Kindly transcribed and submitted by Pam Hawley.
JANUARY - 1893
3. Ralph Templeton, the druggist assigns
4. The master painters reject the union scale..Marriage of Miss Ethel Smith and W. H. Moll.
6. Court house bonds amounting to $80,000 sold at a premium of $3,457.
8. Death of Mrs. Sarah H. Clendenin..Nicholas Schwartz fell down stairs breaking his neck.
9. The United States supreme court decides the paving case of the city vs the Illinois Central in favor of the former.
10. Death of Mrs. T. A. Bone..Burglars blow the safe of the Boody Elevator Co.
11. Prof. Bemis delivers the first university extension lecture in Decatur..State meeting of the Veterinary association.
12. Gotlieb Grubb hangs himself at the Franklin street station.
13. Harry Owens sentenced to the penitentiary for one year.
14. Social sensation in the elopement to Springfield of Miss Marian Ewing and H. L. Oldham..The mercury fell from 20 above to 16 below.
15. Death of Mrs. J. H. Alexander
16. The Sunday Sun indicted.
18. Death of Chas. Stevens..Harvey Chism attempts to shoot Conductor Dan Camerer..B. K. Durfee appointed penitentiary commissioner.
19. The Farmers State Bank of Decatur licensed to incorporate..Marriage of F. E. Bunn and Miss Lizzie Kneiper..Frank Mitchell and Rueben Sparling taken to Joliet for two years.
23. Richard Brett declared insane.
25. The damage suit of the estate of Adam Koschinski vs. the Coal company compromised..Marriage of Henry Gaggle and Miss Minnie Laughlin
27. The Nicholson-Bishop litigation settled.
28 The temperature falls 30 degrees from 52 above..C. H. Eddinger locked up on a charge of embezzlement..Lottie Waushop at the Smallwood flats shoots herself in the arm.
30. Merchant tailors prepare and submit a scale to the union men.
31. Death of Mrs. Harriet Balch..Marriage of Allen Thompson and Miss Dora Greene..Attempt to wreck a C & H. train near Greens Switch.
1. Marriage of Wm. Hays and Miss Ottie Alexander..A heavy sleet and rain storm.
3. The supervisors decide that the work of painting the walls of the court house must be done over.
4. The Maroa democrats at a post office election decide for T. C. Grady.
5. Death of Mrs. D. A. McGurthy.
6. Warm and rain in the morning, temperature 12 above with a fall of 50 degrees by 2 a. m. next morning..The Christian church extends a call to Rev. S. Rohrer.
8. Death of Mrs. John Ivens..The Graceland cemetery company incorporated.
Lewis Hirsch and Frank Shutter arrested for attempted train wrecking on the morning of Jan. 31..William Westbrook returns from Joliet.
11. W. H. Ennis pays $16,050 for the Abbot building..The jury in the case of Park vs. The Tile company returns a verdict for the defendant after being out three days.
13. H. B. McGregor sues Cain & Powers to recover money lost at gambling.
14. Death of Cyrus Downey. Heavy rains flood the northeast part fo the city.
15. W. T. Cussins pulls E. H. Jeffers whiskers for which he was fined.
16. Honest John Hockingberry declared insane in the circuit court.Dr. H. H. Hall attempts to clean out a Wabash train and gets locked up.
17. Dr. H. H. Hall fined $66.80.Olney R. Day found guilty of assault to rape and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary.
18. The Macon County Columbian club send an exhibit to the Worlds Fair.Dan Bell acquitted of the charge of furnishing prisoners tools to escape from the county jail.
20. John Heffner put on trial for assault and attempted rape..J. S. McClellands enumeration shows a population of 22,700 in the township.
21. Butchers decide that they will resist the new slaughter house ordinance.John Spence, a barber, reported missing.Eddie Degnan arrested for attempting to assault Maria Cook, a colored passenger on a Wabash train.
22. Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Amman.
23. John Heffner found guilty and given a year in the penitentiary.Julius Schulke and team struck by an I.D. & W. switch engine at Jasper street. The gentlemen of the Presbyterian church form a club.
24. Fred Pahmeyer acquitted in the circuit court of the charge of imitating a trade mark.Burglars attempted to blow the safe at the High School.
25. John L. Sullivan visits Decatur and talks of his defeat by Corbett.
26. Death of Dr. D. N. Moore.
27. Mrs. A. b. Scott brings a suit for divorce against her husband alleging extreme cruelty.
28. The telephone girls go on a strike.the 35th anniversary of the Turner society celebrated.
MARCH - 1893
1. Death of John W. Priest.
2. Walter Delahuntys residence struck by lightning.
3. Death of Andrew Dennis
4. Death of Mercy Ann Morgan.
7. fire in the Race Overall factory.Death of Rev. T. J. Bryant at Versailles, ILL.
