H.C. Yates died yesterday. He had been ill with consumption several months.
Decatur Republican, 6 Aug 1868
YOHE, Amanda
Mrs. Amanda Yohe died of spinal paralysis at her home, four and one half
miles west of the city, Saturday at 1:30, aged 57 years. She was a native of Pennsylvania,
and had been a resident of this vicinity for the past eighteen years. She is survived by
her husband, three sons and six daughters, as follows: Mrs. Frank Sharrock, of Rich Hill,
Mo.; Mrs. Albert Ferry of Hillsboro; Mrs. Henry Karns of Alton; Mrs. Charles Pringle, and
Miss Cleda Yohe of Decatur; Jesse Yohe and George D. Yohe of this city; and Joseph B. Yohe
of Florence, Ala. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. from the family
residence and the services will be conducted by Rev. Bankson.
Decatur Herald, 21 Oct 1902
Born: 1851
Died: 1920 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Friends Creek Cem, Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Parents: George S. & Otillia (Long) Young
Born: 25 Dec 1815 in Ireland
Died: 17 Aug 1872 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Friends Creek Cem, Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Married: Elizabeth Shaw
Children: Minerva, Silas, Stanford, Paulina, Jane, Elmyra, Jasper, Dwight,& Theodore
YOUNG, Charles
In this city on Saturday, January 9th, Charles Young, brother of Wm. Young, of
the firm of Young & Norman. His remains are to be taken to Bement for interment.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 11 Jan 1875
YOUNG, Dwight
Maroa News: Dwight Young, aged about 18, died at his home in Maroa on Sunday, July
18th. of consumption. Deceased will be remembered by the young people of Decatur, as
having been a clerk in the store of Linn & Scrugg's last spring and for some months
before. He made many friends in Decatur.
Decatur Daily Review, Thur, Jul 22, 1880, p. 1
Died: 18 Jul 1888 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Maroa Cem, Maroa, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Adam and Elizabeth (Shaw) Young
YOUNG, Elizabeth (Shaw)
Mrs. Elizabeth Young, mother of Mrs. Isaac Harkrader, died at 6
o'clock Monday afternoon, Aug 1, at the home of her daughter, corner of
William and Franklin streets. She was 66 years old and died of old age.
The funeral services and burial will take place at Maroa Wednesday.
Decatur Review, Tues, Aug 2, 1898, page 3
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Young, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this
afternoon from the Presbyterian church at Maroa. The services will be
conducted by Rev. M. S. Newcomer and the interment will be at the Maroa
cemetery. Those friends who so desire may call at the residence corner
Franklin and William streets, between 8 and 10 o'clock this forenoon. The
casket will not to opened at the church.
Decatur Herald, Wed, Aug 3, 1898, page 7
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Young was held at 2:30 o'clock yesterday
afternoon from the Presbyterian church in Maroa. The services were
conducted by Rev. M. S. Newcomer. There was a large attendance. The
interment was at the Maroa cemetery.
Decatur Review, Thurs, Aug 4, 1898, page 5
Submitted by Sandra Wagner
Born: 22 Jul 1822 in PA
Died: 1 Aug 1898 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Maroa Cem, Maroa, Macon Co, IL
Married: In OH to Adam Young
Children: Minerva, Silas, Stanford, Paulina, Jane, Elmyera, Jasper,
Dwight, Theordore
Emil Young died yesterday at 3:30 at his home on Springs Avenue. He has been
suffering from a tumor for over a year and his death has been expected for some time. Mr. Young
was 36 years of age, a member of Volunteer Hose company No.1, and of the Modern Woodmen. He was
born in Rastatt, Germany and came to America twenty-one years ago, coming direct to Decatur. He
was a butcher by trade. For a few months previous to his death he was in the employ of Danzeisen.
