'clock. Friends that desire to view the remains are requested to call between the
hours of 8:30 and 9:30 o'clock.
Decatur Daily Republican, 24 Aug 1891
The funeral of the late William Peck took place this forenoon from the family
residence. It was largely attended. Deceased was the purchaser of the original Peck family
farm near Cerro Gordo.
Decatur Daily Republican, 25 Aug 1891
Passed Away at 10:15 A.M. To-Day at His Homes East of Central Park
Former Mayor and Pioneer Merchant and Banker of Decatur - Came to the City
in 1838, Over Sixty Years Ago - Funeral Saturday or Sunday
Hon. Jasper J. Peddecord died at his late residence on North Franklin street
at 10:15 o'clock this morning, aged 84 years. His death was the result of general debility
and the infirmities of old age. He had been confined to his home for the past five months
and for the past six weeks had not been able to leave his bed. On last Saturday night when
along for a short time he left his bed and in attempting to walk across the room fell over
a chair. The injuries from the fall were slight but the shock undoubtedly helped to hasten
his death. His demise was peaceful. A member of the family expressed it by saying that
"he simply slept himself away." The members of his family, who were with him at his death,
were his daughters, Mrs. Brandau and Mrs. Vennigerholz, and his son, Richard Peddecord.
The time for the funeral has not been settled. It will, however, be on
Saturday or Sunday, more probably the latter.
His daughter, Mrs. C.E. Rurode, and her two daughters, the Misses Valette
and Emma, and Mr. Rurode, of Ft. Wayne, Ind., his niece, Mrs. Chester Snyder of Kansas
City, and her husband, and Mrs. Richard Oglesby and daughter, Felicita, of Elkhart will
arrive this evening.
Jasper J. Peddecord was born near Rockville, Montgomery county, Md., on
the 8th day of November, 1815, and came from one of the oldest families of that state.
His parents, Allen B. and Catherine Willet Peddecord, were both natives of Maryland and
were of Scotch descent. By occupation Allen B. Peddecord was a farmer. His wife died
in 1868 at the advanced aged of 78, leaving three children: Rebecca, Ninian and Jasper.
The deceased remained on the home farm in the county of his birth until
he was 15 years of age, acquiring such education as was afforded in the country schools
of that day, supplemented by study in the Rockville academy, after which he secured a
position as a mercantile salesman at Washington, D.C. There he remained for five years,
going from there to Vicksburg, Miss., where he again found employment in a mercantile
establishment and remained for two years, coming to Decatur in 1838. he entered 160
acres of land northwest of Decatur and soon afterward formed a co-partnership with Henry
Prather and carred on general merchandising for 15 years, including various flat boat
trips to New Orleans loaded with pork, flour, corn, etc., which he exchanged for cash
or other commodities. It took three months to make the trip. Their first place of
business was a log cabin on the northwest corner of the old square, where the Arcade
building now stands. His name was inseparably connected with the history of Decatur
and Macon county. He witnessed the erection of every house which now stands in Decatur.
In 1849 Mr. Prather retired from the business, Mr. Peddecord purchasing
his interest. He afterward admitted to partnership Hosea J. Armstrong, who continued
with him two years, when he went to California and Mr. Peddecord was once more alone.
In 1852 his third and long existing partnership was formed with Lowber Burrows and they
soon after established a banking business which they continued up to the present time.
On the 30th of July, 1842, Mr. Peddecord was united in marriage with Mrs.
Adamson, widow of John S. Adamson and daughter of Jacob and Isabella Oglesby, and sister
of the late ex-Governor Richard Oglesby. Five children were born to this union:
Woodford W., Isabella, Emeline W., Richard G. and Valette O. All are living at the
present time with the exception of the first born, Woodford.
In politics the deceased was a Republican. While not an office seeker,
he has twice been honored with the mayorshiop of the city, in 1868 and 1864, and had
held other public positions. He has always taken an active interest in political
affairs and his home has been headquarters for visiting statesman and men of political
prominence for years. He was a member of Macon Chapter, No. 21, R.M.A. He was a
member and trustee of the Grace M.E. church.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 27 Jul 1899
The funeral of the late Jasper J. Peddecord will be held at the family
residence on North Franklin street, Saturday, July 29, at 4 p.m.. The casket will be
open at the residence from 10 a.m. to 12 o'clock noon, in order that friends who wish
to do so may view the remains. It will not be open at the funeral services.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 28 Jul 1899
Funeral of the Late Jasper J. Peddecord
Many Old Friends in Attendance at the Impressive Services - Dr. Gillmore's
The funeral of the late Hon. Jasper J. Peddecord was held this afternoon
at 4 o'clock from the residence, 226 North Franklin street. Rev. W.F. Gillmore, pastor
of Grace Methodist officiated and there was a large attendance. There were many beautiful
floral tributes.
During the forenoon from 10 until 12 o'clock many of the old friends of the
family called at the residence to take a last look at the face of their old friend. Among
those who were here from out of the city to attend the funeral were Mrs. R.J. Oglesby, Miss
Felecity Oglesby and Richard and Jasper Oblesby of Elkhard, and Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Eurode of
Ft. Wayne, Ind.
The services this afternoon were of a most impressive nature. The music was
rendered by a choir composed of Mrs. A.W. Conklin, Miss Maude Burrows, John Patin and D.L.
Bunn. The selections given were "Asleep In Jesus," "Some Sweet Day" and "In the Sweet Bye
and Bye."
Below is the full text of Dr. Gillmore's address:
"Four score and four years carry us back to 1815, when Madison was president
and Illinois was a territory and the United States was but little over a quarter of a century
old. A little child was born that year, whom his mother called Jasper, after that radiant
stone in the foundations of the heavenly Jerusalem. To this child was given the fulfillment
of the promise, "With long life will I satisfy thee." What mighty changes have passed under
the observation of this aged mortal, who on Thursday morning caught his first glimpse of the
eternal city, and met in hand clasp and heart-greeting thousands of acquaintances and dear
ones, who had slipped their cables and sailed for a peaceful port in a golden harbor, during
his life of eight decades.
"He had seen his native land increase her 15 states to 45, and her population
from eight to seventy-five million. In his memory was the expansion of territory that added
Florida, Texas, California, Alaska and islands of the sea. When he was born no man had as
yet heard the whistle on a railroad, received a telegram talked over a wire, heard the hum
of a sewing machine or caught the light from a friction match. Daylight and firelight had
not been succeeded by the magic light of today. Books were a rarity, pictures more rare,
and the human countenance preserved only in paintings. Neighbors were far from near, and
journeys were hours long over nature's roads. Changes undreamed of came under his notice
until in better houses, more comfortable surroundings, higher civilization, this man came
to live, at last, than kings of old enjoyed. He lived in the time of setting out of trees,
he lived to rest under their genial shade and partake of their generous fruit. For 61
years he lived in our city, to see it grow from a handful of citizens, to 30,000; to see
the primitive log houses give place to palaces; to watch the drift of trade until payment
was made with gold and silver instead of barter; to find the country road giving place to
broad paved streets, and the lonely places became the homes of happy people. Alas! he has
also see the hearse and the procession of mourners going about the streets, and in his
lifetime the city of the dead, that today receives his body as a resident, has grown also,
until over 20,000 lie there, waiting the trumpet call of resurrection. Thank God! we go
out this hour to a Christian burial, knowing that the grave has double doors. One swings
open to admit the body, the other swings open that it may come forth at the mandate of
the Lord. 'Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise.'
"As a business man," this one, by careful industry, close attention,
frugality and cautious forethought, as a salesman, in mercantile pursuits, in the more
complicated banking transactions, rose from where want presses to comparative ease.
Always his fellow-men trusted him. In early days his friends and he had unlimited confidence
in each other, and in later years it never diminished. The hospitality of the southern
man was always his. Under his roof great men have gathered, and choice spirits have sat
about his table. His generosity was magnificent in its pouring out, and his favors
flowed like water. His genial spirit was proverbial, the very softness of his voice-tones
won him friends. Frail always in body, never robust, he took the best of care of health,
and with a remarkable vitality he lived to extreme old age. The tree of life, as sunset
drew on, took on the gorgeous hues of autumn, rainbow colored, brilliant and lovely. I
know not when the Divine love came into this man's heart, but the church record shows
that for a third of a century he was, without intermission, an honored officer of Grace
Methodist Episcopal church. When it was founded he gave nearly $5000 toward its building.
Year by year, his was a constant contribution to its support. No worthy cause ever
appealed to him in vain. His religious life was a quiet ever-flowing spring. I was
much moved three years ago when this good man said to me, in passing out of church one
Sunday morning: 'This is my birthday. I thought I would celebrate it by going to church.'
He has entered the church above. He has seen the Lord. He worships in celestial courts.
I lay my tribute of love and of friendship on his coffin, glad that I knew him, fully
assured from his own lips that the hope of immortality was in his heart, and know, as
well, that there has come to him all that he ever hoped for, and more.
"What kind ministrations have been his, as dear ones, for years, have
been about him! May his God reward them! The added years of association have given
them an opportunity accorded to few. He has not forgotten them. He is telling the
loved ones in the spirit world of the dear ones he has left in this one, and evermore
speaks of their love and care. What could we desire for him better than that which he
has obtained - inheritance among the redeemed? Immortality is his, in that city,
whose builder and maker is God."
The burial was at the family lot in Greenwood cemetery. There was a
short burial service and the choir sang a hymn. The active pall bearers were H.A.
Wood, J.R. Prestley, Capt. M.F. Kanan, W.R. Abbott, H.C. Dempsey and J.B. Burrows.
The honorary pall bearers were as follows: Lowber Burrows, D.S.
Shellabarger, Dr. H.C. Johns, L.L. Burrows, Capt. W.E. Bingham, W.J. Quinlan, J.
Millikin, E. McClellan, J.E.Bering, B.O. McReynolds, John R. Miller, D.C. Shockley,
H. Shlaudeman, W.H. Ennis, W.J. Chenoweth, H. Crea, J.R. Race, J.A. Harkrader, John
Ullrich, M. Elson, William H. Piatt.
Decatur Evening Republican, 29 Jul 1899
PEDDECORD, Ophelia W. (Oglesby)
Mrs. Ophelia W. Peddecord, wife of Hon. Jasper J. Peddecord, died last night at
8:45 o'clock at the family home, 226 North Franklin street, aged 77 years. The deceased had
been in poor health for a number of months, and much anxiety was felt, especially during the
past few weeks. She had been confined to her room since the holidays, owing to general
debility and the weight of years.
Ophelia W. Oglesby was born at Brownsboro, Ky., Jan 5, 1820, being the daughter
of Jacob Oglesby and Isabella Watson. The parents died in 1833 when the cholera swept over
that county and in 1836, accompanied by her brother, Richard J. Oglesby, afterward the
distinguished three times as governor of his adopted state, the deceased came to Illinois where
she had been preceded by some of her father's relatives. At Decatur on Nov. 8, 1837, she was
married to John S. Adamson and to them one son was born, Henry W. Adamson, who died in 1860.
Her husband died in 1840 and on Aug. 30, 1842, she was married to Jasper J. Peddecord, the
marriage ceremony being performed by Rev. W.S. Crissey, who is still remembered by some of the
older inhabitants of this city. To this union five children were born and all of them but one
are residents of Decatur. They are W.W. Peddecord, Mrs. J.H. Vennigerholz, Mrs. E.C. Rurode of
Ft. Wayne, Ind., Richard G. Peddecord and Mrs. V.P. Brandau. All of the children were with her
at the time of her death. The deceased had long been a member of the Methodist church and had
exemplified in her life the teachings of that faith.