9. Redistricting ordinance passed at a special meeting of the council.Death of attorney C. M. Barnes at Boston.
10. Death of Mrs. Peter Hickey, at Chicago.Death of Mrs. Ann Farner.Republican township primaries.
11. Republican township ticket nominated.
12. Death of Mrs. Howard Shimer.
13. Death of Dr. R. F. Carr, at Argenta
15. Miss Jessie Gillett injured in a runaway accident.Funeral of Attorney C. M. Barnes
16. Alf Bailey locked up for whipping his daughter.
17. Rev. T. L. Coultas lectures to the First M. E. Endeavor.Death of James Davis in Long Creek.Democratic township convention held.
18. Death of Charles Pringle in California.
20. Marriage of A. T. Risley and Mrs. Sarah M. Porter.E.S. McDonald withdraws from the race for city attorney.
23. Rev. Miller tendered a farewell reception by his Masonic brethren.Republican city primaries held.
24. Death of J. d. McGuire at Harristown.
25. The N. E. Adams grocery store on North Church street destroyed by fire.
27. Death of Mrs. Henry Kain.
29. D. C. Moffitt announced for mayor.Harlow Walker arrested for assault to do bodily injury and taken to Bloomington.
30. Democratic primaries held.
31. Meeting of the democratic city convention and nomination of D. C. Moffitt for mayor.
APRIL - 1893
2. Death of W. T. Stamper.
3. Nim Shepherd, a plumber, arrested for a murder committed in Arkansas.
4. The township election resulting in the election of six democratic candidates.
6. Death of Bridget Shehan.
7. Canvass of the township vote, showing the election of supervisors May, D. J. Halleck, J. P. Nicholson, C. Amman, G. Lowery, and D. Brintlinger; Town Clerk Wallace, Assessor Watkins, Collector Lytle, Commissioner Wheeler, Justices of the Peace Hammer, Odor, Shorb, Provost and Peddecord, Constables Conard, Midkiff, Kirkbride, Miller and Poor.
8. John Collins, the Kentucky horse arrested.Rev. M. M. Goodwin, rector of St. Johns church, resigns.
9. Charles, little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, drowned in a cistern.
11. Marriage of Frank Halmbacher and Miss Fulda Rieple at St. Louis.
12. Death of Wm. Voorhies, Sr. aged 92 years.The new telephone company reports 30 subscribers.
13. The board of education agrees to sell a part of the Marietta street lot.
14. Columbian Degree lodge, Daughters of Rebekah instituted..A snow storm during the afternoon.
15. The jury in the Troutman-Gray case failed to agree and was discharged after being out three days.
17. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pasley celebrated their golden wedding at Boody.
18. Death of Col. Joseph Jack.Mayor Moffitt elected by 87 votes.
19. J. M. Lee, city attorney, and Miss Bertha Clark married at Niantic.
20. A snow storm while all the fruit trees are in bloom.Officers came from Kentucky to take back James Collins the horse thief.Marriage of W. O. Pringle and Miss Alcie Judson at Chicago.
21. News received of the suicide of A. L. Ferry near Tacoma, Wash.
22. The mercury reported 2 degrees below with a lively snow storm.
24. City vote canvassed and the official result declared.
25. Death of Mahlon Haworth, aged 84 years.
25. Marriage of L. H. martin and Miss Kit Morris and of Bert Gher and Miss Mae McKinzie.O.H. Draper elected chairman of the board fo supervisors, and $15,000 appropriated to secure the location of the state fair.
26. A camp of Royal Neighbors organized with mrs. J. H. Kingsley as head oracle.Marriage of W.B. Sherman and Miss Annie Brown.Frederick D??s found dead at home in Walnut Grove addition as a result of heart disease.
27. Annual county convention of the W. C. T. U.
28. Death of Mrs. Mary Outten at her home in Mt. Zion.
29. The assessors of the different townships meet and agree on a plan of work.
MAY - 1893
1. Mayor Moffitt inducted into office with a grand display of flowers, etc.the Decatur whist team defeated at Champaign.
2. Annual meeting of the Presbyterian church.James Collins, the Kentucky horse thief, taken to that state and lynched at Williamsport.
4. The house of representatives at Springfield decide to permanently locate the state fair at Peoria.
5. Informal meeting of the council to talk over the matter of appointments.Resignation of Rev. M. M. Goodwin as rector of St. Johns Episcopal church accepted.