For twelve years he worked for Imboden and Bro. He leaves a wife and four children. His brothers
and sisters are: Antoine of Bremen, Germany, Will, Carlos, Alois, Franz, Decatur; Mrs. Josephine
Weth of N. Jersey; Annie Nold, Pittsburgh, Penn.; Amelia Young and Mrs. Lucy Keck, Decatur. Mr.
Young was a good citizen and had many warm friends in the community. The funeral arrangements
have not yet been made.
Decatur Daily Review, 4 May 1892
YOUNG, John W.
John W. Young, who died at the Wabash hospital late Thursday evening, of pneumonia,
after an illness of less than two weeks, was about 45 years of age, and was well known in this
city. For a number of years he was employed as engineer at the U.S. court house. After leaving
this position he went into the employ of the Wabash as a carpenter, and was stationed at
Decatur. He was for five years a member of the governor’s guard, of this city, was a member of
the Knights of Pythias and other secret organizations. He was as generous-hearted as most any
man meets with, and had a host of friends in this city. His funeral will take place Sunday at
two o’clock, and will be largely attended.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 7 Mar 1886
YOUNG, Margaret
Born: 1862
Died: 1866 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Friends Creek Cem, Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Parents: George S. & Otillia (Long) Young
YOUNG, Nellie
Miss Nellie Young, aged seventeen year, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Young, of Friends
Creek township, died on Sunday, of consumption. The funeral will take place to-day from
the Cumberland Presbyterian church, Rev. Hogg officiating.
Daily Review, Tue, Feb 09, 1886, page 3
The funeral of Nellie Young, the seventeen-year old daugher of Mr. and Mrs. George Young,
of Friends Creek township, who died on Sunday, of consumption, took place yesterday forenoon
at ten o'clock, from the Newburg Cumberland Presbyterian church, in that township. The
services were conducted by Rev. J. N. Hogg, and the funeral was one of the largest that
has ever been known in that vicinity. People were in attendance from all parts of the township.
The pall-bearers were Messrs. Charles Greenfield, Frank Benton, Frank Evey, Mark Evey, William
Munich and George Wilson. The services were very impressive. The remains of the deceased
were interred in the Newburg burying ground. Miss Young was one of the most popular and highly
respected young ladies in Friends Creek, and her death causes deep regret, as was shown by the
large attendance at her funeral.
Decatur Daily Review, Wednesday, February 10, 1886, page 3
Submitted by Sandra Wagner
Born: 1869
Buried: Friends Creek Cem, Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Parents: George S. & Otillia (Long) Young
YOUNG, Otilla (Long)
Mrs. G.S. Young, who lived three miles north and one mile east of here, died Sunday night
after an illness of four weeks. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J.W. Elder at the old
Cumberland church Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Ottilla Long Young was born near Kingston, Pa., Decemeber 4, 1929, and she came to
Illinois with her parents when she was 7 years old. She was married to G. S. Young January 1,
1852. He and five children have preceded her. About two years ago she untied with the
Prebysterian church of this place. She leaves two daughters and many near and dear relatives
to mourn her departure. She was a loving, faithful wife and affectionate mother, a kind friend
and neighbor, and has now gone to her happy reward.
We wish to sincerely thank all who were kind to us during the sickness and death
of our mother, Mrs. G. S. Young. The Daughters
Born: 4 Dec 1829 in Pickway Co, OH or Kingston, PA
Died: 12 Apr 1908 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Friends Creek Cem, Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Joseph D. Long
Married: 1 Jun 1852 to George S. Young
Children: Clara, Ada, Joseph L., John, Winfield, Margaret, Nellie
YOUNG, Silas
The body of Silas Young who died of heart disease Sunday at Jacksonville,
passed through the city last night to Maroa, where the funeral was held today.
Daily Republican, 20 Nov 1894
Born: abt 1848 OH
Died: 18 Nov 1894 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Maroa Cem, Maroa, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Adam & Elizabeth (Shaw) Young
An 80-acre tract of fine prairie land, cultivated and improved, in Friends Creek
township, belonging to the Silas Young estae, and also a five-acre strip of timber belonging to
same estate will be sold at the court house door on Saturday, September 14, at 1 o'clock p.m.
