Wedding Anniversaries
Their Twelfth Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bachman were pleasantly surprised at their home on North
Broadway last evening in honor of their twelfth wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in
playing games after which splendid refreshments were served. Those present were Lee Cope,
Walter Liston, L.W. Fribourg, William Mills, Ed. Berno, J.A.W. Bell, Geo. Ragney, Dell Baldwin,
Thomas Kitchen and wives, Misses Smith, Florence Kitchen, May Berno, Flora Martin, Hattie
Martin, Julia Taylor, Mrs. Bevans, Mrs. A.T. Grist, Lydia Stafford, Mrs. Stewart, Libbie
Brown and Emma Miller.
Decatur Daily Republican, 18 May 1894
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bachrach Have Been Married
Unequaled in Quiet Elegance by Anything Before It
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bachrach, at their elegant home at 722 West Wood street last night,
celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. In the neighborhood of half a hundred
friends and relatives assisted them in observing the happy day. While there was nothing ostentatious
or overdone in the arrangements, it is probably that no gathering at a family residence in Decatur
has equaled this one in elegance and completeness. Nothing that good taste could suggest or means
procure was left out. It was most delightful from first to last.
The decorations were unlike anything ever seen in Decatur and were most elaborate and
elegant. Over a hundred incandescent electric lights, put in especially for the occasion, were used
in addition to the many lights in the permanent chaneliers. The effect was a blaze of light that
made the rooms as brilliant as day. The additional incandescent lights were ranged in a row along
the ceiling in all the rooms. Smilax and roses were used in the greatest profusion in all the rooms.
Smilax festooned all the ceiling lights and almost hid the chandeliers. It was twined about the
window and picture frames. In all the nooks and angles of the rooms were placed banks of palms and
other tropical plants. On the mantels in the parlors were large clusters of roses. Smilax hung in
graceful loops above the mantels. Entwined with the smilax in places were festoons of silver fringe.
Between the library and the dining room hung poriierres of smilax, making a rich effect.
With the many lights, the green everywhere, the blossoms in suitable numbers, all
harmonizing with the tints and handsome furnishings and furniture of the house, and an orchestra
in a rear hall, the scene was one of rare beauty.
The out of town guests were arriving all afternoon. The guests from the city began
arriving just before 7. By that hour the rooms were comfortably filled with a company that was soon
engaged in lively conversation. At 7 o'clock an orchestra began playing a wedding march.
Then Mr. and Mrs. Bachrach entered the rear parlor and stood beneath a large silver
marriage bell with an electric light for a clapper. S. Lowenthal of Chicago, a friend, stepped
before the couple and said:
"Twenty-five years ago silver chimes rang out the glad tidings that two loving hands
were clasped and two twoing hearts beat in unison, and now we have met to celebrate the day. The
silvery tongues and the myrtle wreath which time has covered with glory remind up of that day so
long ago. Bright and pure as silver indeed are those years. White roses of love have showered their
beautiful petals along the winding path of life. Yet still, though fading into gold in the yellow
haze of the years to come they are petals of flowers and banners of joy. As we stand tonight
around our dearly loved friends let us glance back along the years and see what they have brought
as offerings to the happy occasion. The youth of twenty-five years ago is become an honored man.
Fortune has not only been lavish of her silver, but gold, too, has rung gaily on his counters and
jingles in his open pockets. His name is a synonym for all that is true of manhood, and honor and
uprightness, justice and charity distinguish him in all things. For that kind and loving helpmeet
whose hand has been strong to guide and whose voice has been silvery household music, let us give
praise, for to her belongs the honor and the glory. For what is man without woman, a drifting hulk,
an empty wine cask. What storms have been ridden safely out, what rapids safely passed when a good
and true wife and mother stands at the helm and keeps the tossing life boat to the right and the
mother, too feeble to be present at this joyous scene, her silver crowned head sheds white radiance
of peace upon us, sees yet in the man the happy groom of a quarter of a century ago, and this sweet
faced matron is still the rosy cheeked bride.
"Twenty-five years! O; happy years! Time has woven into the warp of black the woof
of white. The dusky tresses of long ago are bound in a network of silver frost work. The first snow
flakes of life's early autumn have fallen. But where snow flakes fall the thickest, there nothing can
freeze. So we know your hearts are warm and joyous and the smiles of your lips are the smiles of your
happy hearts, and though frost is on your temples, there is sunshine and song within. Silver! more
silver! why you have been coining it, not in the ratio of 16 to 1, but in the more natural way of
8 to 2 - eight smaller coins to make music in the house, eight pairs of loving hands to help carry the
joys of home, eight strong manly and womanly shoulders to bear the weight of coming years.
Twenty-five years ago when you stood before the altar the question was put to you
whether you were prepared to always protect and provide for this loving helpmate of yours. This
question, it is unnecessary for me to ask tonight, as the past as shown that you are perfectly
capable of carrying out your promises of the past. I therefore now wish to say that success will
always be with you in the future as in the past. With this night's celebration you have brought
your matrimonial barge into safe harbor of your silver marriage anniversary, and as you will set
sail to reach the far-off harbor of golden hope, permit me to wish in behalf of all those here
assembled tonight that you may encounter no storm, be drawn into no whirlpool, nor dashed against
any of the unseen rocks. May it be the good fortune of all those here assembled tonight to meet
you again twenty-five years hence. And may it be the blessing of God to wait upon you and may the
sun of glory shine around your head. May the gates of honor, plenty and happiness always be open
to you and yours; may no strife disturb your days, nor sorrow distress your nights. Amen."