8. J. S. Hewes names for city marshal and the appointment laid over by the council.
10. Hunt & Co. give an order for 6,000,000 paving brick.
11. Elopement of Charles E. Martin and Miss Kittie Peniwell announced.
13. Failure of L. L. Ferris.
15. The Decatur whist club defeated at home by the Champaign team.All of the mayors police appointments rejected.The Christian church trustees decide to purchase the Curtis property corner of West William and Edward streets.
16. Marriage of E. C. Miller, of Terre haute, and Miss Sue Allsop.Will Newcomb, a Decatur boy, killed in a wreck at Moline.
17. A lodge of Patriotic Daughters of America organized with Mrs. Eugenia Willis as president.
19. Roy, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Robinson, drank nearly an ounce of carbolic acid and died within a few minutes.
21. Wm. Broughtons barn at Mt. Zion struck by lightning and burned to the ground.Rev. James Miller preaches a sermon at Chicago on The Sabbath Made For Man, which attracts considerable attention.
23. Marriage of Dr. C. F. Childs and Miss Florence Brown at Argenta.Decatur business men offer various buildings for the postoffice.W. F. Snyder, a former Decatur resident, appointed postmaster at Joplin, Mo.Death of Mrs. C. A. Montgomery, at Carthage Mo.
24. The contract let to Randall & Troutman for building the Arcade block.
25. Ed Dillehunt begins suit against the city for damages in the sum of $25,000.Murder of A. B. Diamond at Arcola by David Miller.
26. A rainfall of over three inches within six hours.Death of G. N. Taylor, a former YMCA secretary at Louisville, KY.
29. I. H. Burgoon resigned as General superintendent of the Peoria division of the Vandalia line.Mrs. Hubbard Dills assaulted by Samuel Bush, a negro.
30. Mrs. W. H. Vest assaulted by Bush near Mt. Zion..Decoration day celebrated, Rev. Kaufman delivering the address.
31. Death of W. A. Webb at Dalton City.
JUNE - 1893
1. Name of the Decatur National bank changed to the National bank of Decatur..The stock of L. L. Fe?rs in Decatur sold to F. H. Cole..marriage of Charles O. Burke, of Atlanta, and Miss Nellie Bunn, of Decatur, and of Calvin Lewman and Miss Flora Battles..Union car painters threatened with a lockout.
2. Samuel Bush, the negro assailant of mrs. Dill and Mrs. Vest captured at the home of a farmer named Sargent, southeast of Sullivan, brought to Decatur and lodged in a jail. There was great excitement in the city, the jail being surrounded all afternoon and night by a frenzied mob.Union carpenters locked out by different contractors.
3. The negro Bush taken from the jail by a Mt. Zion mob which arrived in town at 1:45 a.m. and hanged to a telegraph pole at the corner of Wood and Water streets in the presence of over a thousand persons.The same day Gov. Altgeld offered a reward for the arrest of each man who helped break into the jail and lynch the negro.First civil service examination held in Decatur..H. H. Harris convicted of forgery, pardoned by Gov. Altgeld.
5. Mayor Moffitt names the standing committees..Marriage of D. H. Walmsley, of Tuscola, and Miss Jessie Harry, of Decatur..The jury in the Bush lynching case begins an investigation.
6. Lee B. Elkin, of Springfield, and Miss Annie McClellan married..John Ullrich elected a member of the board of education..Death of Wm. Scanlan.
7. Nellie Sweeney broke her neck by falling down steps at Rev. Father Mackins residence.
8. Colored citizens meet at the A.M.E. church and denounce the lynching of Bush.
9. W. T. Wells purchases the Ewing property on East Main street for $24,000.
12. Mayor Moffitt makes his appoints again, naming J. S. Hewes for city marshal.David Martin drops dead..Thomas Donavan killed by a train in the Illinois Central yards.
13. The coroners jury in the Bush case report that the negro came to his death at the hands of a mob led by Charles Britton, Wm. Vest and Thomas Atterberry..Death of Miss Kate Godfrey.
14. The relay bicycle ride from Springfield to Indianapolis and Louisville takes place after having been once postponed..Marriage of Adolph Mueller and Miss Minnie Bachman and of George Miller and Miss Mabel Miller.
15. The bill for the permanent location of the state fair at Peoria killed in the state senate. Forth annual meeting of the Army and Navy Medical Association in this city.
16. The adjournment of the legislature announced..Twenty-sixth annual commencement exercises of the Decatur High School.
18. Death of Chas. Ricketts.
19. A lively session of the city council. J. S. Hewes rejected as marshal and P. Delaney as street commissioner. W. W. Mason hands in his resignation as marshal. The mayor discharges the members of the police force who are not 5 feet 9 inches in height.