The farm land lies about three miles north of Argenta and the timber about three miles
northeast of Argenta.
Terms of sale: Half cash on day of sale, balance in one year, to be secured by
mortgage on the property, or buyer may pay all cash if he prefers. James J. Finn,
Master-in-chancery. Sept4-d & wtd
Daily Republican, 4 Sep 1895
YOUNG, Stanford
Born: OH
Died: 22 Jul 1889 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Maroa Cem, Maroa, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Adam & Elizabeth (Shaw) Young
YOUNG, Theodore
Died: 9 Aug 1864 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Friends Creek Cem, Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Adam & Elizabeth (Shaw) Young
YOUNG, Winfield S.
Born: 1855
Died: 1864 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Friends Creek Cem, Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Adam & Elizabeth (Shaw) Young
George S. Younge died at his home northeast of Argenta
Sunday, April 6, at 11:30 p.m. Mr. Younge was born in County Down,
Ireland, in the month of November, 1820. He was of Scotch Irish descent
and was christened in the Presbyterian church in infancy. Early in life
he joined the Masonic lodge and was a member of that order for 60 years.
He was married to Miss Otillea Long, January 1, 1842. To this union seven
children were born, five of whom have preceded him to the better land. His
wife and two daughers, Mrs. Clara Bricker, and Miss Ada Younge, and many
heartfelt friends are left to mourn his death.
Mr. Younge was a noble man and lived an exemplary life.
The funeral services were held from the Old C. P. church Tuesday at 2 p.m.,
conducted by Rev. A. N. Moore.
The Masons of Maroa lodge, of which he was a member, were to have conducted
the funeral, but owing to a funeral at Maroa at the same time, it was impossible.
The pall bearers were Dr. Denison, R. M. Machan, James Sampson, J. W. Ripple, Dr.
Thomas and S. C. Mayall, all of whom were brother Masons from Argenta.
Decatur Review, Sun, Apr 13, 1902, page 5
Submitted by Sandra Wagner
Born: 20 Nov 1820 in County Down, Ireland
Buried: Friends Creek Cem, Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Robert & Elizabeth (Martin) Young
Married: 1 June 1842 to Otillia Long
Children: Clara, Ada, Joseph L, John, Winfred, Margaret, Nellie
YOUNT, Cecil H.
Cecil H. Yount died at 2:15 Friday afternoon at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W.W. Yount, 945 N. Union St. He had been suffering from a complication of diseases for the
past 3 years. He was 33 years old on September 1. He was born at Lake Port, Arkansas Sept
1, 1881, but made his home in Decatur for a long time.
He was a traveling salesman, but had quit the road when his health failed 3 years ago.
He was a member of Triumph Court No. 17 Tribe of Ben Hur, and also a member of First Christian
Church. Besides his parents, he is survived by 3 brothers; James, Fred, and Grant Yount, all
of Decatur.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at the residence. The interment will be
in Fairlawn Cemetery.
Decatur Review, Sat, Sept, 19, 1914
YOUNT, Charles W.
Charles W. Yount died at 6:30 Monday evening at 531 N. Monroe St. He was 35 years old
and had been in poor health a long time. His wife died 7 years ago. Besides his parents,
he is survived by a daughter, Miss Morine Yount, who lives in Springfield - four brothers,
James, Fred, Carl, and Grant Yount of Decatur, and a sister Mrs. Eddie Baum, also of Decatur.
The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at the residence. The services
will be conducted by Rev. J.F. Mills of the First Baptist Church. The body will be taken to
Springfield for interment.
