Architecture - Heritage and History

During the search for our forebears, we are often blessed to find names, dates and
lineages. But taking a look at the architecture that existed at the time our ancestors lived
can give us tantalizing clues as to where they lived and who their neighbors were. It's also
important to remember that the architectural heritage of our cities is being lost. Old buildings
are being demolished to make way for strip malls, parking lots and other new facilities. We can
all understand the need to revitalize a sagging neighborhood or the downtown that seems more
like a ghost town, but we must also not forget yesterday's history that made today possible.
Macon County has a rich, wonderful history. In these pages you will find photographs
of some of the buildings that housed our ancestors or were their places of work or worship. If
you know of, or live in, an historic home, or live near an old place of business, you may
submit a photograph with the address and history, if you know it. You may also submit photographs of old buildings
now lost to progress. Contact me here
to make a submission, or if you have any comments, questions or suggestions. |
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