22. Marriage of A. W. Wilmeth and Miss Mame Freeman.the first Sunday school field day observed. The grand jury makes a report ignoring the Bush lynching, for which they are sent back by Judge Vail and advised to reconsider their action.
23. Bishop Waymen preaches at the A.M.E. church..Death of Dr. S. T. Trowbridge at Napa, Cal. Aged 67 years.
24. Joseph F. Parker sues the city for damages in the sum of $5,000 for injuries received at a crossing on North Jasper street.
25. Rev. Goodwin holds his farewell service at St. Johns Episcopal church.
26. The names of Hewes and Delaney again presented to the council for marshal and street commissioner, the former being rejected and the latter postponed for consideration..Anarchists pardoned by Gov. Altgeld..Fred Aholtz pardoned..Death of Celia Shupp Buchanan at Zanesville, O.
27. Kate Harvel and Ella Winston try to drown themselves in the Sangamon but are rescued by Commodore Hall..A freight train and a street car collide at the Water street crossing..Fred Aholtz surrenders to the sheriff and is officially notified of his pardon.
28. The grand jury adjourns, having refused a second time to indict anyone for the Bush lynching. They are discharged without thanks and Sheriff Perl in his zeal to do his duty subpoenas a special grand jury by mistake.
29. Richard Winchester and Linn Stough drowned just above Hog Island.
JULY - 1893
1. D. W. Brenneman sells his interest in his retail liquor house.
3. The Immortal Ten refused again to confirm the mayors appointments for marshal and street superintendent.Death of Mrs. Margaret Rupe, aged 94 years.Death of S. E. Batchelder aged 60, at his home in Illini.
4. A quiet day in Decatur. Practically no celebration of the nations birthday.
5. The school census shows a total of 5,850, giving Decatur an estimated population of 20,000.The mercury sets up and touches the 94 degree mark on the thermometer.Death of D. K. Lathrop at Bloomington, aged 60 years.Death of Mrs. John Wickline at her home in Illini township aged 81 years..the city tries to enforce the slaughter house ordinance and butchers are arrested.
7. The first raid on the gambling houses under Mayor Moffitts administration.
8. The state convention of bakers meet in Decatur..The published statement of Assessor Watkins shows an increase of $355,854 in the assessed valuation of Decatur township.
10. P. W. Delaney confirmed by the council as street commissioner. Hewes again rejected as marshal.
11. The C. & A. and a Vandalia train collide at Atlanta, Mrs. A. S. Crowder is injured.Death of Mrs. Nancy Howenstine, aged 66 years..Death of John Lower at Boody.Death of Mrs. May Turner at Niantic, aged 75 years.
12. B. K. Durfee is appointed state insurance commissioner by Governor Altgeld.
13. The Wabash pay car engine and a freight train collide at Kinder, no one hurt..Mrs. Jennie Collins sues Barteau & Johnson to recover money lost by her husband in their gambling rooms.
14. Justice Peddecord declares that the slaughterhouse ordinance is invalid.
15. Rate war on passenger business to Chicago. Decatur persons go to Jacksonville to buy tickets.J. Edward Schwantz is drowned while bathing near the water works.The first new wheat from Macon county is delivered to the Decatur mills at 53 cents per bushel..Rainmakers suggested as a cure for the drought which afflicts Macon county and vicinity.Unusually brilliant comet seen in the northern heavens. Suicide of L. J. Tinder at his home in Galesville. He was a reformed gambler and a Dwight graduate. During a visit to Decatur he lost money at cards and took again to drink.
17. Nine aldermen again vote against the confirmation and J. S. Hewes for city marshal.The city council passes a new slaughter house ordinance.Death of Mrs. Joseph Bishop aged 73 years.
18. The federal authorities decide to move the post office to the Columbia block on North Main street. Hobe Graves, an old time, is arrested for robbing Asts store on East Eldorado street.Constable John Poor makes his first bid for notoriety by shooting at Joe Robinson.
19. Lewis Hirsch and Frank Shutter who attempted to wreck a C. & H. Line train in January, are fined $15 and cost by Judge Nelson..Death of Mrs. Myrtle Greene Harvey..Death of Mrs. Wm. Froelka, aged 70 years.
20. A third mysterious fire at the Roby..The Decatur Turners go to Milwaukee to attend the national fest..Marriage of Harry Yancey and Kate Keas.
22. H. F. Houghton resigns his position as Wabash trainmaster to accept a position with the Big Four.Mrs. Rodney, the fake pedestrian, reaches Decatur.