Mrs. Peddecord, as stated, came to Illinois in 1836 and she knew Decatur when
there were very few people here. She has seen the place grow from a village to a town and a
city of nearly 30,000 inhabitants.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 19 Feb 1897
Woodford W. Peddecord, elder son of Hon. J.J. Peddecord, died at 9 o'clock
Friday morning, June 18, at the family residence on West Decatur street. He was 53 years
of age and is survived by his father, his wife, one brother, Richard G. Peddecord, and
three sisters, Mrs. Ernest Rurode of Fort Wayne, Ind., Mrs. Elizabeth Vennigerholz and
Mrs. Veletta Brandau of Decatur. He was a nephew of Hon. Richard J. Oglesby.
Mr. Peddecord had been a sufferer from dropsy for two years. A few months
ago he went to Grand Rapids, Mich., to try the mineral springs, but received no permanent
benefit and returned home about two months ago. He grew steadily worse and his death was
not unexpected.
W.W. Peddecord was born in Decatur, Oct. 12, 1843, and has been a resident
of this city ever since with the exception of two years, when he was in the railway mail
service between Toledo and New York city.
In September of 1862 he enlisted in the 115th Illinois Infantry and served
with distinction until the close of the war. He was adjutant on General Jesse Moore's
staff and at the close of the war he was commissioned major for valiant service. The
deceased was instrumental in organizing the first Grand Army post of the country and was
a charter member of old post No. 1.
March 12, 1879, he married Miss Elizabeth F. Mack of this city. The
ceremony was performed at the First Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Godwin officiating. He
was at one time associated with the furniture factory and served one term of justice of
the peace from 1892 until 1896. The funeral will be held from the residence at 5 o'clock
Sunday evening. Dunham post will have charge.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 19 Jun 1897
PEDDICORD, Elizabeth E.
Found Dead in Bed
Mrs. Elizabeth E. PEDDICORD was found dead in her bed at her home in Decatur
at 9:30 Wednesday morning. She had not been seen since Sunday, and it is thought she died
that night. That day she told one who lived in the same flat that she was troubled with asthma
and came near dying the night before. She was about 65 years old and was the widow of Woodford
W. PEDDICORD, a civil war veteran, and had lived in Decatur several years ago. A few months ago
she was injured while alighting from a street car and was awarded $700 damages.
Clinton Register, DeWitt Co., IL, Friday, 3 Jun 1910
Veteran Presbyterian Minister Led Life of Service In Decatur - Was Loved By All
Dr. William Hitt Penhallegon, for thirty-seven years a resident of Decatur, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church for twenty-four years and one of the most prominent ministers if
Illiois, died in the Decatur and Macon County Hospital shortly before 5 o'clock Friday afternoon (Oct 22).
Death came peacefully while he slept. He had been unconcscious for several hours.
Dr. Penhallegon had been a sufferer from heart trouble for several years but he had
learned how to keep from overtaxing his heart and he appeared to be in very good general health
when on Oct. 6 he went to the hospital for an operation for hernia. He went through the operation
nicely and but for the heart weakness he doubtless would have recovered in a short time. The shock
of the operation was too much for his weakened heart and he could make no permanent rally. He
expected to get well and while in the hosptial he spent much time making notes for sermons he
expected to deliver as supply pastor of the Presbyterian church in Urbana.
It became apparent Thursday, that death was near. Members of his family remained with
him throughout Thursday night and Friday. He rallied Friday and appeared very much improved but
the rally was temporary and he soon lapsed into unconsciousness and slept his lift away. About his
bedside when the end came were his wife and two daughters and his son, Everett Pehnallegon.
The body was removed to Dawson & Wikoff undertaking establishment and prepared
for burial.
Dr. Penhallegon came to the United States when a young man from Wales, England. He
was born near Land's End, Cornwall. He came to the United Stated in 1870, and his first idea was
to finish his education, which had been secured partly in private schools in the old country.
While still a student he married. Having decided to enter the ministry, it was only by the most
rigid economy and self sacrifice that he was able to support his family and continue his study.
He took an academic course at Park College, Mo., and gained the degree of M.A. and
later he was given the degree of D.D. by Blackburn university. He took a theological course at
McCormick seminary and was licensed to preach in 1875 by the Chicago presbytery.
Dr. Penhallegon held only three pastorates during his ministry. His first charge was
at Braidwood, where he remained four years and where he was instrumental in building a church.
From there he went to Kansas on frontier on frontier mission work, and while at Wilson, Kan., in
1877 built a church there. He was called back to Braidwood by the church and returned, and during
the second pastorate built a parsonage. In 1881 he received a call to Streator, where he remained
until 1889, when he received the call to Decatur. At Streator he also built a new church, and
the same thing was true of his Decatur pastorate. A new church on every field is a record not
made by many miniters.
The church at Decatur, when it was without a pastor in 1889, looked for a long time
before it found what it considered the right man, but after Dr. Penhallegon was secured it had no
doubt but that it had found the right one.
The committee which had been named to select a pastor, James Millikin, C.A. Ewing,
and D.H. Hellman, considered all the application received, and turned them all down, then went
out to look for someone. After many inquiries they heard of a young minister in Streator who had
given general satisfaction and the committee went to Streator to hear him. They slipped into
town Saturday night. Early Sunday morning they separated and each one asked where was the best
place to go to church. The unanimous reply they got was "Park Presbyterian." They dropped into
church there singly, in order not to attract attention, heard the pastor at both the morning and
evening services, and found they were of one mind in regard to giving him a call to come to Decatur.
It was only after long and thoughtful consideration that Dr. Penhallegon accepted
the call to Decatur, but he did eventually, and came here, beginning his work Sept. 2, 1889.
For twenty-four years Dr. Penhallegon was the beloved leader of the Decatur congregation.
During that time the church made great advance both numerically and financially. When Dr.
Penhallegon came the church had an old dilapidated building on the present site of the Y.M.C.A.
The new pastor never preached in that building. The new opera house had just been dedicated, and
the congregation took a lease on it, holding its Sunday services there for two years, using the
old building for Sunday school and mid-week services only. During the second year of Dr. Penhallegon's
pastorate the work of erecting the present church building was undertaken and completed. It was
erected at a cost of about $35,000. It was also during Dr. Penhallegon's pastorate that the two
chapels, College street and Westminster, were built, and a new parsonage was also erected.
During his twenty-four years pastorate, Dr. Penhallegon conducted ninety-six
communion services, at all of which new members were received, the smallest number being five and
the largest 200.
It was in March 1913, that Dr. Penhallegon resigned the pastorate of the Decatur
church. At that time he was the dean of Decatur ministers. He conducted his last service as
pastor in June, and was presented a silver coffee set and a purse of gold by his congregation.
Various other ministers of the city assisted in the farewell service and spoke highly of the
esteem in which Dr. Penhallegon was held by the other churches of Decatur.
He continued his active membership in the Springfield presbytery until September 1922,
when he made his request to be placed on the retired list. He had been a member of the presbytery
for thirty-one years.
In 1922, when Decatur was without a pastor Dr. Penhallegon served for a time as the
acting pastor.
Dr. Penhallegon was active not only in the Springfield presbytery but in the Illinois
synod. He was for many years chairman of the Home Mission committee in the presbytery and
chairman of the synod's committee on home missions. At the time of his resignation as pastor
he was invited to become superintendant of the board of home misisons and church extension of the
synod, but declined the position. He represented the presbytery at the general assemblies of the
church a number of times and served as chairman of some of the general committees. In 1924 he
was appointed as commissioner of the World Alliance of Churches holding the Presbyterian system.
Dr. Penhallegon was in great demand as a speaker on puclic occasions, and as
laying of cornerstones, dedication ceremonies, and the like. He was unusually successful at
raising funds for building new churches and paying off old debts. He delivered the address at
the cornerstone laying of the James Millikin university, and gave the dedicatory address when the
Conservatory of Music was dedicated in November, 1913.
He filled various positions of trust outside his own church. He was always active
in the Decatur Ministerial association and served as president at different times. He was the
first president of the Macon County Ministerial union when it was organized. For years he served
as a member of the official board of the Kemerer orphans' home at Assumption, and was president
of that board. In 1915 he was appointed a member of the Decatur library board.
While Dr. Penhallegon's greatest work was as a minister, he was largely identified
with educational and business interests, which brought him into contact with all classes of men.
It was that contact which gave him which gave him a profound knowledge of humanity, a knowledge
which developed as the years went by. He was recognized by everyone as a keen thinker, a
broadminded minister, a man of positive views, and a diplomat. He was always busy, always kindly,
always generous. His popularity as a speaker was great. It was always Dr. Penhallegon who was
called upon to make the address of welcome to a new minister coming to the city, or to speed the
parting one.
The bitter struggles of his early days put him in close touch with the toiler. He
himself said those early struggles were of great advantage to him. He tried to reach the people
through the practical side of life rather than to appeal to their sentiments and emotions.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at the first Presbyterian
church. The body will be placed temporarily in the Brownback mausoleum in Greenwood cemetery.
Dr. Penhallegon was connected with the James Millikin university since its beginning
and was president of the board of trustees at the time of his death. He was long a trustee of
Winona college and Blackburn college. As a trustee of the estate of James Millikin he had much
to do with the many gifts from that fund made in Decatur.
Decatur Daily Review, 23 Oct 1926
PENNYPACKER, Nellie (Atteberry)
Born: 14 Jul 1879 near Macon, Macon Co.
Died: 16 Nov 1959 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Maroa Cem.
Parents: Thomas and Julie Atteberry
Married: Preston Pennypacker, Groves City, Oct. 10, 1898
Survivors: daughters; Mrs. Aileene Burton, Decatur; Mrs. May Danaha, Phoenix, Ariz.; Mrs.
Martha Pollette, South Gate, Calif.; sons; Enos, Decatur; Oliver, Wince and Jack; sister - Mrs. Cree Kammeron
Born: 26 Jan
Died: 29 Jun 1946
PENWELL, Dana Genevieve
Dana Genevieve Penwell, wife of Harry D. Penwell, 2600 North Broadway, died at 4:50 o'clock
Saturday morning at St. Mary's hospital. She would have been twenty-one years old in December. Her death
was due to a complication of diseases.
Mrs. Penwell was born near Mulberry Grove, Dec. 11, 1904. She is survived by her husband
ahd her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Taylor, and two brothers, Robert and Morris Taylor, both of Decatur.
She was a member of the Free Methodist church.
The body was removed to the Moran & Sons undertaking establishment and prepared for
Decatur Review, 12 Sep 1925
At half-past seven o'clock last evening, R.L.Perry, a well-known citizen of Fifth Ward,
died at his home on East Eldorado Street, surrounded by his family and friends. Six weeks
ago he was taken ill with a severe hemorrhage of the lungs which developed into typhoid
pneumonia. His condition was alarming from the heginnint of his illness, and members of
the family who were agsent from home were summoned to his bedside. He rallied, however,
and a few weeks ago the hopes of the family were raised and his recovery was hoped for but
only for a brief spell, for he was taken with a serious relapse, which he had not the power
to combat with. Yesterday morning at eleven o'clock he experienced a congestive chill, and
then the faithful and loving members of his family who had watched with tender solicitude
at his bedside, were made to feel that the end was drawing near. His last moments were made
as happy and comfortable as possible.
R.L.Perry was born on May 7th, 1826, in the town of Lee, Oneida county, New York,
and was therefore in the sixty-second year of his age. He was the oldest of seven children;
and when fifteen years old learned the trade of a cabinet maker. When only twenty-one years
old he was made foreman of a large shop at Rome, New York: Afterwards he entered the pattern
shops of the Syracuse and Utica railroad, now a part of the New York Central, and a few months
later wass transferred to the company's shop at Oneida. He was not put in charge of a gang of
trackmen and for years was the roadmaster of the New York Central Company, a position he also
held with the Delaware, Lackawana and Western road. He was eighteen years with these two
companies and under his skillful direction much of the track of these great roads was laid.