Then came the congratulations, as hearty and profuse as on that happy wedding day
a quarter of a century ago. There were many wishes that more such anniversaries might be passed.
Soon afterwards the company passed to the dining room. There another beautiful scene
met the eye. The color scheme was in pink. There were three tables. At one with places for twelve
Mr. and Mrs. Bachrach were seated. At that table Dresden candelabra were used and at the other two
tables silver candelabra with pink shades. Roses were massed in three colors, dark red, pink and
yellow, with ferns. All the china was the daintiest and silver and cut glass the richest. Handsomer
set tables were never seen in Decatur.
The dining room was arranged and the supper served by Mrs. Sedgwick. It was probably
the most elaborate and elegant supper ever served in a Decatur residence. Not only had no effort
been spared in preparing and arranging it, but every clime and every season had been drawn on for
materials, and everything was the best that could be had. There were ten colored waitresses to serve
the eight courses.
Blue Points Brown Sandwiches - Lemon
~ ~ ~
Broiled Fresh Salmon Sauce Tartan Cream Potatoes in Cases
~ ~ ~
Roast Birds on Toast Braised Sweetbreads and Peas Cold Roast Turkey
Goose - - - Duck
Celery - - - - - Pim-Olas
Pickles Hot Rolls
~ ~ ~
Roman Punch
~ ~ ~
Shrimp Salad Rye Sandwiches Brie Cheese
~ ~ ~
Slices of Vanilla Ice Cream with B moulded in Center Cakes - - - Macaroons
~ ~ ~
Nuts - - - Raisins Oranges - - Bananas Grapes
~ ~ ~
Coffee Creme de Menthe
Two hours were passed at the table and then there was dancing, the carpets being covered
with canvas for that purpose. Another hour or two was passed in that way before the company separated,
after one of the most delightful evenings that they had ever passed.
An immense number of presents were received by Mr. and Mrs. Bachrach. The presents were
coming all day from all directions. There were most elegant ones, including silver ware and cut glass
in profusion. Among the most notable presents was a large clock of fine design.
Telegrams were pouring in all day and all night. There were nearly a hundred of them,
all wishing Mr. and Mrs. Bachrach much happiness and many more anniversaries. The telegrams came from
all directions, from New Orleans to New York and intermediate places.
The guests of the evening were largely made up of relatives and friends from out of the
city. About sixty were present during the evening. Among those from out of the city were:
From Bloomington - Mr. and Mrs. John Bachrach, Miss Rose Tachrach, Misses Emily and Rose
From Baltomire, Md. - I. Strauss, J. Eiseman and Wife and Milard Eiseman.
From Chicago - Mr. and Mrs. S. Lowenthal, Leo Eisenstaedt, Charles Bachrach and wife,
Charles Kaufman and wife.
From Clinton - Mrs. M. Sturm, Miss Ida Sturm.
Mr. and Mrs. Bachrach were married in Baltimore, Md. The bride's name was T. Hamburger.
They came west soon afterwards, going to Paris, Ills., and then to Chicago. They came to Decatur in
1877. Eight children have been born to them.
Decatur Review, 15 Jan 1898
The twentieth marriage anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bowen was celebrated last Saturday
evening by a surprise party given at their home, two and a half miles south of Cerro Gordo. The
party was arranged by their neighbors and was attended by a large number of their acquaintances.
Following is a list of presents received by the worthy couple:
China dinner set, Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Dustin, Mr. and Mrs. H.E.
McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. J.Y. Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Bowen, Mr. and Mrs.
E.A. Barnwell, Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Munea, Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Funk, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brandenburg, Mr. and Mrs. N.L. Hurt, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Kimberlain, Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Ickenberry, Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. T. Ross; set of china cups and saucers,
Grandma Wells and Mrs. Lou Wells; two china pitchers, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Wells; parlor lamp, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Ashton, of Macon Station; fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Shiveley; hanging lamp, Mr. and Mrs.
J.K. Shiveley; hanging lamp, Mr. and Mrs. S.C. McKay; china bed room set, Mr. and Mrs. Hudgeon
and Mr. and Mrs. George; pair of towels, Mrs. W.H. Kimberlain; pair of china vases and spittoon,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Stone; sauce dish and desert dish, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones, of Long Creek; two china
and saucers, Mr. and Mrs. Biler; silver butter knife and tape line, Wm. Priest; china plates, Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Chambers.
The guests brought baskets filled with good things to eat and a bountiful supper was
served. The celebration was productive of much pleasure to all who attended it.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 26 Dec 1885
Mr. Cloyd Is Still Active in Business
Wednesday is the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cloyd,
1253 North Pine street. No special observance of the day is being made, however. Mr. and
Mrs. Cloyd were married in Mattoon December 28, 1871, later coming to Decatur, where they
have lived for the last thirty years.
