Important Newspaper Obituary Information
Tips to Make Your Search Easier
Information on this page has been kindly submitted by: Pam Hawley.
Ancestrys historical newspaper
collection does not include all days or all months of any year, of any newspapers. ALL the
available days and months of the year in the collection were indexed.
If a deceased female was married,
she will probably be listed by title (Mrs.) and the husbands name versus her first name. The
first name of a deceased female was not often given unless the deceased was single at the time
of death.
It was common practice to use a
persons initials versus their first and/or middle name in newspaper articles and obituaries.
It is best to search the index by last name only.
Sometimes you will find two or more
listings in the index for the same person on different dates. This means that the obituary was
repeated or more detail was provided about the death or funeral on the second day.
The newspaper obituary sometimes
mentions other persons related to the deceased. I have listed at least one other name that was
found in the obituary. Not all the names listed in an obituary were included in the index.
You may find other family connections if you search in the mentioned column.
Sometimes the obituary included the
maiden name of the deceased or the maiden name of the wife of the deceased. I have tried to
include these in the index.
Sometimes the obituary included
more than one spelling of the deceased persons name. I have tried to include this in the
index, usually in parentheses.
I found the newspaper provided one
or more types of references to a persons death:
a. Death Record notice of persons death, maybe age, cause of death, who preached the
funeral and where the person was buried.
b. Obituary notice of persons death, cause of death, information about next of kin,
some details about the persons life, and the funeral arrangements.
c. Funeral Record information about the funeral or memorial service, sermon details, may
include list of next of kin and list of pall bearers.
d. Newspaper Article the persons death resulted from murder, accident or suicide.
Article includes whatever details of the event and/or coroners inquest that were available at
the time.
e. Estate Article provides details about the value of the deceased's estate and mentions
some of the heirs by name.
If you have difficulty finding the
obituary after you find a reference in the index, you can contact me,
a librarian at your local library, a LDS History Center, or a genealogical society for help. I found
it once, it can be found again.
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