He left the New York Central company in 1867, removing to Decatur to take charge of the
division of the Wabash between Danville and St. Louis, including the Edwardsville branch,
making in all one hundred and ninety-one miles. Under his care the road was put in a condition
equal to the hest in the country. After coming to Decatur and holding the position of division
road master for a number of years he was general roadmaster, of the Wabash system, a position
he held with credit to himself, until he retired about two years ago. The deceased was thrice
married. His first marriage was to Catherine R. Tanner, of Amsterdam, New York, in March 1848.
She died at Syracuse in 1854. His second wife was Julia F. Bush, of Scranton, Pennsylvania,
who died in this city, in 1870. On June 24th, 1873 he was married to Henrietta Dunham, of
Decatur, who now survives him. He was the father of ten children, seven of whom are now living,
as follows: Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. James Park, Mrs. Harry Snarr, Azel Perry and Annie Perry, of
Decatur and Mrs. J.D. Shaffer, wife of the Wabash ticket agent at Springfield. In politics Mr.
Perry was a democrat, but voted for Abraham Lincoln in1864.
Since his removal to Illinois the deceased has always made Decatur his home, and during
his residence here he has won the esteem of all his fellow citizens. By his industrious habits
he acquired considerable property. As a railroad man Mr. Perry had few equals and it may be
said of him by his simply signifying his desire he could have rentered the services of any
company that ever employed him. His acquaintance with the leading railroad men of the country
was very extensive, and they have always entertained the highest opinion of his ability. Socially
he was a general favorite. His uniformaly happy disposition won him hosts of friends with other
than cheery words. He was known only to be loved and admired, and his loss will be deeply felt
by the entire community. He was an energetic and worthy citizen and always took an active part
in the welfare of the city. Although frequently importuned to enter the service of the city in
an official capacity, he always refused, but was always active in every move which he believed
to be for the best interests of the people, who now extend to his afflicted family their
heartfelt sympathy. The time of the funeral has not been set, but will be announced tomorrow.
Mr. Perry was an honored member of Beaumanoir Commandery, Knight Templars.
PERSINGER, Leona C. (Harkrader)
Born: 7 Jun 1881
Died: 25 Jan 1967 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Maroa Cem, Maroa, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Isaac A. and Paulina A. (Young) Harkrader
Married: 8 March 1905 in Macon Co, IL to Rolland E. Persinger
Children: Roberta
Born: 23 Sep 1870 in Maroa, Macon Co, IL
Died: 16 Apr 1947
Buried: Maroa Cem, Maroa, Macon Co, IL
Parents: John N. and Sarah B. (Beck) Persinger
Married: 8 Mar 1905 in Macon Co, IL to Leona C. Harkrader
Children: Roberta
PETERS, Laura E. (Florey)
Died: 15 Jul 1923 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Alfred Peterson, a carpenter, died at 9:25 p.m., Sunday, March 27, at St.
Mary's hospital. His death was caused by hermatoma. He had been sick for five weeks.
He was 58 years old. The body will be taken to Kirkpatrick, Ind., today for burial.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 29 Mar 1898
PETERSON, Elizabeth (Austin)
Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson, 62, died at 7:15 o'clock Wednesday morning in her home at
699 East North street. Mrs. Peterson had been seriously ill for the past six months and had been
in failing health for almost five years.
Mrs. Peterson had lived in Decatur until two years ago, when she moved to Bloomington.
She was formerly Mrs. Benjamin Kurtz. She was a member of the Church of God.
Elizabeth Austin was born April 2, 1965, in Mt. Auburn. She leaves her husband and
five children, Raymond Kurtz, Mrs. C.E. Widick, Chris Kurtz, Earl Kurtz, all of Decatur, and
Sam Kurtz, Bloomington. She also leaves a brother, William Austin, Bloomington, a sister, Mrs.
Emma Witt, Niantic, a half-brother, Joe Johnson, Boody, a half-sister, Mrs. Vine Kissell, Decatur,
and six grandchildren.
The body was taken to Moran & Sons' undertaking establishment and prepared for
burial. Funeral arrangements had not been made Wednesday afternoon.
Decatur Herald, 25 Jan 1928
DECATUR - Geneva Peterson, 94, Decatur, died Saturday (March 31, 2007).
Arrangements incomplete: Moran & Goebel Funeral Home.
Herald & Review (Decatur), 1 Apr 2007
Submitted by: Kathy Ikeda
PHARO, Henrietta
Mrs. Henrietta Pharo, age seventy four and a member of one of the pioneer families of
Decatur, died at the family home at 1203 West Main Street, Monday afternoon at 2:10 o'clock.
Mrs. Pharo has been an invalid for about nine years, having been confined to her bed for the
last years. Mrs. Pharo was the daughter of Dayton and Marella Dunham, pioneer settlers of
Decatur, and a sister of Amos Dunham for whom Dunham Post of the G.A.R. was named.
Mrs. Pharo was an active member and faithful worker in the Womans Relief Corps until her
illness prevented her from going about. The high esteem in which she was held there was shown
by her having served as president of the W.R.C. in 1910. She was also a member of the O.E.F.
and of the First Methodist church which she joined at the age of fifteen. She was also a
faithful church worker all her life. Henrietta Pharo was born in a log cabin at what was
known as the Dunham place west of Decatur, on October 20, 1851 . Although at the time of her
birth, her home was west of Decatur, it was approximately at the place on West Main Street
where she lived at the time of her death, opposite James Millikin University, old timers recall.
She has passed her entire live in macon county. She was twice married, First to Robert L. Perry,
on June 24, 1873. Two children being born to them and both dying in infancy. R.L. Perry died
Jan 28, 1886. Mrs. Perry was then married to Isaac Pharo on ____,1894. He preceded her in death
dying on October 6, 1915. Mrs. Pharo is survived by one brother and two sisters, Henry D.
Dunham, 975 West Eldorado Street; Mrs. Sarah E. Daly, 1177 West Main street and Mrs. C.E.
Bullard, 1083 West Eldorado Street.
Mrs. Pharo was an honored resident of Decatur not only because of her own activities here
but because of the standing of her father and mother years ago. Her father Dayton Dunham came
to Macon County when he was 22 years of age and he and her brother Amos both went to the front
in 1861, with the Eighth Ill Vol. Inf. Both of them fell at Fort Donelson. The son was killed
and the father injured beyond military service or labor after his honorable discharge in 1862.
Amos was said to have been the first or among the first Macon county men to fall in battle and
so the Local G.A.R. post was named in his honor.
The time of the funeral has not been determined and the family requests that no flowers be
Decatur Review, Tuesday, August 17, 1926
PHELAN, Michael
Michael Phelan, one of the oldest residents of the city died at 4 p.m.
Friday Nov. 22 at his home 607 West Macon street, aged 88 years. Old age was
the cause of death.
Mr. Phelan had lived in Decatur for the past fifty years and was
widely known. He was a native of Ireland and came to this country in 1848 and
settled in Milwaukee. About two years later he came to Decatur and has since
made his home here.
Mr. Phelan built a log house on the land which now is the 600 block
on West Macon street and later when a street was opened he built the frame house
where he has since resided.
For half a century Mr. Phelan witnessed the growth of Decatur from
a little village to a city. He at one time owned a large amount of property in
the west part of the city. Many years ago Mr. Phelan was employed by the late
Captain Allen at his place south of the city. For the past twenty years he has
lived a retired life. He was a prominent member of St. Patrick's Catholic
Mr. Phelan's wife died many year ago. He was the father of ten
children, five of whom are now living. They are Mr. J. Foley of Bloomington,
John Phelan of Independence, Kan., Mrs. Catherine Connaghan, and Michael
Phelan, Jr., of Niantic and Miss Margaret Phelan of Chicago. All are in
Decatur except Mrs. Foley of Bloomington, who will be unable to come on
account of illness in her family.
Funeral services will be held at 9 o'clock in the morning at
St. Patrick's Catholic church. Father Murphy will officiate.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 22 Nov 1901
The funeral of Adam Phillips will be held at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at the
family residence, 503 South Hawthorn avenue. The interment will be in Salem cemetery.
Decatur Review, 2 Jul 1922
PHILLIPS, Pearl A. (Greenfield)
Pearl A. Greenfield was born in Macon county November 18th, 1871 and departed
this life April 23rd, 1918 at the age of 46 years, five months and five day.
She was married to John R. Phillips March 12th, 1890. To this union two children,
Berny and Lester were born.
About the year 1895 Mrs. Phillips became a Christian, uniting with the United
Brethren church at Prairie Hall. After moving to Findlay, she took membership in the
Christian Church, having been a Charter Member, and has continued an active ernest Christian.
The departed was also a Charter Member of Lynn-Wood Camp No. 4336 Royal
Neighbors of America of Findlay.
Sister Phillips leaves besides the husband and two sons, one brother, George
Greenfield of Casner, and one sister, Mrs. Goldie Knotts of Kirkwood, Missouri. There
are a host of more distant relatives and friends who will mourn their loss.
The departed made a long and hard fight for life, but in spite of the best available
medical service, and the ministration of friends and loved ones, she fought in vain.
The body of W.L. Phillips, who died Thursday night at the Mayo (ros.?)
sanatorium in Rochester, Minn., arrived in Decatur Saturday morning and was removed
to the Dawson & Wikoff undertaking establishment and later taken to the family
home, three miles south of Decatur. The funeral will be held at 1:30 o'clock Sunday
afternoon at the Bethlehem church. The burial will be in the Salem cemetery.
Born in Logan county Feb. 19, 1856, Mr. Phillips came to Macon county
when a small boy and has lived here ever since. The last thirty-five years was spent
on the farm south of Decatur. He is survived by his wife, Lena A. Phillips, and two
sons, Cletus H. Phillips and Carl E. Phillips of Peoria, and two brothers, Charles F.
Phillips, southwest of Decatur, and Oliver Phillips of St. Louis.
Decatur Review, 26 Jan 1924
PIPER, Sarah J.
Died on Saturday morning, the 19th inst. Mrs. Sarah J. Piper, consort of Mr. E.A.
Piper, daughter of James and Elizabeth Quary, of this city, leaving a disconsolate husband and
six young children.
The death of this most excellent lady calls for more than a passing notice: she was
born and reared in our midst where she has always lived; she was the third white female born in
Macon county. She was born in a log cabin which used to stand on the corner now occupied by the
hardware establishement of Close, Griswold & Co. The cabin was built by her grandfather, the
late P.D. Williams, Esq., of logs cut and hewn by that noted pioneer John Hanks, Esq. She was
reared by her parents on their farm on the east side of this city where she was married in 1854.
Who of the older citizens does not recollect the bright and beautiful Sallie Quary, not only in
childhood, but also when a girl and a young lady, as being always the attraction of her circle?
and of later years, who does not remember the amiable and devoted mother, and affectionate wife,
Mrs. Piper? But alas, she now lies low in death; whilst her spirit is among the bright and
shining lights of Heaven. She was an obedient and dutiful child, a loving sister, a fond,
devoted mother, and a loving and true wife. The loss to her family cannot be filled. All that
who knew her will feel it is a privilege to drop a tear to her memory.