Mr. Cloyd is 72 years of age and Mrs. Cloyd is 68. They are in good health
and Mr. Cloyd is actively engaged in the grocery business at the corner of Grand avenue and
Van Dyke. Two of his sons are associated with him in the business. The four children of Mr.
and Mrs. Cloyd live in Decatur. They are Mrs. H.B. Thompson, J.W. Cloyd, L.C. Cloyd and T.F.
Decatur Review, 28 Dec 1921
Rev. W. Crandall and wife were somewhat surprised yesterday when their friends
appeared at their residence to the number of about fifty. The visitors, under the command
of Mrs. Mary Towers and Mrs. Tooley, of Argenta marched in and took possession of the premises.
The old folks wondered how so many would visit them in one day, but when the number swelled
to a hundred they somehow remembered that 45 years ago this day they were joined in matrimony.
Mother Crandall, though near seventy years of age, began to prepare their dinners, but the
baskets come form the wagons and buggies, a table was set in the grove of maples which surround
the house and all were satisfied. The ladies then gathered up their bundles that were hid away
from sight and heaped them in a pile, after which they were presented to the "Old Folks" in a
neat speech by Charles Towers, of Argenta. Father Crandall responded in a short speech of thanks
to the many friends for their kind visit and presents, of which are -
Folding rocking chair, John Marsh and Family
Folding rocking chair, Shiloh Sunday School
Set glassware, Mr. G. Tooley
Set goblets, Mrs. Uriah Bricker
Glass pitcher, Maggie Marsh
Pepper glass, Lou Marsh
Table Linen, Alice Marsh
Apron, Master Kay Marsh
Dress Pattern, Mrs. Nick Drake, Mrs. Dr. Carr, Mary Towers, Mamie Marsh, one each
Underwear, Miss Lizzie Young
Linen Underwear, Charles Towers
Hose, Mrs. Welton
Apron, C.H. Towers
Silk Handkerchief, Miss Alice Daily
Linen Handkerchief, Miss Sarah Daily
Apron and Handkerchief, Mrs. Mary Towers
Apron and Handkerchief, Lucetta Fesler
Handkerchief, S.F. Towers
Fine underwear, Mrs. Evans
$1, G.S. Young
2 pair of linen towels, Mrs. C.C. Crandall
Pair towels, E.P. Bowden
Pound of tobacco, Mrs. E.P. Bowden
$1, Miss Bowden
Cash 50 cts, J.H. Towers
Cash 50 cts, F.T. Evans
Hooey dish, W.G. Crandall and wife
$1, J. Jeffords
Butter dish, Mrs. G.W. Myers
Silk Handkerchief and apron, Johnny Jeffords
Centre table, J.H. Myers
Silver pickle dish, Mrs. J. Thomas
Silver headed cane with name engraved, Dr. R.F. Carr
After having a good time the gathering dispersed to their homes feeling
that they had enjoyed a pleasant day.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 9 Sep 1882
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Edwards of Buchanan, Mich., were guests of honor at a reception
commemorating their sixtieth wedding anniversary, Saturday afternoon, Nov. 23, at Faith United
Methodist Church in Buchanan. About 150 relatives, friends and neighbors called to extend their
best wishes. The refreshment table and gift tables were attractively decorated with white bells,
flowers and other centerpieces, all accented with diamond glitter. Centering the refreshment
table was a four tiered wedding cake, the lower tier of which was composed of three large
separate bell-shaped cakes decorated with delicate butterflies. The entire cake was lavishly
frosted in white and topped with white bells. The three round upper tiers were supported by
flower-entwined crystal parfair glasses. Grand-daughters and grand-daughters-in-law of the
couple served the guests punch, coffee, cake, individual ice creams, nuts and mints. Those from
Charleston who assisted were Mrs. James Golladay and Mrs. Kenneth Young.
In the evening a buffet supper was served to 85 relatives, close friends and Pastor
Laidler and family. Clarence Edwards asked the blessing upon this special occasion. Attending
from Charleston were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edwards, Mrs. Kenneth Young and Jeff, Mr. and Mrs.
James Golladay, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Edwards and Jill, Misses Kathy and Ellen Young, Misses Donna
and Gail Golladay. Miss Della Florey and Ora Edwards were married in Charleston November 25, 1908.
They are the parents of one living son, Clarence of Charleston; two daughters, Mrs. John (Irma)
Kelly of Buchanan and Mrs. Leland (Betty) Payne of Galien, Mich. They have nine grandchildren
and seventeen great grandchildren, two of whom were born on Nov. 25, their parents and grandparents'
anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards moved to Buchanan from Charleston in 1942 where Mr. Edwards
was employed at Clark Equipment Co. He retired from that position in 1852. Both are in good
health and are quite active. The honored couple cherish the lovely gifts, flowers and cards
they received.
Submitted by Pat Hageman
(Della Florey was the gr-gr-granddaughter of the pioneer settler, John Flora)
Family Dinner Held Wednesday At Home
The fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fleck, was celebrated
with a family dinner at noon Wednesday at their home, 1861 East William. Thw two sons, W.A.