23. Death of Winthrop Gastman at Pueblo, Colo.
24. B. K. Durfee retires from the Warren & Durfee Insurance Agency..The city council by a vote of 7 to 5 again rejects J. S. Hewes as city marshal..The weather excessively warm..Death of Frank Pfeiffer, aged 81 years..Death of Mrs. Jennie Phelps aged 54 years.
27. The fourth fire at the Roby within a few weeks. Considerable damage done.
28. Death of Mrs. H. S. Evans aged 61 years.
29. George M. Brinkerhoff, of Springfield disappears. Last seen in Decatur.
AUGUST - 1893
1. The Wabash takes a car load of idle men from St. Louis to Chicago. They claim to be idle Colorado miners.
2. The Pinkerton agency sends a man to Decatur to look for Brinkerhoff.
4. Death of Mrs. Eleanor Flannigam, aged 90 years..Tom Braden steals two wagon loads of wheat from J. R. Henard in Whitmore township.
7. Mrs. Henry M. Gossett fatally burned as the result of a gasoline stove explosion.the city council confirms G. W. Lehman as marshal and J. S. Hewes as policeman.Death of Mrs. George Anderson, burned by gas line stove explosion..Danville city officials visit Decatur and inspect the water and light plant.Death of Samuel Lemasters.Braden, the wheat thief, captured in Mattoon.
8. Death of Floyd Gastman.The congregation of the First M. E. church decide to call Rev. D. F. Howe, of Jacksonville.
9. Death of C. Bowden at Maroa, aged 78 years.
10. The Leavitt & Oglevie Implement company of Maroa make an assignment.Death of Ezra D. Starkwather, aged 64 years.Miss Jessie Whiteside burned by a gasoline stove explosion..Only square games go. The gamblers are told to stop their roulette wheels and crap games...The Peck-Ater family reunion at Cerro Gordo..Death of Mrs. Francis Brown at Blue Mound, age 82 years.
11. The city council having ordered an increase in the fire department membership, Chief Devore appoints four new men.W. W. Beatty, the Mansfield banker, assigns.
14. The board of education declares that they will need $60,000 for school purposes for the next year..The $.99 store is gutted by fire..Death of Joseph C. Andrews, aged 83 years.
15. Mrs. Collins fails to recover money her husband lost in Johnson & Barteaus gaming room and with her three children is taken to the poor house..Death of Mrs. Balsan, aged 81 years.John Corey, a barred gambler, makes life weary for the fraternity by swearing out warrants for their arrest.
16. The Illinois Association of Mexican Veterans meets in Decatur for their annual picnic.The democratic city central committee is organized because of a squabble in the partys ranks.
17. Sudden death of Miss Elizabeth Sherrick, aged 22 years.Death of Mrs. A. F. Wilson, aged 63 years at Moweaqua.The old settlers of Macon county hold their annual reunion at Riverside.
19. Officer Pendleton H Coe is arrested for killing a dog belonging to Fred Norman..Rev. James Miller resigns at the Marshfield Avenue Church in Chicago.Death of Mrs. Arnoldine Faber, aged 76 years.
21. Death of Peter Lebo, aged 57, at Boody.Death of Mrs. Hannah Moore aged 39 years.the Macon county teachers annual institute convenes in Decatur.
22. The members of Co. H. go to Chicago for a weeks visit.Death of Mrs. W. R. Clark, aged 73 years.
23. Death of Perry Odor.Mug Hardy does up Officer Owens.Officer P. H. Coe fined $10 for killing Normans dog.
25. The twenty-sixth annual session of the county Sunday school convention at Oreana.Justice Shorb follows the lead of Justice Peddecord and says that the city ordinance regulating the slaughter houses is not good..P. H. Hunt & co. agree to relinquish interest on paving contacts not to be commenced until the spring of 1894 and mayor Moffitt signs the contracts..Rev. M. E. Wagner stirs a small hornets nest when he refuses to admit to his church in uniform the members of the W. R. C. and the G.A.R.
28. Officers Lee and Leech have an encounter with seven young men on the levee and the result is that the next day all of the seven are fined for disorderly conduct.Death of Mrs. Marilla Baker, of Long Creek, aged 97 years.Death of Henry Kaylor, aged 45 years.Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Hill, of Elwin, aged 81 years.
29. The fall race meeting opened and the track record is broken in the 2:45 pace by Guinette in 2:14.Mrs. Lizzie McGregor sues Barteau & Johnson to recover money lost at their gaming tables by her husband.
30. The red side wheel barred at the race track.Death of George W. Downing, aged 37 years. Death of James Turner, of Mt. Zion, aged 73 years.
1. Annual reunion of the Garver family at Riverside.the state board of agriculture visits Decatur.Harter Shineman commits suicide near Maroa.Death of Jerome Anderson of Decatur.Wm. Wix is asphyxiated in an oil tank.