After it was evident to her attending physician that she could not recover, he so
informed her husband, who thought it his duty to communicate the fact to her. At first she could
not realize it, but after a short reflection, said "Let God's will be done; although I would
rather live for my family's sake, yet I have no right to complain." Although she did not die
in the faith of any religious denomination, yet death had no terrors; for she fully believed in
a future existence and had faith in her God and Saviour. She then made some request concerning
her family and quietly breathed her last in full hope of a blessef immortality. Who among the
many that knew her, but that say, let my last hours be as hers.
Decatur Republican, 24 December 1868
PISELL, Infant
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pisell, lving two miles and a half south
of the city died Wednesday evening, August 23. The funeral was held Friday at 9 a.m. at the
residence. The burial was at Greenwood cemetery.
Weekly Herald Despatch, 26 August 1893
PISELL, Kenneth
Born: 22 Jul 1923
Died: 14 Dec 1954 in Los Angeles, CA
Buried: Graceland Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: James E. Pisell
Married: 25 Dec 1946 to Vivian Ilene Beaman
Children, Kenneth, Terry
Clara, the 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pistorius, died yesterday
at their home near Boody of heart disease. The funeral will be held from the German Methodist
church at Boody at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 6 Nov 1892
Retired Farmer Came Here From Near Boody
Henry Pistorius died at 1:15 Saturday afternoon at St. Mary's hospital. He
was 67 years of age. Mr. Pistorius was a retired farmer, coming here from near Boody. His
home is at 1383 West Main street. He leaves a number of relatives. The funeral arrangements
are not yet made.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 11 Dec 1909
The funeral of Henry Pistorius will be held at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the German
Methodist church near Boody. A short service will be held at the residence, 1085 West Main street,
Decatur, at 10 o'clock Tuesday monring. The interment will be at the German cemetery near Boody.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 13 Dec 1909
Henry Pistorius Left It Among His Papers - Is Found by Family
It is not often that a man writes his own obituary notice. Henry Pistorius,
who died recently at St. Mary's hospital, was one of the few. The following was written by
Mr. Pistorius the morning of the day he was taken from his home in the hospital and was found
by his family after his death:
BORN IN 1842
I was born on the 28th of May, 1842, in Wasbeck Fuerstenthum, Walbeck, Germany.
I emigrated to this country and landed at Boody, Ill., in December, 1865. I was united in
marriage to Sophia Miller April 6, 1869. Immediately after we moved to Bement, Ill. In 1878
we moved back to Boody, where I lived until 1908, when with my family I removed to Decatur.
Into our family were born eight children, six daughters and one son. One daughter
died in childhood. The remaining children are Mrs. James Eaton and Mrs. Birl Whitby of Boody
and the Misses Amelia, Ada, Edna and Lennie and A.W. Pistorius of Holliday, Mo. Seven grandchildren
and one brother also survive.
I was converted in the beginning of the year 1866 and God gave me a full and
overflowing measure of his grace and love in a new heart. I was filled with praise and
thanksgiving. Since that time I have tried to serve the Lord and the church of my choice
with all the strength God has given me. Today I feel thankful for the many blessings God has
given me. He has lef me in a wonderful way and made all things well, praise be to his holy
"Jesus, Lover of my soul
Let me to they bosom fly;
While the nearer waters roll,
While the tempest still is high.
"Other refuge have I none,
Hangs my helpless soul on thee:
Leave, O leave me not alone.
"All my trust on Thee is stayed,
All my help from Thee I bring;
Cover my defenceless head
With the shadow of thy wing."
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
The Daily Review (Decatur), 20 Dec 1909
PISTORIUS, Sophia Louise (Miller)
Came to United States From Germany With Her Parents at Age of 18
Mrs. Sophia Louise Pistorius, 1383 West Main street, died Thursday morning at
6 o'clock in the home. She was born in Hanover, Germany, June 11, 1846, and came to the United
States with her parents at the age of 18. She married Henry Pistorius of Boody and since 1908
has been living in Decatur.
She was a member of the First Methodist church. She is survived by the following
children: Mrs. Lydia Eaton, of Stonington, A.W. Pistorius, and Mrs. Bertha Whitby, of
Carlinville, Mrs. Edna Merritt, Amelia Pistorius, Ada Pistorius, and Lennie Pistorius, all
of Decatur.
Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the First
Methodist church. Burial will be in Zion cemetery, near Boody. The body was taken to
Dawson & Wikoff.
Decatur Evening Herald, 3 Feb 1927
POOR, James
The remains of James Poor, who died at Carthage, Ill., yesterday, were brought
to this city this morning. The deceased was thirty-two years old and leaves a wife and
child living in Decatur. The funeral will be held sometime tomorrow.
The funeral will be held tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the home of J.M. Poor on Stone
street. The services will be conducted by Rev. J.A.F. King and the burial will take place
at the Spangler cemetery.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 28 May 1896
POOR, John
The funeral of the late Constable John Poor will take place at 1 o'clock p.m. Sunday,
April 21, from East Park Chapel, on East Prairie street, conducted by Rev. J.D. Jordan, of the
Baptist church. The burial will be at the Spangler cemetery, east of the city. All but one of
the children have arrived. A daughter in Kansas cannot reach the city in time for the service.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 20 Apr 1895
The funeral of the late Constable John Poor took place Sunday afternoon from the
East Park Baptist Chapel in the presence of a large number of neighbors and friends. The
officiating clergyman was the Rev. John D. Jordan. The burial was in the Spangler cemetery
east of the city. The pallbearers were Constables W.W. Connard, Harry midkiff and J.W.
Kirkbride, Justice W.W. Peddecord, H.F. Dillehunt and J.E. Murray.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 22 Apr 1895
POWELL, Anneta (Goodpasture)
Died: 13 Sep 1978 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Graceland Cem.
Parents: Thomas & Ada Goodpasture
Married: 15 Apr 1916 to Harl V. Powell
POWELL, Harl "Hi" Vance
Born: Franasco, IN
Buried: Graceland Cem, Decatur
Parents: Charles & Zilphia Powell
Married: 15 Apr 1916 to Annetta Goodpasture
POWERS, Orlando
Orlando Powers, One of Decatur's Best Known Citizens Pays the Debt of Nature
End Came At 12:50 PM
Peacefully Passed Away Surrounded by His Three Children
The death of Orlando Powers at 12:50 p.m. Tuesday removed from this community a man
who had earned the respect not only of those who knew him personally but to a large extent that of
the entire people of Decatur and Macon county, of those who knew him only by reputation. Although
it was known to some that he was critically ill, that his advanced age and and generally exhausted
physical system were impassable barriers to his recovery, the news of his death was in a measure
a surprise to a great many persons who were unaware that the state of his health was any more
precarious than it had been for the past year.
Mr. Powers was ninety years of age on the 21st day of May just passed and at that
time the Herald made extended notice of his life. His death was due to a general breaking down,
complicated with kidney trouble, his last illness extending over a period of three weeks. When
the final summons came he was surrounded by his children, Charles G. Powers, Howard Powers, and
Mrs. Charles Kearney, his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles G. Powers, and his physician, Dr. John
T. Miller. The end was painless. For twenty-four hours preceding his death he had been unconscious
and for forty-eight hours prior to that he had been only semi-conscious. Three weeks ago when he
was seized with fainting spells he realized he was facing the beginning of the end, and sent for
his only daughter, Mrs. Kearney.
In 1893 Mr. Powers experienced a stroke of paralysis and again in the winter of 1901,
while in California, he experienced another slight stroke. Despite this affliction he retained to
a large extent his physical vigor while his mentality, almost to the last, was as keenly active as
it had ever been.
Although a man of medium stature, Mr. Powers was blessed with a strong constitution.
While he was not a man of robust health, his exemplary habits, his methodical plans of living and
his close obedience to the laws of nature enabled him to harbor his strength and insured to him
the privilege of rounding out a useful life far in excess of the years usually allotted to mankind.
The three children mentioned survive him. He had but one other child, Miss Alice
Powers, who died April 28, 1878.
The funeral services will be held at the family residence on West Decatur street,
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The services will be conducted by Rev. Dr. D.C. Marquis of
Chicago, assisted by W.H. Prestley, both former pastors of the Presbyterian church of this city.
The Powers building will be closed during the services to enable employes to attend the funeral.
Traveled on Primitive Boats and on the Earliest Railway Trains
Orlando Powers was born near Chariton, N.Y., May 21, 1812, and took advantage of
such schooling as offered in that early day. When sixteen years of age he started on a coasting
vessel for Cuba, to join his brother, William, who had gone to Havana as the representative of an
eastern commercial house. The schooner Helen on which he embarked was wrecked and Mr. Powers,
along with Captain Tucker and eleven sailors, drifted for eleven days on the helpless hulk,
experiencing all the horrors of the shipwreck. They were picked up by the French brig La Rochelle
and taken to Bordeaux, where Mr. Powers met an English gentleman, who enabled him to return to his
home in this country where he had long since been mourned as dead.
Shortly after his return he sailed for a second time to the south, going to Mobile,
Ala., where he engaged in business with his brothers, and his brother-in-law, Chauncey Wilkinson.
In 1847 he followed his brothers, George and Samuel, to this city, making the long trip on
horseback. From the time of his arrival he made his home in Decatur until 1874, when he removed
to Jacksonville, residing there for ten years while his children were being educated. He returned
to Decatur in 1884 and has resided here since.
In the early days, Mr. Powers operated a grist mill, later conducted a shoe store and
at one time had the only set of abstract books in the county. He invested largely in farming
lands and as years went by increased his holdings until he was one of the largest owners of
farming land in the county.
In speaking of Mr. Powers while living the Herald of May 21st said: "Although the
name is as well known as any man in Decatur, and he has been actively identified with this city
for half a century, he is not personally known to the majority of the citizens of Decatur. This
fact is not due to any exclusive ideas that he entertains, because he is one of the most approachable
and comapionable of men, but to his modest and retiring disposition. His greatest happiness has
been found, not so much in building in splendid fortune that his keen business foresight and
excellent judgment enabled him to amass, as in the rearing of his family of children who bear his
untarnished name with credit to themselves and honor to their father.
"Decatur owes much to Mr. Powers. Years ago he gave to Macon county the block of
ground where the jail and courthouse now stand, the land having been given with the understanding
that it was to be used for a site when the courthouse was built. As a consistent member of the
First Presbyterian church he has always been a large and generous contributor. The beautiful opera
house in which the city has a just pride is due entirely to him. In 1889, when we had nothing
but the Smith opera house on North Water street, and there seemed to be no hope of anything
better, Mr. Powers, without any preliminary talk, ordered work commenced on the maginificent play
house bearing his name. This came about through ineffectual attempts to build an auditorium. He
concluded that the city was entitled to a first class theatre and gave it, knowing at the time
that from a business standpoint it would not be a very profitable investment. The house cost him
$85,000, and when it was partially destroyed by fire in the fall of 1895 he put men at work as
soon as the timbers had cooled and had it rebuilt for a reopening in February 1896. Possibly no
investment he made has given him so much enjoyment. Prior to building the house theatricals did
not interest him. Since then he has become a confirmed frequentor of the theatre. Farce comedy
and light opera entertain him more than any other branch of the theatrical art."
The magnificent Powers block, with its modern equipment, will long stand as a
monument to Mr. Powers, but nothing that he has done will so long keep his memory fresh in the
minds of the people as the opera house. In erecting this building he has been the cause of
diffusing more happiness and real enjoyment than by any other means he could have employed. Few
who have seen his kindly and modest face night after night in the box, have failed to silently
thank him for the erection of the play house where a tired and care-worn people could turn at
least temporarily forget their troubles. It was through this opera house that the people of
Decatur for the past twelve years came to know Mr. Powers by sight, for prior to that time he was
a man who appeared but little in public.