Fleck and B.E. Fleck, with their wives, and all the grandchildren were present at the dinner.
The daughter, Mrs. H.R. Bayley of Birmingham, Mich., visited in Decatur last week. Members
of St. Paul's Methodist church visited Mr. and Mrs. Fleck Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fleck were married in New Hebron, Crawford county, Ill., Dec. 28,
1871. They moved to La Place and came to Decatur from there, living here for the last twenty
years. Mr. Fleck is seventy-six years of age and Mrs. Fleck will be seventy-three on Jan 14.
Mr. Fleck is a Civil War veteran and a member of Dunham Post, G.A.R. Mrs. Fleck is a member
of the Woman's Relief Corps.
Decatur Review, 28 Dec 1921
A very pleasant affair took place at the residence of Daniel Herman, of Long Creek
township, on Christmas day. The occasion was the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr and
Mrs Herman, and the 75th birthday of the venerable groom. There were over thirty neighbors and
friends who sat down to dinner with them, and of children an innumerable host. One interesting
feature of this reunion was the longevity of those present who lived on farms adjoining that of
Mr Herman's; William Baker, aged 80 years, his wife Mrs Marilla Baker, aged 82 years; James Nicholson,
aged 78 years; Mrs Gepford, aged 70, together with Mr and Mrs Herman, aged 78 and 68, who have
resided on their present farms thirty years and upwards, and Mr and Mrs Baker being the pioneers
of the neighborhood, having settled where they now live in 1828.
May joy and peace go with these pioneers of civilization and christianity in Macon
county, and may their virtuous example be a guiding star to the younger generation following them
in the line march to old age.
Decatur Review, 1 Jan 1879
Johnson Sinclair - At the residence of John Hanks, three miles northwest
of this city on the fourteenth day of July 1842 by Hon. Kirby Benedict, Willis Johnson to Miss
Demarris A. Sinclair.
The reproduction of this marriage notice calls to mind the early history of Macon
county, and the names of many persons who have long since passed away. Only one person of the
number who witnessed the marriage ceremony, Mr. John Hanks, aged 81 is now living. At that time
Decatur was a town of six or seven hundred. Very little prairie land was under cultivation. The
neighbors were few and far between. Willis Johnson was born in Madison county, Ky and came to
Macon county, Ills., in 1837. His bride was born in Virginia and came here at a still earlier
day. Judge Benedict who performed the ceremony was one of three lawyers in the county at that
time, Capt. Post and Judge Emerson being the others. John Hanks, at whose residence the ceremony
was performed, has long since been known throughout the country from his intimate relations with
Lincoln in his younger day. The place at which the ceremony was performed was one of the first
farms opened in the county.
The fortieth anniversary of this event was duly celebrated at the residence of Mr.
Johnson yesterday. Guests to the number of about one hundred assembled in the afternoon, recalled
reminiscences of former days, and partook of the bounteous hospitality of the bride and groom
of forty years ago.
A large number more of the younger friends of the family joined the others, and
the evening was one of rare enjoyment. Among those present whose steps are now on the down hill
of life were John Hanks, Mr. & Mrs. John Good, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Montgomery, Dr. & Mrs.
Jos. King, Mr. & Mrs. E. McClellan, Mr. & Mrs. Simon Seitz, Mrs. Jane Myers, Capt. J.S.
Post. But we stop the list here, lest we might trench on the names of some who are yet young.
Among the many present left by the guests as tokens of friendship and good will
were: Glass fruit dish, Mrs. Jos. Troutman; walking cane, D.H. Heilman; basket of flowers, Mrs.
Weitsel; pin cushion and mats, Mrs, H. Crea; Towels and silk handkerchiefs, Mr. & Mrs. William
Sawyer; pair linen towels, Mrs. S.S. Jack; box of cigars, J.H. Mansy; clock, H. Post; one pair
of pitchers, Mrs. A.T. Stamper; embroidered tidies, Mr. & Mrs. P. Perl; pair gold sleeve
buttons, T.B. Albert and Samuel Weitsel; butter dish, Mrs. O. Jones; silver cake basket and lamp
mat, Mr. & Mrs. L.L. Hooker; silver coffee urn, Hugo Crea; silk handkerchief and lace, Mr.
& Mrs. E. McClellan; talbe spread, Mrs. W.F. Montgomery; two silk handkerchiefs, W.A. Bradley;
blue flannel shirt, Bert Williams; felt hat, D.W. Jones and Bert Williams; history of Clear
Creek and Boulder Valley, Col., J.H. Post; $10 gold, Mr. & Mrs. H.M. Taggert; basket of
flowers and bouquet, Mr. V. Barber; Cardigan jacket, John Williams & son; Smyner rug, Mr. &
Mrs. D H. Heilman; ice cream, Mrs. O.B. Gorin; pair blankets, Linn & Scruggs; velvet rug, L.C.
Hopper; tapestry rug, Mrs. Manon & Mrs. Loomis; Turkish carriage robe, Mr. & Mrs. J.R.