3. The congregation of the Christian church occupy their remodeled house of worship.
4. Dunham Post goes to Indianapolis.
5. Effie Powers makes a mark of 2:12 at Indianapolis.The water so low in the river that the citys source of supply is threatened.Death of John Ward, aged 57.
6. Officer George Lowe investigated by a council committee.The Central Illinois conference of the U. B. church convenes in Decatur; Bishop Holt presides..The firm of Weaver & Lewis make an assignment for $4,767.The Hughes pump for the filter, six months past due, arrives in Decatur.
7. Death of Dr. John E. King, aged 85 years..W. K. coulter, of Argenta, dies suddenly in Smith Center, Kansas.Marriage of Rev. J. Gisler, of Hannibal and Miss Anna Witzeman.Ex consul J. A. Barnes returns from Chemnitz, Germany.Unprecedented high temperature. The mercury registers 94 degrees.
8. F. W. Haines and wife celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.Officer George Lowe has a second investigation.Sand bars to be dredged in the hope of increasing the citys visible water supply.The Macon fair closes after a successful exhibition of four days.J. D. Gasaway, aged 70 years, dies at Latham.
9. The U. B. conference adjourns after a session of a week. Death of Miss Minnie Allen, of Joliet, at the home of Hon. B. K. Durfee.
10. Death of Capt. Campbell, aged 74 years at Moweaqua.
11. The public schools are opened for the fall term.The city council passes the annual tax levy ordinance and provides for expenses of 94..The water famine scare is passed.
12. Conrad Schoenle, of Decatur, dies in St. Louis, aged 54 years.A day of weddings, Dr. J. H. Eddy and Miss Annie E. Ostrander, Wesley Witzeman and Emma Klett, G. L. Ross and Miss Minnie Potts are wedded at Decatur.
13. Death of Anna Gillespie, aged 71 years.The financial trouble of J. E. Long commences a long series of lawsuits.W. L. Boggs and Miss Allie L. Smith married.Death of Thomas a. Smith, aged 28 years.
14. The members of the local Baptist church celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the society. Rev. G. B. Vosburgh talks.The Order of the Eastern Star has a birthday celebration.Marriage of G. S. Richardson and Miss Lulu Babcock.
16. The post office is moved from Prairie street to the Columbia Block on North Main street.
18. James R. Russell and Miss Kate McEvoy wed at St. Patricks church.The city council fires George Lowe the suspended policeman.Death of David Berlin, a well known veteran.
19. James Kelly and Miss Minnie Brown and Maurice Powers and Miss Maggie Hughes are married at St. Patricks church.
20. The Central Illinois conference convenes at Clinton.Dr. L. P. Walbridge and Miss Laura May Faries are married.Mrs. McAdams, of Duluth, Minn., is lost. She comes to Decatur, Ill., when she wanted to go to Decatur, Mich.Clyde Boyer, of Decatur, and Miss Nellie Cackley of Clinton, are married at the brides home.
21. Smith Walker, of Bethany, and Miss Mabel Mills are married at Riverside. David Vale and Miss Mary Delhunty; Christian Finke, of Latham, and Miss Sophia Horstman, of Burr, Neb.; J. H. Mills, of Clinton, and Miss Maggie Capps, of Decatur, are also wedded in Decatur that day.Death of John Meridith.Charles Logan, the youthful architect, and Miss Marian Kelly are married after unpleasant experiences on the part of the groom.
22. Troy Alexander is held up by foot pads and relieved of $5.
23. P. H. Hunt & Co. receive vouchers to the amount of $40,000 due from the city on street paving contracts.
25. Marshal Lehman asks the city administration for authority to close wine rooms.The September term of circuit court convenes and judge Vail again refers to the lynching of Bush. Death of Thompkins Riggs, aged 71 years.F. B. Macbeth, of Indianapolis, after an absence of two weeks from home, is found in Decatur suffering from mental aberration.The Central Illinois conference adjourns at Clinton and sends Rev. D. F. Howe to Decatur for the First M. E. church.. Rev. C. A. Crane, of Danville, makes a sensation at the conference by preferring charges against Rev. James Miller, questioning the latters orthodoxy.
26. The Springfield Baptist Association convenes in Decatur for its fifty-sixth annual session. The grand jury makes complaint to Judge Vail that they are not provided with a suitable room in which to hold their sessions.Marriage of W. J. Huff and Miss Blanche Oneal.
27. In the circuit court Judge Vail sustains a demurrer by the city in Dillehunt damage suit and practically leaves the city a winner of the suit.