Above and beyond these evidences of material wealth, more priceless to his children
than the fortune he amassed there arises an invisible monument to which they turn and point with
pride - the name of Orlando Powers - spotless and unsmirched by any dishonorable deed.
Decatur Herald, 2 July 1902
PRATHER, Amanda (Oglesby)
Death of Mrs. Henry Prather this Forenoon at the St. Nicholas Hotel
One of Decatur's most estimable Christian women, Mrs. Amanda Prather, died this forenoon at 11 o'clock,
in her apartments at the St. Nicholas Hotel, after a painful illness of about five days duration. Mrs. Prather
had been in bad health for the past 10 years, being troubled with a combination of diseases which baffled the
skill pf tje best physicians. Her recent attack was not considered alarming until Saturday, when her relatives
in the city and more intimate friends gathered about her, ministering attentively to her every spoken and
unspoken wish, and remained with her up to the time of her death. She was a devout member of the Episcopal
church, and a few minutes before she breathed her last her pastor, Rev. W.H. Moore, was at the bedside of the
dying, and commended the departing spirit to Him who gave it, in the usual form of the church.
The remains of the deceased will be removed from the St. Nicholas this evening, and taken to the
residence of Mr. J.J. Peddecord, on Franklin street, where they will remain until the arrangements for the funeral
are completed. Mrs. Peddecord, who went to Baltimore, Md., some days ago with her husband on a visit to their
daughter, has been notified by telegraph of the sudden death of her sister, but she cannot arrive until Wednesday
morning at the earliest.
Mrs. Amanda Oglesby Prather was born in Oldham county, Kentucky, in 1819, and was therefore about
62 years of age at the time of her death. She came to Decatur in 1836, and in 1838 she became the wife of the
Hon. Henry Prather, who met a tragic death by being thrown from a buggy during the excitement attending a false
alarm of fire in the first ward in August, 1869. She was the eldest sister of our fellow townsman, Ex Governor
Oglesby, Mrs. J.J. Peddecord and Mrs. Wilson, who resides in Kentucky.
Mrs. Prather, has lived in Decatur for 45 years, and had many intimate friends among the older
people of this community, and hosts of acquaintances here and elsewhere who will be pained to learn of her
death. She lived a devoted christian life and was deeply attached to her bereaved brother and her nephew Robert.
Decatur Daily Republican, 21 Mar 1881
PRATHER, Ellen M. (Bohan)
DIED - On Sunday morning, at two o'clock, Mrs. Prather, consort of Judge Wm.
Prather, of this city. Mrs. Prather's death was the result of the burns received some
time since, by the upsetting of a Gas Lamp, which enveloped her person in flames, burning
her clothes completely off of her. Mrs. Prather leaves a large circle of friends to mourn
her loss. An estimable lady, snatched from the bosom of a loving family and endeared friends,
almost without warning.
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 30 Oct 1856
Death of an Old Citizen
Last Monday evening, about 7 o'clock, our citizens were alarmed by the cry of fire, from the
northeastern part of th city. A large crowd hurried towards the scene, spurred on by the horrible report that
the Agricultural Works were on fire. The frightened crowd, however, turned back as soon as it was discovered
that the only ground of the alarm arose from some burning grass or weeks, but not too soon to prevent a terrible
catastrophe, which resulted in the violent death of one of our most public spirited citizens. Among the hundreds
who were hurrying towards the supposed conflagration, were Billy Barnwell, Dan Brenneman and Capt. A. Toland.
They were riding in a two horse vehicle, and going at a pretty rapid rate, when one of the wheels of the buggy
came off. This let one side of the buggy down to the ground, threw the occupants from the vehicle, and frightened
the horses to such a degree that they started down Cerro Gordo street at a rapid rate. A short distance in
front of the runaway team was a one horse buggy, in which were seated Henry Prather, Esq., Mr. John Imboden and
Richard Newell, Jr. Not being able to get out of the way of the runaway team in time, one of the wheels of the
latter struck Mr. Prather's buggy, throwing it forward on the horse's legs, which frightened him so as to cause
him to make a short turn into Broadway, upsetting the buggy and throwing the occupants to the ground. Mr. Prather
was stunned by the fall, and before Mr. Imboden (who was only slightly bruised) could stop the horse he had
turned and passed over the prostrate body of Mr. Prather. The unfortunate man was picked up and carried into a
house near by, where it was discovered that his skull was broken, the brain oozing out of his left ear. He was
taken to the residence of his brother-in-law, J.J. Peddecord, Esq., where he remained in an insensible condition
for about an hour, when death ensued.
Mr. Prather was born in Montgomery county, Maryland, November 26, 1802, and was therefore nearly
sixty-seven years of age at the time of his death. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits in Philadelphia and
Washington City for several years prior to his removal to Illinois, which took place in 1834. He first settled
in Macoupin county, where he resided until 1837, when he came to Macon county in the capacity of surveyor, and
was engaged for some time in selecting and surveying lands for Philo Hale, one of the well-known pioneers of
Illinois. His first wife, who was a Miss Radcliff, died before he came to Decatur, and in 1838 he married Miss
Amanda Oglesby, the elder sister of Ex-Governor Oglesby, who still survives him. Soon after coming to Decatur, he
again engaged in the mercantile business, taking into partnership with him J.J. Peddecord, Esq., who afterward
married a younger sister of Mrs. Prather. This partnership, which proved to be a very successful one, and which
laid the foundation of the fortunes of both parties, continued until 1849, when Mr. Prather, accompanied by the
future Governor of Illinois, and a number of others who were attacked by the gold fever, started across the plains
for California, making the trip which now consumes about five days in ninety-five. He remained in California,
engaged in mining and merchandising, about two years, when he returned to Decatur. In 1852 he was chosen to
represent this district in the Illinois House of Representatives. He was afterwards engaged in the hardware trade,
in company with J.R. Gorin, Esq., but sold out in the year 1858, since which time he has devoted his attention to
speculations of different kinds, usually with success. At the time of his death he was an alderman from the
fourth ward, and ever since entering the city council has been considered one of the most active and public
spirited members of that body.
Mr. Prather has always been looked upon as one of our most enterprising citizens, and has done much
to advance the material interests of the city and county in which he has so long resided. Among the buildings
erected by him may be mentioned the Gazette building, the commodious business house occupied by Close,
Griswold & Co., the Seminary on Water street, the splindid residence now owned and occupied by Dr. Stapp, and
the tasty and substantial residence of Dr. Stoner. He was also one of the company which build the Revere House.
He labored faithfully and efficiently for the increase of our railroad facilities, and has always been foremost
in every enterprise which had for its object the building up and improving of our city.
In politics Mr. Prather was always a democrat, and was generally found in the lead of every movement
which looked towards the advancement of his party's interests. While taking an active part in political movements
he was ever tolerant of the opinions of others, and had many warm friends among those who thought and voted
differenly from himself.
For the last ten or twelve years the deceased has been a prominent member of the Episcopal Church,
and has aided all its interests with the utmost liberality. In all relations of life, Mr. Prather was eminently
a good citizen, and in his untimely death our community has sustained a loss which is keenly felt, whilst those
connected with him by the ties of relationship feel still more sensibly their terrible bereavement.
Decatur Republican, 2 Sep 1869
Imposing Ceremonies
The mortal remains of our late fellow citizen, Henry Prather, Esq., were followed to the grave last
evening by an immense concourse of people. Never before in the history of Decatur was there such a general
suspension of business on a similar occasion, nor never has our city witnessed such a funeral procession as that
which escorted the remains of our lamented fellow citizen to their last resting place. The funeral was advertised
to take place a 3 o'clock, but long before that hour had arrived, the street in front of the residence of J.J.
Peddecord, Esq., where the remains were lying in state, was thronged with vehicles and people. At three o'clock
the masonic fraternity, the mayor and city council, the fire department, and a large procession of citizens,
headed by the Decatur cornet band, arrived, and the body being placed in the hearse for procession took up the
line of march for the Episcopal Church, in the following order:
Tyler, with drawn sword
Stewards, with white rods
Master Masons
Senior and Junior Deacons
Secretary and Treasurer
Senior and Junior Wardens
Holy Writings
Pall Bearers - BODY - Pall Bearers
Knights Templar C. G. E. C. R. E. G. C. P. E. C. G.
Members of the City Press
Mayor and City Council
Fire Department
Judges and Officers of the Courts
Citizens in carriages
Citizens on horseback
Citizens on foot
The route was north on Franklin street to Eldorado, west on Eldorado to Water, south on Water to
the church. All along the way the streets were lined with spectators, and on arriving at the church a large
crowd was found in waiting.
The services at the church could not be participated in by but a very small portion of the vast
assemblage, at least nine-tenths of the people remaining patiently in the yards and on the sidewalks in the
vicinity. Being unable to get into the church, we cannot tell much of the character of the services, but learn
that they were solemn and impressive throughout. The sermon, by Rev. T.N. Morrison, D.D., of Bloomington, is
said to have geen an effort of great ability, full of instruction and interest. At the close of the services the
procession re-formed, and observing the same order as above described, took up the line of march toward Greenwood
Cemetery, going south on Water street to East Main, thence west to the Old Square, thence south on South Main to
the cemetery. The appearance of the streets along the route was such as is seldom seen on a funeral occasion.
Business of all kinds was suspended, and the sidewalks were thronged with people; the solemn strains of the dead
march played by the band; the slow and measured tread of the Knights Templar, who acted as the funeral escort;
the trappings of woe which were seen on every hand, - all these added to the solemnity of the occasion, and
seemed to fittingly bespeak the grief which was so generally felt. Of course any estimate of the length of the
procession or the number of people who participated in the funeral obsequies could not more than approximate the
real figueres, but it is not too much to say that the procession was by far the largest ever seen in Decatur and
that it was certainly more than a mile in length.
Arriving at the cemetery, large numbers were found waiting, and the crowd around the grave was so
dense as to defy any but the most persistent effortos to penetrate it. The grave, which is in the lot, so
tastefully ornamented by the deceased himself, being surrounded by mourners and the masonic fraternity, the
beautiful and impressive burial service of the Episcopal Church was read, after which the more impsoing ceremonies
of the ancient and honorable order of Free Masons were performed, and the earth then closed over the remains of
him whose memory will long be honored by the people amongst whom so many years of his life were spent.
Decatur Republican, 2 Sep 1869
PRATHER, William, Judge
Judge Prather died at his residence, east of this city, last Monday morning.
The funeral services took place at the Episcopal church, yesterday, at 10 o'clock. His
remainas were followed to Greenwood Cemetery by a large concourse of his old neighbors
and friends.
William Prather was born in Montgomery county, Md., near Rockville. About
the year 1836 he married Miss Rachel Ann, eldest daughter of the late Rev. James Smith,
and sister of Hon. T.O. and E.O. Smith, Esq., of this city. Shortly after this he moved
to Little Rock, Ark., and from there, in 1843, to this place. Soon after he became a citizen
of this county he was appointed, by Judge Treat, of this Judicial District, Circuit Clerk
of Macon county, and after the adoption of the constitution of 1848 he was elected to the
same office, which he held for four years, and at the same time was elected Judge of the
Probate Court of this county, which office he held some six or seven years. His first
wife died in 1847. He was subsequently twice married.
The deceased leaves a number of children, who will deeply deplore the loss
of a kind and affectionate father. He was warm-hearted, benevolent and generous man,
and in his death the community has lost a good citizen, one who was esteemed and respected
by all who knew him.
Decatur Review, 1 Sep 1870
PRATT, Daniel K.