Miller; three patent milk covers, Bert Williams; two pairs hose, John Wallace; one pair half
hose, Mrs. John Williams; wove table spread, Mrs. John Good; two glass butter dishes, Mrs. D.
Gepert; $2 silver, Mr. Wm. Montgomery. Regrets of Mr. & Mrs. V. Barber, Mr. & Mrs. H.B.
Cole, Mr. & Mrs. W.C. Johns and other were received. It was indeed a very enjoyable occasion
to all present.
Decatur Review, 15 July 1882
The 23rd anniversary of the marriage of Mr. & Mrs. T. Nealon was pleasantly
celebrated last night at 603 East Edmond street. There was about 50 friends present to give the
couple a surprise. They received a number of gifts. Cards, music and dancing whiled away the
hours, and refreshments were served at 11 o'clock.
Decatur Daily Review, 11 November 1887
The Twenty-Ninth Anniversary of the Marriage of Rev. and Mrs. W.H. Prestley
At Cincinnati, Ohio, February 26th, 1857, at eight o’clock P.M., Rev. W.H. Prestley,
of this city, was married to Miss A.J. Burgoyne, daughter of the late Judge Burgoyne of the Queen
City. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Samuel R. Wilson, D.D. The 29th anniversary of this event
was celebrated at the parsonage last night in a manner which surprised Mr. and Mrs. Prestley, but the
surprise was an agreeable one. Members of the congregation to the number of about 125 met at the
church in the early part of the evening, and after making up a substantial purse as a bridal present,
at about eight o’clock they went in a body to the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Prestley were found at home
and, although taken unawares, they welcomed the crowd that soon filled every available space in the
different rooms. In a short time W.R. Scruggs called the bride and groom of twenty-nine years ago
before him, and in a neat and appropriate address, presented them with the purse already provided.
He said that those he represented manifested a kindly interest in their welfare, and that this
anniversary was a fitting one to be made the opportunity for the expression of their regard and
love. In response Mr. Prestley, in a few well chosen words, accepted, for himself and wife, the
present, and said that while the substantial token of their regard was highly appreciated, that the
kind motives and feelings which induced the gift would be forever treasured in their hearts. The
purse, which contained $150, was at once given by Mr. Prestley to his wife, doubtless because of the
general custom of ministers giving all their wedding presents to their wives for pin money.
Rev. Prestley and his wife have resided here since November 1, 1876, coming here from Tuscola in this
state, where he had been temporarily settled for one and one-half years. The year before his marriage,
he was settled at Chilicothe, Ohio, where he preached acceptably for over eighteen years, coming from
that charge to this state. He has greatly added to and strengthened the church here, having secured
a larger relative increase in the membership during ten years, than any other pastor in the presbytery.
Besides, he and his wife have the universal regard of the people of this city, without respect to sect
or belief.
This surprise was specially arranged for by the ladies of the congregation, in which they
were directly represented by Mrs. Orlando Powers, Mrs. S.F. Randolph and Mrs. J.K. Warren.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 27 Feb 1886
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Price - Residents of Macon County since 1859
Sixty years of married life enriched with joys and sorrows have left
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Price a happy couple, enjoying a tranquil and blessing
old age. After keeping their home for 49 years they are now content to
spend their time with their three children. Although there will be no
formal celebration of their sixtieth wedding anniversary on Saturday, the
children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are expected to call upon
the old couple in the home of their daughter Mrs. W. F. Montgomery, 1131
Cottage Hill avenue, where they are now living.
To Decatur in 1857
Mr. Price was born near Seven Mile, Butler county, Ohio, in 1834.
In 1857 he drove through to Illinois in a wagon and settled on a farm four
miles from Decatur. On Feb. 8, 1859, he was married in Seven Mile, Ohio,
bringing his bride back to his farm in Illinois where they lived until they
moved into Decatur about seventeen years ago. Mrs. Price in relating her
first impression of Illinois told of the mud being so deep that it was
necessary for her to walk to and cross over the country bridge where the
couple were met in a large lumber wagon, which conveyed them to their new home.
Wants Were Few
"One secret of our happiness is the fact that we wanted only the
things that we could have. Our pleasures were simpler than in this modern
age, and church going, instead of a duty, was one of our greatest
pleasures." There were no sewing machines in those days and for many years
Mrs. Price made by hand all the children's clothes and even the suits and
shirts for her husband. This busy little woman, though not as active as she
once was, is not content in doing nothing, and enjoys making quilts for her
grandchildren. She had just finished one this week which brings the number
up to nearly one hundred that she has made in the last few years.
Reading the Herald
"Apples at five cents each was an unknown thing in the old days,"
said Mr. Price. "When a farmer had more apples than he could use he invited
the neighbors to come and help themselves." Mr. Price has enjoyed reading
The Herald ever since it was first published. He was a subscriber in the
days when, as a weekly paper, it was known as The Decatur Republican.