28. Ex-City attorney E. S. McDonald and Miss Anna M. B. Thomas are married.
29. Rev. Crane, of Danville, withdraws the charges of heresy he had preferred against Rev. James Miller.Death of Capt. Henry B. Westerfield, aged 51 years.
OCTOBER - 1893
1. Julian and Joseph Coclet, aged 12 and 14 years, are filled with shot by an unknown man who said it was an accident. The boys were not seriously hurt.
3. I. J. Heckel and Emma Lichtenberger wed at Long Creek..Charles H. Young, of Albuquerque, N. M. and Fanny E. Fuller, of Decatur, are wedded.
4. Wm. Donovan and Miss Anna M. Murray are wedded at St. Patricks church.the Decatur Implement Co. makes assignment.
5. E. L. Pettengers millinery store closed by creditors.
6. The filter plant at the water works commences operations.
7. Mrs. McGregor secures in the circuit court a verdict of $690 against Barteau & Johnson, keepers of a gaming house.
8. A crowd of Decatur and Macon county folks, estimated to number 2000 go to Chicago.
9. Thos. Costello, of Emery, suicides by hanging.I. D. Walker is appointed deputy revenue collector for Decatur.
11. Marriage of W. C. Vaughan and Miss Mosetta Stafford and Julius Sauerman and Miss Stacia Steel.The Eighth Illinois survivors hold their annual reunion.The butchers beat the city of Decatur in the circuit court in the slaughter house case.Benj. Parker and Miss Clara B. Longstreet and George A. Smiser and Miss mae hardin wed at Maroa.Judge Vail orders the dockets under lock and key so newspaper reporters cannot get at the books.
13. Will Price and Miss Fanny Browning wed.The YMCA members move into their new quarters in the Columbian block.
15. Martin Gilbert carbes George Johnson with a pocket knife.
16. The Wabash caf train is wrecked at Mameoki and three cars are burned.
17. The Illinois Grand lodge of K. P. convenes in Decatur.Death of Cyrus H. Dow.the grand jury tells Judge Vail why they didnt indict the Bush lynchers and hand up to his honor the last of 226 indictments, having broken the records of all previous grand juries.
18. Weddings of the day: theron Fletcher and Ada Barglett; G. H. Conklin and Kate Lincoln; Alfred S. clark and Mabel C. Kirkbridge; John Oren and Miss May Willard; W. e. coffeen and Stella Thornbill.
19. The Decatur Volunteer Firemen have their first annual field day and ball.
23. The long lost Brinkerhoff, of Springfield, is found in Toledo, Oh.the city council establishes a new rule and revokes the license of John Stansultz because he pleaded guilty to keeping a disorderly house.death of Mrs. Frank Wood..Death of Miss Abbie Batchelder, of Illini.
24. W. B. Knight and Miss Vera Stewart wed.John Schwartz and Miss Kate Meyers wed at St. James.
25. A burglar caught in the house of Rev. M. L. Wagner..R. E. Smith and Miss Etta Sherman married.Wedding of Thomas Marsh and Lizzie Radmaker.
27. Death of Mrs. Amelia Sloan, aged 77 years.Death of Mrs. Sarah Bell, aged 83, at Forsythe. The jury in the Sun case find H. L. Strohm guilty.Weedon smith comes in from mt. Zion and succeeds Wm. Dodson as depot mail clerk.
28. The appellate court reverses the decision in the famous Mt. Zion election case.Ed Koshenska is slashed by a knife in the hands of G. Rostek.
30. Alderman Holman declares that the police should close all gambling rooms and the city council sustains him. The fraternity receive a warning and a wink,.Death of Gilbert P. Whitehead, aged 63 years.
1. W. W. Kirkwood, of Taylorsville, gets the revenue plum for which a half dozen Decatur faithful put forth their hands.John Poor and John Corey have a fistic encounter on East Eldorado street.
4. Chas. Thompson, of Latham gets into jail for forgery.Death of John A. Kennedy.Death of A. Fribourg at Nashville, Tenn.
6. Jake Tidrow has a pitol of the didnt-know-it-was-loaded-kind..Michael Sweet commits suicide at Niantic.Thos. Cobel steals a horse at Macon and is captured at Taylorville.Rev. Simon Rohrer says farewell to his congregation.Death of Wm. Winholtz, aged 87 years.Death of Wm. Vermillion aged 73 years.Death of Joseph Roark aged 72 years at Casner.Death of Col. E. R. Roe aged 80 years at his home in Chicago.
7. Marriage of J. G. Watson and Miss Kate Finin at St. Patricks.The George P. Blume Sewing machine Co. assigns.Death of Will Hill and E. B. Ellis near Jefferson City , Mo.