NIANTIC, April 26, 1870
It is seldom that we are called upon to chronicle the death of an indivicual who has
always walked in the paths of obscurity. But occasionally there is one who requires something more
than a mere passing notice. Such is the case with our friend, Daniel K. Pratt, who departed this life
April 25, at the age of sixty-two years. Born in Argyle, New York, he emigrated to this state in
1843, residing for a number of years at Waukegan, but for the last 12 years was a resident of Niantic.
Having never aspired to political honors; never having his name brought into the military
or political arena, he lived a quiet, temperate, and we can safely say, a religious life. To the
writer of this, while conversing with him but a few days before his death upon the subject of life
beyond the grave, he remarked that he had but a day or two to stay at longest, but he had endeavored
to serve God accoring to the light set before him, so as to be prepared for the great event of
He was a man strictly honest in his dealings. With strong prejudices, he was a the same
time liberal towards those that differed from him. Being a member of the Christian church, and his wife
a member of the Methodist order, they still lived in harmony, therby setting an example to others worthy
of imitation. His funeral was largely attended. A very feeling address was delivered by the Rev.
James Shatzer, of Illiopolis. H.A.W.
Decatur Review, 28 Apr 1870
Miss Hattie E. Prescott Died at Noon Monday
Left a Note Saying It Was Not Her Fault
Miss Hattie E. Prescott, living at 845 East Orchard street, committed suicide
Monday by taking strychnine. Ill health is supposed to be the cause. Miss Prescott had
been a sufferer for six or seven years and several times when she had severe attacks of
stomach trouble said she would some day end her pain by taking poison.
No empty bottle or anything at all was left to indicate what poison had been
taken, but Dr. J.H. Eddy, who attended Miss Prescott said that there was no doubt but that
she had taken strychnine. Clara Prescott and lived with her mother and her brother, Harry
M. Prescott, treasurer of the Decatur Lumber and Manufacturing company.
She had a severe attack of illness one day last week, but the next morning was
better and was around the house. Sunday night she sat up until 9 o'clock and read and then
retired and arose again Monday morning. Her little nephew, Elmer Goreham, went to her room
about 8 o'clock Monday morning and found Miss Prescott lying on the bed, evidently suffering
great pain. Her arms were rigid and she was unable to speak. The boy at once alarmed the
family and Dr. Eddy was summoned and Mr. Prescott called home from his place of business.
The doctor worked with the patient, but was unable to save her live; she
died at noon.
Fastened in the bosom of her dress was a note which Miss Prescott had written.
It read as follows:
"It is not my fault. I am driven to it. I forgive everybody and have done
my best for all."
Members of the family say that there is no doubt that the continued ill health
and repeated attacks of severe stomach trouble caused Miss Prescott to taker her own life.
They believe that she was simply discouraged on account of the suffering she had undergone
at different times and dreaded a repetition of the same thing. The death was a severe shock
to the family, as the members thought she was feeling much better and they did not suspect
that she contemplated anything of the kind.
Miss Prescott was born in Manchester, N.H., and came to Decatur when she was
about 2 years old and had lived here ever since. She was a member of Grace Methodist church
and was well known among the members of that organization. She is survived by two sisters,
Mrs. Henry Ammann and Mrs. H.A. Goreham, both of Decatur, and three brothers, Harry M. Prescott,
treasurer of the Decatur Lumber and Manufacturing company; Walter A. Prescott, who is employed
by the firm, and William B. Prescott, who lives in Springfield.
The funeral will probably be held Tuesday afternoon.
Coroner Dawson will hold the inquest at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning at the residence.
Decatur Review, 30 Dec 1901
PRICE, Lowell Charles
DECATUR - Lowell Charles Price, 57, Decatur, Navy veteran and draftsman,
died Thursday (March 29, 2007). Memorial services: 6 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Dawson & Wikoff
West Wood Street Funeral Home. Visitation: two hours before services. Memorials: Lowell
Price Scholarship for Young Engineers at Richland Community College.
Herald & Review (Decatur), 1 Apr 2007
Submitted by: Kathy Ikeda
PRICE, William A. 
Funeral of William Price
This afternoon from the African M. E. Church the funeral of William Price, a well-known
colored citizen and veteran of Co. E. 29th Illinois Regiment, who passed away Sunday aged 75 years.
The services were conducted by Rev. J.S. Woods, and many old veterans were in attendance. Mr. Price
was born at Edwardsville, Ill., in 1817. He leaves two daughters and two sons. The burial was in
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 20 Sep 1892, pg. 3
Death of Mrs. Ex-Mayor Priest To-day
The announcement of the death of Mrs. A. Janes Priest, wife of Ex-Mayor
Priest, which occurred this forenoon at 9:55 o'clock at the family residence at No. 36
North Main street, will occasion no surprise to our readers. She has been troubled
with cancer of the right breast for about two and a half years, but did not begin
treating it until about a year ago. The deceased endured great pain during the past
few months, but bore up heroically through her severe illness, and died peacefully at
the time stated. Last Saturday she was able to leave her room and take tea with her
The deceased, whose maiden name was A. Jane Priest, was born in Littleton,
Middlesex county, Massachusetts, on May 6, 1825, and was therefore in the 58th year
of her age, which was the age at which her mother died. On March 27, 1856, she married
Ex-Mayor Franklin Priest, and took up her residence in Decatur, and here she has lived
continually ever since. She was the mother of two deceased children - Hattie, who died
at the age of seven months, and Master Attie L. Priest, who died in the 15th year of his
age after a short illness. She leaves a husband and three step-children - Mrs. Mary
O'Neill, of Chicago, who is now in the city, J.F. Priest and George R. Priest. A sister
of the deceased, Mrs. Sarah L. Adams of Littleton, Mass., and Miss Abbie S. Billings, of
the same place, arrived here last night. An only brother of the deceased, Mr. Joseph A.
Priest, resides at Littleton.
While a young woman Mrs. Priest united with the First Congregational
(Unitarian) church at Littleton, of which society she was a consistent member during
her lifetime. The deceased was a most excellent woman, who was known to most of the old
residents of Decatur, and also to many of those who are younger in years. She was a lady
of innumerable fine qualities of head and heart, gentle and kind to a fault in all words
and deeds. She was an active worked in the W.C.T.U., and was ever ready to give any good
work her hearty endorsement and personal assistance. While her husband was proprietor of
Priest's Hotel (now the New Deming) Mrs. Priest assumed the management of the affairs of
the house and proved herself a worthy helpmeet. Her death will be sincerely mourned by
hundreds of our people, who extend to the bereaved husband and relatives a full measure
of sympathy. The funeral will take place on Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
Decatur Daily Republican, 22 Mar 1883
PRIEST, George R.
At one o'clock on Sunday afternoon, after a brief illness, George R. Priest,
aged 35 years, 1 month and 26 days.
Deceased was the youngest son of Hon. Franklin Priest, one of the oldest and
most prominent citizens of Decatur. George had been feeling unwell for two or three days,
and on Saturday night he grew much worse, becoming delirious, and continuing so for several
hours. On Sunday morning he seemed better, and sank into what seemed to be a peaceful and
refreshing sleep, but which proved to be the sleep that knows no waking.
Geo. Priest was a young man of generous impulse, and his kindness of heart was
manifested on many occasions. Having lived in Decatur almost uninterruptedly for the past
thirty years, he had many friends who will sincerely mourn his death. He leaves a wife and
little daughter two years old, whose grief and sorrow cannot be expressed in words. The
funeral will take place from the family residence, No. 224 N. Main street, at one o'clock this
Decatur Review, 15 Jan 1884
The funeral of Mrs. William Pruett was held at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon at
the First Christian church. Many friends attended the services, which were conducted by Rev.
R.E. Henry. The music was furnished by Mrs. J. Whalen, Mrs. Roy Baker, Miss Walters, Mrs. J.
Howard Helmich was the accompanist. The flowers were in charge of Mrs. C.D. McMennamy, Mrs.
George Austin, Mrs. Jack O'Donnell, Mrs. M.N. Parrish, Mrs. R.D. Hill and Mrs. Nannie Frazee.
The pallbearers were E. Helms, A.G. Risley, R.D. Hill, M.N. Parrish, R.F. Sant, and C.C. Walters.
The interment was in Graceland cemetery.
Decatur Review, 1 Jul 1922
PUGH, Elsie (Traughber)
She Was Formerly Miss Elsie Traughber of Mt. Zion
A telegram was received today by Alva G. Wilson announcing the death of Mrs. Elsie Pugh
at Colfax, Wash. Death was caused by pneumonia.
Mrs. Pugh was formerly Elsie Traughber and was about 32 years old. She was born in
Mt. Zion and lived there during her girlhood. She was daughter of Henry Truaghber, who now lives at
Spokane, Wash. Her brother, Kenneth Traughber, has been making his home in Decatur.
The Traughber family moved to Spokane about twenty-two years ago. The mother died
about four years ago. Mrs. Pugh was the granddaughter of Mary O. Wilson, 960 Cleveland avenue.
Decatur Review, 5 Dec 1910
PUGH, Elvira (Gorin)
After an Illness of a Few Days She Passes Away
Mrs. Elvira E. Pugh, widow of Col. Isaac C. Pugh, who was in the Mexican war
and was the gallant colonel of the Forty-first Illinois regiment, died yesterday morning just
after 4, at her home on North Main street, in the 77th year of her age. Several weeks ago
she was prostrate by an attack of la grippe. She had recovered from that. Saturday an artery
in her right ankle became stopped. That, coupled with weak heart action, caused her death.
She was unconscious since Sunday.
Mrs. Pugh was a truly patriotic woman who gave her husband two sons to assist
in the preservation of the Union. She was earnest, zealous and active in every good work.
The funeral will take place from the First Methodist church Friday afternoon at 2 oclock.
Elvira E. Gorin was born December 17, 1814 in Todd county, Ky. She was the
daughter of Judge John D. and Martha Gorin, and a sister of Maria Kirkman, of Winchester,
Ill.; J.R. Gorin, of Decatur and Gladden Gorin, of Kansas City, Mo., who are the only
survivors of a family of eight children. On Aug. 2, 1831, at Vandalia, Ill., the deceased
became the wife of Col. Isaac C. Pugh, who died in November, 1874. In 1831 Mrs. Pugh came to
Decatur, and had since resided here. She was the mother of 11 children, four of whom survive.
They are Mrs. Maria M. Lowry, widow of Captain J.M. Lowry, of Decatur; John H. Pugh, of Union,
Mo.; Mrs. V.I. Gillham, Ft. Scott, Kan., and Mrs. Almira H. Mark, of Decatur. Since 1833 Mrs.
Pugh had been a member of the Methodist church.
Review (Decatur), 8 April 1891
PUGH, Isaac Campbell
Death of Gen. I.C. Pugh
For some days past our columns have contained allusions to the expected demise
of Gen. I.C. Pugh, Postmaster of this city, and to-day it becomes our painful duty to announce
his death, which occurred at 7:15 last evening.
The long and eventful life of General Pugh, coupled with the fact that he was
one of the earliest settlers of this county, makes it proper for us to speak at length of the
scenes and incidents of that life, and the important character of some of the public duties
which he performed so faithfully and well.
Isaac Campbell Pugh was born in Christian county, Kentucky, Nov. 23rd, 1805. In
1821 he removed with his fathers family to the then wilderness of Illinois, settling in
Shelby county, Ills. Here his father was killed by lightning, in 1822, and in 1826, upon
arriving at his majority, the young man set out to seek his fortunes. He went to Vandalia,
and remained there until 1829, when he came to Macon county, which had just been organized by
act of the legislature. Here he soon became a leader in public matters, and for forty-five
years contributed to occupy a prominent place in either a civil or military capacity. He was
at an early day chosen a justice of the peace, and also held other minor offices while still
quite young. On the second of August, 1831, he was married to Miss Elvira E. Gorin, who still
survives. In 1832, when the Black Hawk war broke out, and the northern frontier of the state
was overrun with hostile Indians, he raised a company, and was chosen captain. With his men he
marched to the scene of hostilities, and was present at the famous battle known as Stillmans
defeat. An anecdote is related of him, at this battle, which shows that, when first under
fire, he displayed the same cool bravery which characterized his subsequent military history.