Although Mr. Price is fond of riding in automobiles he does not have much of
a desire to try an airplane trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Price have two daughters, Mrs. Will Montgomery, 1131
Cottage Hill avenue, and Mrs. Frank G. Hill, West Macon Street, and a son,
J. H. Price, living on a farm near Decatur.
Decatur Papers - Feb. 7, 1919
Submitted by: Barbara Madsen
1856 - 1881
The 25th anniversary of our respected fellow townsman, ex-Mayor Franklin Priest and Miss
Ababial J. Priest, who were joined in matrimony in Littleton, Mass., March 28, 1856, was appropriately
and pleasantly celebrated last evening at Priest's Hotel, by the immediate relatives and seventy-five
or eighty friends of the well known couple, who have resided among us for a quarter of a century. The
party was arranged as a surprise, and such it proved to be to the evident satisfaction of those ladies
who had charge of the arrangements. The invading party, well supplied with eatables in baskets and
packages, assembled at the Reform Club Room, and from thence proceeded to the hotel, where all were
received with the proverbial cordiality of the gentlemen and lady in whose honor the company had
gathered. While the ladies were "fixin' things" in the dining hall, the guests made themselves at
home in the brilliantly lighted parlors, engaging in conversation and bringing up pleasant recollections.
Finally the company was ushered into the banquet hall where a splendid repast awaited their pleasure,
and it is eminently proper to state that all did it full justice.
Rev. Father Crissey, the veteran divine of Central Illinois, offered prayer, and the
niece of the host, Miss Anais Converse, of Springfield, read the following poem, which is so full
of interrogations:
Uncle Frank, I'd like to know,
About those things long, long years ago;
How the wedding came about,
And you and Aunt Jane started out.
Can't you think, for just a minute,
And tell us which one did begin it?
Was it you, or Aunt Jane, say,
That first decided on the day?
And tell us, too, where first you met,
I'm sure of this you don't forget.
Was it in some church, or at some party?
And was the greeting warm and hearty?
Another thing, I'd like to know,
Was you a gay, attractive beau,
With smiles so bland and words so witty,
And did you sing to her a ditty?
Or did you blush while tongue was stammering,
And 'neath your vest your heart was hammering
A timeless tune, without repose,
While you were trying to propose?
Was she like other girls, then,
And like most other girls have been;
Though likely not enough to hurt,
A little bit inclined to flirt?
And, now, dear Uncle, tell us this:
Did she respond with a hearty "yes?"
Or did she want time to reflect,
A thing which men do least expect,
And after the auspicious hour,
Was your's a lengthy bridal tour?
Or settle down at once, did you,
With life's realities in view?
When once engaged in life's great work,
Did either of you try to shirt
The mutual cares of married life,
As ill becometh man and wife?
Perhaps you'll think a little miss
Ought not to ask of such as this,
But every girl doth have her fears,
When looking forward a long years.
They want to know how others've done,
How two had lived as though but one.
So, if perchance they e'er should mate,
They can their elders imitate.
To Rev. Dr. Davies, the Methodist presiding elder, was delegated the pleasant talk of
presenting the silver wedding gifts which had been obscured from view upon a table until the proper
time. They embraced a costly silver water set, beautifully engraved and ornamented, from Decatur
friends; a beautiful floral panel, from Miss Georgia O'Neill, of Chicago, grand-daughter of Mrs. and
Mrs. Priest; a double set of silver knives and forks, from Mr. and Mrs. H. Converse, of Springfield;
a handsome silver vase, from Mrs. George R. Priest, of Decatur; a set of silver spoons, from Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Priest, of Springfield; a novel silver mantle clock, from Fr. and Mrs. A.L. Converse,
of Springfield, and a silver spoon holder, from Misses Anais and Florence Converse, of the same city.
The presentation speech was made in the Doctor's happiest vein, while the grateful thanks expressed
by the host was sincere and hearty. The occasion was one of the pleasantest we have lately
attended, and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Those in attendance from Springfield were
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Priest, Dr. and Mrs. A.L. Converse, Mr. and Mrs. H. Converse and Misses Anais
and Florence Converse.
The Daily Republican (Decatur), 29 Mar 1881
At the residence of Rev. J.H. Noble, pastor of the First M.E. Church,
Wednesday eve., Aug 2d, Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, father and mother of Mrs. Noble,
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedded life. A very large company
assembled to greet the old people, and the yound and the old - the morning and the
evening of life - mingled joyously together.
One peculiar feature of the occasion was that, instead of the friends
and children making golden presents, Mr. Simmons gave to each child (two in number)
and to each grand-child (24 in number), and to one daughter-in-law, a present of
eighty acres of land, making 2160 acres in all. After the distrubution of delicious
ice cream and cake, which Mrs. Noble knows so well how to serve, a few remarks were
made by Mr. Hoffman, after which Rev. Mr. Semple led in prayer.
The old couple seemed as happy as in the May-day of life. They joined
the M.E. Church over 50 years ago, both on the same day. A half century of wedded
life! - beautiful, blessed! This was a golden wedding fifty years ago - it has been
a golden wedding all the years. From their stand-point it certainly is pleasant to
be old.