8. Death of Charles Hadsel.
9. Marriage of W. C. Conant and Miss Josephine Harwood.The city council holds an emergency meeting and decides to build a well to get rid of the water hammer at the pumping station.
10. Death of John Wickline, aged 75 years at his home in Illini township.
11. Vice President Stevenson visits Hon. C.A. Ewing and family.Mass meeting held to create state fair enthusiasm.
13. The P. D. & E. passenger train is held up at Lincoln coal shaft.A party of Poles monkey with loaded shot guns and John Kaloufski gets a load of bird shot in this breast and right arm. Francis Murphy visits Decatur and stirs up considerable excitement for the temperance cause.
14. The State Bankers Association convenes in Decatur.Burglars tackle the safe at the office of Decatur Brewing Co..John Miller and Miss Lelah Ross are married at Springfield..Wm. Dodson retires from the United States mail service after almost forty years continuous service.Marriage of F. P. Wells and Miss Mary F. Hanson at Lansing, Mich.
15. Marriage of J. Sherman McClelland and Miss Ann Henkle.Curious fire on top of the Universalist church.A kid escapes from the sheriff while enroute to Pontiac.
16. Rev. Joseph Cook, of Boston, talks of Leaders and Misleaders of Men.John Dodek is fatally injured in the coal shaft.
17. Death of Mrs. Polly C. Brown, aged 86 years.
20. Death of Will Condell at St. Louis.Death of Miss Mary Johnson aged 65 years, Mrs. Herman Martin, aged 35 years, and Mrs. Lena Armstrong at Macon.Francis Murphy brings his work here to a close and leaves Decatur.
22. Death of Julius Shea, aged 81 years.Death of E.A. Gliddon.
23. Death of G. W. Richardson, aged 51 years.The first cold snap. The mercury goes to zero and the river is frozen over.
26. The 2-year-old son of J. E. Lowe is killed by pulling a heavy counter over upon himself.
28. The Smith property on North Water street sells for $36,500 at public auction.Death of Rev. S. B. N. Vaughn.Death of Mrs. Honora Keeler.
30. Thanksgiving day celebrated.The Race store robbed.
1. Death of W. J. Condell and Samuel Stabler.
2. The work of organized charity commenced.A snow fall of three inches.
4. Wm. Hawkins, watchman at the coal shaft, killed by an I., D. & W. train.E. O. Bennett, the confectioner on North Water street, fails.
5. Charity concert at the First Presbyterian church, netting $650.P. H. Kaufhold, the merchant tailor, makes an assignment.
6. Marriage of Joseph Murphy and Miss Ella Rike.Marriage of Dr. Wm. Haworth and Miss Helen Hale at Minneapolis.
7. James Campbell arrested for forging the name of Heuver & Gliddon to a check for $10.
8. Death of an ex-alderman, Steve Hubert.
11. Fire at the Ast store, on North Water street.Opening of the charity store on West main street.Death of A. C. Wykoff.
12. The YMCA elects directors.The Long Creek arson case commenced in circuit court.
13. Noah Tohill, the prosecuting witness in the Long Creek arson case, fined for contempt of court.Marriage of Charles Hartzell, of Denver, and Miss Ida Jones, of Decatur.
14. Semi annual meeting of the county lodge of Good Templars.the supervisors appropriate $50,000 for the permanent location of the state fair.Marriage of Harry Hays and Miss Carolyn Stone at Peoria.Death of Samuel Shutter and wife near Oreana.
15. Death of Mrs. Samuel Boneham.
16. Charles Lemasters arrested on a charge of obtaining goods under false pretenses.Mrs. Shaws millinery stock on Prairie street destroyed by fire.
17. Death of Mrs. Talitha Baker.
19. Dedication of Coeur de Leon Castle hall.
20. Flora Hanley declared not guilty of arson.Death of J. H. Millikin and Ephraim Bear. Marriage of John Crocker and Miss Arabella Baird at Maroa, and of Wm. M. Lewis and Miss Marie Fleming at Macon.Sheriff P. Perl fined $100 for contempt of court in Christian county.
21. Golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. John Imboden.
22. Judge Vail sentenced H. L. Strohm, of the Sunday Sun, to 30 days in jail.
23. George Brinkman carves Frank Conley in Blackburns saloon.
26. Charles Kreher killed by a Wabash train near Boody.
27. The city council in committee of the whole decided on a $25,000 appropriation for the state fair.
28. Christmas Club dinner.Polk Thrift sues Barteau & Johnson for $20,000.
29. George Crum arrested for passing counterfeit money.Death of David Brett.Death of J. G. Griffith at Macon.
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