While riding along a bullet from the enemy passed through his hat, knocking it off. As was the
habit in those days he carried the papers of his company in his hat, and these were scattered
on the ground. Although the demoralized and defeated little army was in full retreat, and
though all unused to such scenes, the young captain dismounted, picked up his papers, replaced
his hat, and, with his papers, replaced his hat, and, with the bullets of the red devils
whistling about him, coolly remounted and rode off.
Gen. Pugh held the office of assessor and treasurer of the county for six years;
and was, also, for a long time, master in chancery an office which he resigned when he
entered the army at the breaking out of the late war. In 1846 the war with Mexico began, and
though he then had a family of small children, Pugh again enlisted under the flag of his
country, and was chosen captain of Company C, 4th Illinois volunteers. The regiment was
commanded by Col. E.D. Baker, the gallant soldier and eloquent orator. The first lieutenant
of Company C., was Richard J. Oglesby, and among the boys were Capt. J.S. Post, Wm. J.
Usrey, and others who still reside in this vicinity. The company participated in the siege
of Vera Cruz and the battle of Cerro Gordo, and was on its way to the city of Mexico when its
term of enlistment expired, and it was discharged at Jalapa. It was during this campaign that
the subject of our sketch contracted the disease from which he never fully recovered, and
which was the ultimate cause of his death. Returning to his home he engaged in farming, and
led a quiet life for some fifteen years. He had now reached the down grade of life, his
children were grown up, his head was silvered with the frosts of fifty-six winters, and he
might well have been content to claim exemption from further toil and privation and danger
in the tented field. But he was not made of that kind of stuff, and when the rebellion broke
out in 1861 he was among the first to enroll his name among those who were willing to brave
the perils of what proved to be the bloodiest war of modern times.
It was on a Saturday in April, 1861, that the news of the capture of Fort Sumter
reached Decatur, and on Monday Pugh was an enlisted soldier. He was chosen captain of his
company, and assigned to the 8th regiment, commanded by his former subordinate, Lieutenant,
now Colonel Oglesby. His first enlistment of three months having expired he returned home and
raised a regiment, the Forty-first Illinois Infantry, of which he was made Colonel. He served
with his regiment a portion of the time in command of a brigade for three years,
participating in many of the battles which made the name of the Army of the Tennessee famous
throughout the world. The regiment was first engaged at Fort Donelson, and at Shiloh formed a
part of what was known as Hurlbuts Fighting Fourth Division, the gallant conduct of which
was the theme of much praise in all the reports of the battle. Gen. Pugh and his regiment
also participated in the siege of Vicksburg, and in many other minor engagements, and were a
part of the command of Gen. Lauman, which was led out to be slaughtered in the Pearl River
bottom, near Jackson, Miss. On that terrible day, when men were mowed down like grass, when
the ranking officer of the expedition showed such remarkable incompetency as to call for his
retirement from the army, General Pugh behaved with distinguished gallantry, and handled his
men with rare skill.
During his term of service in the army the deceased seemed to have but one
desire to serve his country faithfully, and do his duty fearlessly. He acted upon the
principle that the first duty of a soldier is to obey and ask no questions, and consequently
he troubled not himself about promotion. He might have ranked much higher, had he pursued the
course adopted by so many that of seeking advancement but, he was content with what came
to him unsought, and his rank of Brigadier General by brevet was tendered him without
solicitation upon his part.
In 1864, upon the expiration of his second term of enlistment, he came home, and
was elected to the House of Representatives. In 1865 he was chosen county clerk, in which
capacity he served four years. In September, 1871, he was appointed postmaster, which
position he held at the time of his death. In every public capacity, as well as in his
private business relations, he was a man of the very strictest integrity, and no man can say
aught against his character as a public officer or as a man.
Politically Gen. Pugh was a man of strong convictions, and it mattered not
whether the views he held were those of the majority or not, he was always bold and fearless
in his advocacy of them. Originally he was a Jackson Democrat, but in 1840 allied himself
with the Whig party, with which he acted until the organization of the Republican party. He
was, notwithstanding his Southern birth, bitterly opposed to human slavery, and when the
infant party inscribed upon its banners hostility to the further spread of the institution,
he enthusiastically rallied to its support. From that day to the end of his life whether
in triumph or defeat he was the same ardent, devoted Republican.
In his domestic relations Gen. Pugh was exceptionally happy. He was warmly
attached to his family, and never tired in his efforts for their comfort and happiness. Five
children survive him; Mrs. J.M. Lowry, of this city; John H. Pugh, of Union, Mo.; Bartley G.
Pugh, of Waverly, Ill.; Mrs. Perry Gillham, of Sullivan, Ill.; and Mrs. John C. Mark, of this
city. A third son, Isaac R. Pugh, a young man of great promise, died a few years ago. The
deceased left no other near relatives. Two sisters, who formerly resided in Shelby county,
died some years ago, and two of his half brothers reside in the State of Oregon.
As before remarked, Gen. Pugh contracted the disease of which he died, while
serving with the army in Mexico. For two or three years his health has been gradually giving
way, and some four weeks ago he grew rapidly worse. His mind, however, continued clear until
within a few hours of his death, and he passed away quietly and peacefully. Some ten days ago
he made his will, and gave directions about his funeral. He requested that no display be
permitted, that his coffin should be of plain walnut, without velvet trimmings, that a short
discourse should be preached by his friend, Gen. Jesse H. Moore, and that the Masonic Lodge of
which he was a member should bury him, with as little ostentation as possible.
The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon, at half past one oclock, from
the First M.E. Church.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 20 Nov 1874
Eulogy by Gen. J.H. Moore
Notwithstanding the muddy condition of the roads and walks the M.E. Church was
crowded on Saturday by people in attendance upon the funeral services of the late Gen. I.C.
Pugh, which were in accordance with the request of deceased, conducted by Rev. J. H. Moore,
assisted by the pastor, Rev. Horace Reed. The exercises were opened by singing the hymn
commencing O God our help in ages past, which was followed by an earnest and appropriate
prayer by the officiating clergyman. Prayer was followed by the reading of the 90th Psalm, by
the pastor, after which another hymn was sung.
At the conclusion of the singing Rev. J.H. Moore pronounced the following just
and appropriate
If thou doest well shalt not thou be accepted? Gen iv. 7.
Scarcely in the whole period of my life have I been called upon to officiated on
an occasion like this, where I have felt more forcibly impressed with the dignity of the hour
than I do now. The man to whose mortal remains we have come to pay this last sad tribute of
respect, has long been known in this community, by all the people, as a distinguished citizen;
and for a long series of years he has been held in high esteem by all. Like all other men of
any note, he has been subjected to criticism, and now and then a man might be found who would
venture to impugn his motives, and find fault. But, I think, I may safely say he had no bitter
and persistent enemies; and I think no man now, in this community, would, if he had it in his
power, take pleasure in contributing to lessen the respect and esteem with which he has ever
been regarded.
Such a man deserves appropriate eulogy. It is no small thing to have lived
almost three score years and ten, and almost the entire active period of that life in the
same community, and yet, to the very last, to have retained the respect and confidence of
all, and especially of those who knew him best. The universal verdict is, this hour, I have
no doubt, that he lived and died an honest man, and a useful and valuable citizen, and that,
to the extent of his ability, he contributed to the well being of society and the happiness
of mankind.
It is, therefore, most becoming that we should here pause, at the graves mouth,
to mention some incidents in the life of one who has so long and so honorably acted his part
among us. General Isaac Campbell Pugh was born in Christian county, Ky., in the year of our
Lord 1805. When he was about 16 years of age his father left the State of Kentucky with his
family, and settled in Shelby county, near Shelbyville, Ill., and not long after, and on the
17th day of May, 1822, was killed by lightning.
The family was, in a few years, broken up and scattered, and the subject of
this sketch, still in his minority, dependent simply upon his own resources, went forth to
become the architect of his own fortune. He made his way to Vandalia, in this State, where
he remained for the space of three years, and though a young man without means, and without
influential friends or relatives to help him along, he succeeded in making for himself friends
by whom he is remembered to this day as an honest and upright young man of high and honorable
purposes. His father and mother were both consistent Christian people and worthy members of
the Methodist Episcopal Church. They had consecrated this son to God in Christian baptism.
The minister who officiated was the late venerable Peter Cartwright, for whom the deceased
ever after cherished the most profound regard. He seems, throughout his entire life, to have
regarded this early consecration by his believing parents as of binding force and obligation
upon himself, and he fully ratified the deed in his mature years and spoke of it with great
satisfaction on his dying bed.
In Vandalia, then the seat of government for this prosperous commonwealth, he
found a class of citizens who, for intelligence, civility, good breeding, and sound morals,
were unsurpassed in any newly settled country; and to this day the old settlers recur with a
just pride to those early days of good society in one of the oldest settled portions of our
His early training at home, by simple hearted parents, and his surroundings
during the first few years of his early manhood, had very much to do, I have no doubt, in
fixing the character of the future man. They were the source of pleasant memories, and tended
greatly to inspire him with the strength and purposes of a true and genuine manhood. And what
is more, he gave heed which, fortunately, is not always so with young men, and chose to make
his an honest and honorable career, and in behalf of my country and mankind, though in his
coffin and winding sheet, I thank him for this. We feel the need every day, in all the walks
of life, of more such young men as he was.
His early education was very limited, having attended school altogether only
about one year, and part of this time he was under tutors who were almost worthless. Yet with
these small advantages he accomplished more through life, by his native energy and high
purposes, than many who, in early years, knew no material want, and enjoyed unlimited
advantages for improvement. Self-reliance, and a purpose to make ones way through life,
by his own individual energy, is an indispensable prerequisite to success. General Pugh had
this. Every man must have this, or come to grief sooner or later, no matter what his early
advantages may have been.
In 1829 General Pugh settled in Decatur, where he has resided ever since. He
was married, in 1831, to Miss Elvira E. Gorin, who still survives him, and is the chief
mourner on this solemn occasion. For 43 years they have peacefully and prosperously journeyed
together, carrying each others burdens and sharing each others toils and trials. She is
still moving on in the path he trod. It leads, inevitably, through the same gates of the
grave into the open fields of glory and immortality, and they shall meet again and know each
other, though the scars of battle, and the wrinkles of age shall be effaced.
It has been my privilege to know, intimately, may of the family relations of
General Pugh. They bore a striking resemblance to each other in all their personal
characteristics. They were all plain, matter-of-fact, common sense men, simple hearted,
truthful, confiding, strong in their friendships, devoted to the right, lovers of liberty and
equal rights, and as fearless as death, in the face of danger. With them there could be no
alliance, either with bad men or a bad cause.
It is needless for me to say, in this presence, that such were the
characteristics of our departed friend and brother. He loved justice and fair play. He had
no sympathy with oppression. In a contest between the oppressed and the oppressor, his
instincts and his natural sense of justice would have at once carried him over to the weaker
side. He loved his country, and all the more because its theory of government looked toward
the well being and personal elevation of all subjects of government, whether rich or poor,
high or low.