Decatur Review, 3 Aug 1871
Wednesday, April 13th, was an eventful day for Mr. and Mrs. Moses A. Stare, who
reside on East Bradford street. It was the 25th anniversary of their marriage. About thirty
of their friends helped them celebrate their silver wedding in a happy manner. A bountiful
repast was served. The couple were presented with a number of gifts by their friends; silver
butter dish by Mr. and Mrs. John Stare and family; silver plated caster by Henry Kain and
family; silver cake stand, Mr. and Mrs. George Stare; silver caster, Mrs. W.J. Magee; silver
sugar spoon, Mrs. N. Stare and Mrs. Taylor Blain; silver napkin rings, Mr. and Mrs. S. Boyer;
pair handkerchiefs, Mrs. Baldwin; also gifts from Mrs. H. Stare and Mrs. C. Chandler. J.
Musselman, father of Mrs. Stare, Mrs. B. Albert and daughter and the Misses Magee were present.
Decatur Republican, Decatur, IL, 21 Apr 1887
Elaborate Wedding Anniversary Celebration at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Starr
Three Hundred Guests Call to Extend Congratulations and Be Royally Entertained - A
Brilliant Affair - Beautiful Toilets and Parlor Decorations
A notable event in Decatur society last night was the reception at the Starr residence on
West Main street given by Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Starr to their hosts of business, social and church friends,
to celebrate the silver anniversary of their happy marriage. It was in Decatur on the evening of Feb. 4,
1870, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ichabod Baldwin, that W.H. Starr and Miss Kiturah
Baldwin were joined together in wedlock, by the late Rev. R.W. Travis, and since that interesting
ceremony the couple have continued to reside in Decatur, rearing their children and battling together
along the pathway of life partaking of its many joys and happily few of its sorrows.
It was the speical pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Starr to receive their friends at their
comfortably appointed home, and it was made a very enjoyable occasion for all who were privileged to be
there to partake of the hospitality so generously extended. The guests numbered over 300, part coming
between 7 and 9 o'clock, and the remainder from 9 to 11 o'clock. The handsome residence was brilliantly
illuminated, itself speaking a silent welcome to all who were bidden to come in. Carpets and rugs were
spread upon the floor of the verandah which was enclosed neatly in canopy form for the comfort of the
arriving and departing guests. Inside the inviting home which is sumptuously furnished throughout,
the apecial decorations were lavish as to flowers and smilax, beautifully embellished with electric
effects and with trophies of prize game in the wilds of Michigan. Every where in the parlors, library,
dining room and halls the decorations were green with pink effects to heighten the color and add additional
beauty to the scene, and when the handsomely attired ladies and gentlemen in every dress began filling
the residence the scene was one of grandeur and animation seldom witnessed at a social gathering of such
magnitude. Tropical plants in profusion were used and there were yards and yards of smilax and pink
carnations and roses. The chadelier was twined with smilax and festoons of the same vine over the lace
curtains wer relieved only by an occasional pink. The back parlor was the same, and in the library the
same effects were carried out. Over the mantle in this room there was a large deer head with antler of
ten prongs, and on there there were incandescent electric lights, green and red. They were arranged by
Mr. Starr's son, Will, and the effect was very beautiful. The same idea was carried out in the dining
room where a similar deer head was ornamented with the lights. The table decorations were very pretty.
In the center was a star of pink satin edged with smilax, while at each corner there was a green
incandescent light from which pink streamers led to the chandelier. The center piece was filled with
Mr. and Mrs. Starr received their guests in the front parlor, and were assisted by Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Starr, and by Mr. and Mrs. Heston I. Baldwin. The presentations were made by Mr. D.A. Maffit.
Everybody extended hearty congratulations, and during the entire evening from 7 o'clock until 11 the
levee was held and the liberal hospitality of the home was extended.
Mrs. Starr was assisted in the entertainment of her guests by Miss Grace Baldwin, who
presided at the frappe bowl in the library; Misses Nina Champlin and Eva Bixby, who gave out the silver
souvenirs; Mrs. J.B. Bullard in the dining room, Mrs. D.A. Maffit, the Misses Boblett, Miss Hamsher,
Mrs. John Armstrong and Mrs. B.K. Hamsher. After being presented to the receiving party the guests
were taken to the dining room, where refreshments consisting of oyster patties, chicken salad, olives,
pickles, sandwiches, cakes, confections, jackstraws, salted almonds, wafers, coffee and ices were
served. The ices were all molded in the shape of a star. The guests were all seated about the center
table, thirty-six at a time. Mrs. Gharrett was the caterer, and was assisted by William Holland and
a corps of colored servants.
Throughout the evening the Opera orchestra discoursed very pleasing selections, and
personal greetings of friends and conversation lent to the pleasure of the evening.
The upper rooms were set apart for the use of the guests who removed their wraps and
coats which were taken in charge by attendants and checked in the cloak room. There was a smoking
room for the gents in the attic, and lovers of the weed took occasion to sample the Chancellors and
other cigars which had been placed conveniently for the use of the gentlemen.
In one room was displayed the silver anniversay gifts sent in by friends. It was a
magnificent collection of rich and beautiful silverware, china and other articles, for use and
ornaments. One of the splendid gifts was a silver chest from the members of the Waucedah hunting
party, of which Mr. Starr is a member. A silver plate on the lid bore the names of the party and
donors. Mr. Starr's gift to his wife was a silver-mounted harness. It was made of German-silver,
plated with silver coin. The monograms are of sterling silver, and it is altogether the most elegant
thing of the kind brought to this city.