The Daily Review, Tues, Nov 22, 1910
YOUNT, Frances
Mrs. Frances Yount, formerly of Decatur, died at 11 o'clock at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Alice Porter, in Duquin, IL. She was 67 years old last December 25. Mrs. Yount had
suffered an attack of influenza and this was followed by heart trouble, which caused her
death. She had been in frail health for the last 2 years.
Mrs. Yount was the widow of William Yount. The resided in Decatur for many years. Mr.
Yount died 2 years ago. She is survived by 3 sons, James and Grant Yount of Decatur, and
Fred Yount of Mendota, and her sister, Mrs. Alice Porter of Duquoin in whose home she died.
The body will be brought to Moran and Sons Chapel and then taken to the home of her son
James, 1544 E. Main St. Wednesday afernoon. The funeral probably will be Thursday afternoon.
Decatur Review, Wed, Feb 7, 1923, p. 7
YOUNT, George Merle
Died: 15 Aug 1982 in Marion, IN
Buried: Calvary Cem.
Parents: James H. and Susan A. Yount
Married: Catheryn C. Hanks
Children: 1 son prededed him in death
YOUNT, Gladys Mary
Gladys Mary Yount, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Yount, died Tuesday afternoon at
the residence of her parents, 1541 E. Main St. She was 3 years old. Her death was caused
by summer complaint after an illness of nine days. Besides her parents, she is survived by
two brothers, Merle and Thomas Yount
The funeral will be held at 3:30 Thursday afternoon. The interment will be at Calvary.
Decatur Daily Review, 29 Jul 1908, p. 10
YOUNT, Grant A.
Grant A. Yount, switch engineer in the Staley Yards, died suddenly Tuesday morning. He
had a heart attack while in his engine about 8 o'clock. He was hurried to St. Mary's Hospital
where efforts to revive him failed and he died at 8:45 o'clock. He was 43 years old last Saturday.
Mr. Yount was born in Decatur August 9, 1887, and this has always been his home. His wife
was formerly Miss Mearl Kauffman. He was a member of the Moose Lodge and the Order of Railway
Trainmen. He was well known and had many friends. He is survived by his wife, and 3 children,
Miss Margaret Yount, Mrs. Lloyd Burnett, both of Decatur, and John Yount of Springfield. He
also leaves 2 brothers, Fred Yount of Mendota and James Yount of Decatur.
The body was taken to Moran and Sons Funeral Home and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, Tues, Aug 12, 1930, p. 14
YOUNT, James
Born: 17 Nov 1876 in Odora Co, AK
Died: 8 Mar 1941
Buried: Calvary Cem.
Parents: William and Frances Yount
Married: 19 Oct 1898 in Decatur to Susan A. Nealon
Children: G. Merle, Thomas W, J. Kenneth
YOUNT, Susan Ann
Born: 22 Jan 1876 in Decatur
Died: Dec 1966 in Decatur
Buried: Calvary Cem.
Parents: Timothy and Margaret Haffey Nealon
Married: 19 Oct 1898 in Decatur to James H. Yount
Children: James H, Thomas W, J. Kenneth
YOUNT, Thomas William
Born: in Decatur (82 yrs of age)
Died: 28 Dec 1983
Buried: Calvary Cem.
Parents: James Howard and Susan A. Yount
Married: 1927 to Bernice Challs
Children: Thomas D.
YOUNT, William W.
Died: Dec 1920 in Peoria
Buried: Fairlawn Cem.
Children: James
Funeral services for Henry J. Yuetten in St. James Catholic church Saturday morning
were conducted by Father F. Klasner. Burial was in Calvary.
Decatur Herald, 17 Jun 1928
ZIENTARA, Beulah I. (Lane)
Born: 20 Aug 1904 Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 19 Nov 1956 Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Mt. Gilead Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Ora C. Nihiser and Lena Jane Lane
Married: William Zientara
Children: William, Everett, Herbert, Elmer
ZINGRAFF, Gertrude
Gertrude, the 7-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Zingraff, of cholera infantum,
Sept. 8.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 9 Sep 1893