He was a patriot in the true acceptation of that term. In all ages, and among
all civilized peoples, this has been considered one of the highest virtues to which a noble
mind could aspire; and in the days of Roman grandeur and glory the citizen was though most
worthy who served his country most effectively. They seemed to realize in their golden age,
as all true patriots do now, that without a Government, settled and fixed, securing the rights
of persons and property, administering equal justice, and upholding law and order, no other
substantial good could come to any people.
Impelled by patriotic motives, and a sense of duty, General Pugh responded to
every call of his country, and he became identified with every sanguinary struggle through
which the country has passed since he became a man capable of bearing arms. Could there have
been any other motives than those of patriotism and a sense of duty that impelled him to such
a course? Surely there could have been no mercenary motive. Fighting at the front has never
been considered a lucrative business. The position of an army follower is more promising in
this regard. There might have been ambition to win distinction, and a noble name. Be it so.
I shall not pronounce absolutely against such a sentiment. A noble name, after all, is the
best inheritance that a man can leave to his family; an none but noble minds strive lawfully,
and in a good cause, for honorable distinction.
General Pugh was a Captain in the Black Hawk War, and behaved with conspicuous
gallantry. He was in the war with Mexico, and commanded a company in Col. Bakers 4th
Illinois Infantry was in several hotly contested battles, and always sustained himself as
a gallant and efficient soldier. He was fortunate in securing the favorable consideration of
his superiors, and the respect and confidence of his subordinates. It was while he was in
the Mexican war, exposed to hardships in an unfriendly climate, that he contracted the disease
of which he long suffered, and of which, finally, he died.
In 1861, when treason was striking at the life of his country, he again went
upon the war path. Though comparatively broken down in health, he promptly responded to his
countrys call for troops. He went out under the three months call as Captain of Co. A,
8th Infantry, commanded by our distinguished townsman, now Senator Oglesby.
At the expiration of this short term of service, he returned, and organized the
41st Ill. Infantry, to serve three years or during the war, and received his commission as
Colonel, to rank from the 27th day of July, 1861, and was mustered out by reason of expiration
of term of service, August 20th, 1864, having been continuously in the service during the late
war, - three years and four months, lacking a few days.
Gen. Pughs regiment was actively engaged nearly all the time during its term of
service. Among its first heavy engagements were those of Fort Donelson and Shiloh. During
the siege of Donelson, which embraced the 13th, 14th and 15th days of February, 1862, it won
distinction, and its commanding officer three times had his uniform pierced with bullets from
the enemys guns. Some of the heaviest blows of the enemy fell upon this regiment at the
memorable battle of Shiloh, and it suffered greatly, but covered itself with renown.
Gen. Pugh was actively engaged both at the siege of Corinth and that of
Vicksburg, and was a participant, as a brigade commander, in the sanguinary conflict, at
Jackson, Miss., July 12th, 1863, where his own regiment suffered terribly, 40 of his men and
officers being killed upon the field, and 122 wounded. In this important engagement Gen. Pugh
obeyed orders under protest, and marched his command up to the very jaws of death. His bitter
and resolute complaints of mismanagement after the conflict had ended, resulted in the removal
from command of his superior officer, who never came to the front again. During a considerable
portion of his term of service, Gen. Pugh commanded a brigade, of which his own regiment
formed a part, and with great efficiency and credit to himself; and near the close of the
war he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General by brevet, for gallant and meritorious
services rendered in defense of his country.
I cannot here relate particular instances of gallantry and high soldierly
qualities exhibited from time to time, by this veteran, now slumbering before us in the arms
of death. Nor is it necessary that I should do so. It is enough to say that in every
capacity in which he served, as a soldier, he acquitted himself with honor and renown; that
he has fought his last battle, and is never again to answer to the bugles call. No single
stain, or faint suspicion, rests upon one page of his military history.
Our distinguished and lamented friend has had the honor of serving in a civil as
well as military capacity. In an early day, he served as County Judge. He was collector and
assessor six years, county treasurer, member of the State legislature, county clerk, master in
chancery for many years, and last of all, your postmaster. In all the varied rounds of public
service, he has so behaved as to maintain an unblemished reputation; and though in public life
more than usually falls to the lot even of public men, and subjected to the usual temptations
to which such are liable, yet he goes to his grave universally respected, and believed by all
never to have betrayed a trust. Of such a record his friends and neighbors may well be proud.
But my friends, after all, the business of this world, though often pregnant
with the most weighty and serious interests, affecting, it may be, generations of men, and
reaching, in results, far into the future, is not everything to us. We think there are
eternal interests that can never be safely or wisely overlooked. Mans earthly career is
short, however brilliant it may be, and the bustle and strife are soon over. When the hero
sinks to the grave, what then? When the benefactors of mankind go down to the dust, is that
really the end! I dont like so to contemplate them. I will not so speak of them. Believing
in a blessed immortality secured to us by the sufferings and sacrifices of another, let us
listen to the thrilling notes of inspiration, ringing out over the gloom of the grave. Thy
dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that
dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.
Gen. Pugh was a Christian man, and died with a pleasing hope of immortality. In
his last hours, while parching with thirst which the waters of earth could no longer quench, he
said, Oh how I long to drink of the pure waters that flow from the fountains of eternal life,
so vivid were his convictions of the existence of a happy land, where there is no suffering,
decay or death.
He was, for a number of years, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
though during a considerable period of that time, he was not in possession of such a faith as
gave him a lively assurance of his personal interest in the great salvation, and he wished me
to say, that there was no distinct period of time, to which he could recur as being the day of
his new birth; that nearly all his life he had been a praying man, and endeavoring to conform
his life to the requirements of the divine law, which he always regarded with the most profound
reverence; that, gradually, in later life, his hold upon divine things grew stronger and
stronger, till finally he had been enabled implicitly to rely upon the divine words of
promise. Death now, said he, has no terrors; every prospect is clear and pleasing; and
then he added, on the other side of the river I shall not be a stranger, so many that I have
known and loved have gone on before me. I shall be more numerously surrounded with loving
friends than I am here, and then I shall be forever at home and at rest.
Thus peacefully passed from among us, on the 19th day of November, 1874, in the
69th year of his age, after suffering a while severely, yet patiently, one of our best and most
useful fellow-citizens, who had done good and not harm in his life. He was a liberal
supporter, according to his means, of all benevolent interests. He was a true and devoted
husband, and a kind and indulgent father, a good and generous neighbor, and a friend that
could be trusted.
He leaves behind a widow and five children, with grandchildren, to mourn him
departed, and a sorrowing community that will long cherish his memory. May the blessing of
his God, and the God of his fathers, forever abide upon all his loved ones, and lead them on
through an honored and useful life, to a triumphant death.
At the conclusion of the address another appropriate hymn was sung, and the
remains of the honored dead were given in charge of the Masonic fraternity, by whom they were
removed from the church and conveyed to Greenwood Cemetery for interment, followed by the
relatives and many of his former fellow citizens, where they were deposited in due form,
according to the solemn and impressive ritual of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 23 Nov 1874
PURDUE, Joshua
The funeral of Joshua Purdue will take place at 2 p.m. today from Walnut Grove
school house. The Rev. William Bell of Lincoln and the Rev. W.L. Bankson will conduct the
The deceased was 78 years, 6 months and 8 days old at the time of his death,
which occurred at 3 a.m. on Sunday morning, at his home near Elwin. He has lived in Macon
county since 1834, at which time he settled on the farm where he died having come from Bond
county, Ill. He has been a consistent member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He was
twice married and leaves the following children: William Purdue, of St. Joseph, Mo; James
Purdue, of Greenwood, Ind.; Wilber and Lawrence Purdue, of Wheatland; Lewis Purdue, postmaster
at Elwin, Ill., and Mrs. Thomas Hill of Wheatland. The children of his secon marriage are
Frank Purdue, Miss Alice Purdue and Mrs. William Cox of - (remainder of notice is missing).
The Decatur Daily Despatch, 10 Sept 1889
PURDUE, Lucinda (Davidson)
The funeral of Mrs. Lucinda Purdue will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday from the
Bethlehem church. Rev. N.M. Baker and Rev. J.W. McDonald will officiate and the burial will
be at Salem cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 28 Jan 1903
PURDY, Peter Clark
Peter Clark Purdy, for many years a resident of Decatur, died at 6:15 Mon day
evening at the home of his daughter Mrs. D. F. Aholtz, in the Columbia block. He had been
in poor health for several months, but his condition did not become critical till last
Thursday. Be suffered from a complication of diseases.
Mr. Purdy was 68 years old and he resided in Decatur nearly all his life. He
was a native of Iowa, but came to Decatur when only 6 years old, following the occupation
of blacksmith until s few months before his death. He married Miss Eliza Drum in Decatur
Nov. 19, 1874. They moved to Bearsdale, and a few years later moved back to Decatur. Later
he moved to Illiopolis and lived there until last August, when he again returned to Decatur
to make his home with his daughter.
Beside his daughter, Mrs. Aholtz, he is survived by one stepdaughter, Mrs.
Belle Markwell, and a grandson, Fred Aholtz, all of Decatur. He also leaves a sister, Mrs.
Ben Jones of Decatur. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen and had many friends.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 11 Feb 1908
PYGOTT, Sarah Ann (Rider)
Mrs. Thomas Pygott
The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Pygott who died in Lane Tuesday night (Feb 1, 1916)
will be held in Maroa in the Methodist church Thursday afternoon at 1:30 oclock. Rev Mr. Laughenbaugh
pastor of the First Methodist church of Bloomington will officiate. Interment will be in the Maroa
Cemetery. Mrs. Pygott was born in Otterly, York County, England May 17, 1837. Her maiden name
was Sarah Ann Rider. Her early life was spent in England, where she married Thomas Pygott in 1853.
Thirty one years later in 1884 they came to America.
Seven Children Survive
To this union twelve children were born, seven of whom survive with the aged husband.
They are J. W. Pygott, of Mt Pleasant, Ia.; George Pygott, of Dalton City; Arthur Pygott residence
unknown: Mrs. E. Neal of Moweaqua; Mrs. Forbes of Shiloh; Mrs. R. Peoples of Decatur, and Mrs.
George Eaton of Lane. Thirty two grand-children and three great grand-children also survive.
Mrs. and Mrs. Pygott had made their home at Lane Station for many years. Her illness dated only
since last Saturday when she had an attack of hemorrhages of the brain. Mrs. Pygott was a member
of the Methodist Church of England to which she was faithful until death.
Decatur Herald February 3, 1916
Submitted by:John. L. Eaton
PYGOTT, Thomas
Came to the United States from England in 1884.
Thomas Pygott died Friday (Sept. 28, 1923) at the home of this daughter Mrs. J. W.
Forbes, 1558 North Main Street. He was ninety Seven years old last February. His death was due
to infirmities incident to old age. Mr. Pygott was born in Yorkshire, England. Feb. 25, 1826.
He came to the United States in 1884 and located on a farm near La Place. He was engaged in farming
there until 1926, when he retired and moved to Decatur. In 1912 he moved to Lane, but returned to
Decatur in 1916, and this has been his home ever since. His wife died about seven years ago, and
he has since been living with his daughter.
Mr. Pygott and Sarah Ann Rider were married in England in 1854. He is survived by
seven children, Mrs. J. W. Forbes, Mrs. E. Neal and Mrs. Robert Peoples all of Decatur: Mrs. George
Eaton of Clinton, George Pygott of Mattoon, J.W. Pygott of Superb, Sask., and A.H. Pygott whose
present address is not known. There are thirty-three grand-children and sixteen great grand-children.
The body was removed to the Moran & Sons establishment the prepared for burial.
Burial will be in the Maroa Cemetery
Decatur Review September 29, 1923
Submitted by:John. L. Eaton