The souvenirs of the occasion were solid silver stars, each one in a little box which
bore this inscription: "Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Starr, 1870-1895."
Mrs. Starr received in a gown of mode satin duchess with pale blue trimmings, and
carried American beauty roses.
Mrs. E.M. Starr - Tan-colored silk, with green and velvet, and white lace trimmings.
Mrs. H.I. Baldwin - Black satin duchess with velvet, jet and point lace.
Mrs. J.B. Bullard - Mode silk, with brown velvet and point lace; diamonds.
Mrs. D.A. Maffit - Heliotrope and black silk.
Miss Boblett - Yellow crepe du chien, with velvet and embroidered chiffon.
Miss Margaret Boblett - Red silk and mousselin de soie; diamonds.
Miss Baldwin - Black satin sucness and jet.
Miss Champlin - Black velvet and corn-colored silk.
Miss Hamsher - Pale blue silk chiffon, with point lace and pearl ornaments.
Miss Bixby - Pink silk, covered with embroidered chiffon; pearl ornaments.
Mrs. John Armstrong - Mode silk, green velvet, point lace and diamonds.
Mrs. B.K. Hamsher - Black silk and jet, point lace; diamonds.
Miss Neta Bullard - Pale pink chiffon.
Mrs. Millikin - Black velvet en traine, with pale blue ostrich feathers.
Mrs. B.W. Campbell, of Cincinnati - Pale blue silk, covered with embroidered chiffon, point lace
and diamonds.
Mrs. Smith Crowder - Yellow embroidered mulle.
Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. B.W. Campbell, of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Osgood,
of Chicago; Mrs. Smith Crowder of California; Albert C. Stiefel, of Cincinnati; Rev. and Mrs. James
Miller, of Bloomington.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 5 Feb 1895
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stuart of Oreana Entertain Their Friends
Couple Have Lived on Same Farm During Entire Married Life.
Oreana, July 20 -- Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart celebrated their fiftieth anniversary
Tuesday by giving a reception at their home, three miles east of Oreana, to their
relatives and friends from 2 to 5 p.m.
John Stuart and Miverva Young were united in marrige July 19, 1860, near Argenta,
Ill. They had lived their entire married life of the same farm where they now reside.
They have eight children living as follows: Mrs. Adda Hedges of Seward, Neb.; Mrs.
Amanda Evans, of Marion, Ind.; Samuel Stuart, of St. Benedict Iowa; Mrs. Sadie
Livingston, of Decatur, William Stuart and Miss Emma Stuart of Oakley, and Frank
and Robert Stuart, who reside near home. All but the three first named and their
families were present at the reception.
There were five persons present at the reception who attended the wedding fifty
years ago. They were Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Stuart, of Oreana, who celebrated their
fiftieth anniversary 6 years ago. Mrs. Mary Kile and Mrs. Ada Young, of Decatur, and
Fred Stackhouse, of Argenta. Refreshments were served during the afternoon and a
most pleasant time was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. and Mrs. Stuart were the
recipients of many valuable presents.
The guest present from a distance were, Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Kile, of Hopedale;
Mrs. Mattie Scott and daughter, Irene, of Lohrville, Ia.; Mrs. Bellie Lakin, of Bangor,
Mich.; Mrs. Alta Corbett and children, of Pana; Miss Lalah Augustus, of Urbana; Mrs.
J. C. Peck of Cerro Gordo; Mrs. and Mrs. G. W. Betzer and daugher, and Miss Sadie
Kile, of Decatur.
Other guest present were Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Ealder, Mrs. Sarah Stackhouse,
Mrs. William Zion, Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hartman, Mrs.
Ada Bowman and Miss Laura Williams of Argenta; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathias, of
Forsyth; and Mrs. R. Kirby and daughers, Mrs. Grant Kirby and daughters, Mrs. H. E.
Dickey and daughter Miss Lulu, Mrs. S. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Betzer and
daughter, Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Reed and children, Mrs. J. Mitchell and children, Mr.
and Mrs. N. S. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. John Reed and children, Miss Edith Hartle, Mrs.
Grace Adams, Mrs. L. Querry, Mrs. Nettie Welton and children, Missess Carrie Stuart,
and Carrie Dunkel and Levi Griffin, Adrian Hanks and Frederick Baugh, all of near
Decatur Daily Herald, Thursday, July 21, 1910, page 6
Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Wilkinson, highly esteemed residents of this city, today
celebrated the 60th anniversary of their marriage in a quiet way. The couple are pioneers of
Illinois, coming here with their parents 70 years ago.
Mr. Wilkinson is 87 years of age and his wife is three years his junior. He
constructed the Ruth Flouring Mills in this city in 1867 and has since been in the milling
business. Despite his years he still is actively engaged in business, and is hale and hearty.
The couple have two children, Mrs. George P. Harrington of Prescott, Arizona and
George C. Wilkinson of Edinburg.
Decatur Daily Review, 27 September 1908

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