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![]() A Life Partner ~ By reference to our marriage notices our readers will observe that Frank Haines has takne a partner in the bill posting business. At about 7 1/2 o'clock last evening a group of about twenty friends and acquaintances of the high contracting parties assembled at the residence of I.D. Jennings, Esp., Sheriff of the county, to witness the marriage of Miss Mollie Jennings to Frank W. Haines, our city bill poster. Valuable presents were presented to both bride and grrom. ~ Among these was a splendid gold watch and chain presented to the bride by the groom. Among the presents from friends were gold and silver napkin rings, china tea set, toilet vases, &c. Immediately after the ceremony the guests were invited to the dining room where a supper of the first order was served, after which the newly married couple accompanied by several friends made their way to the depot. The happy couple left on the 10:30 train last night for a bridal tour through Virginia and Maryland to be gone about six weeks. It was evidently Frank's intention to keep the matter a little shady until after he was fairly on his journey. But "murder will out," and early in the evening the boys got up a party of twenty-five or thirty and were at the depot to offer their congratulations. The whole thing was a very agreeable affair, and the young couple take with them the best wishes of hosts of friends. A bountiful supply of the bride's cake was received by the Republican corps this morning, for which thanks and best wishes are tendered. Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 9 Sep 1873 ![]() Fell Halderness, of Warrensburg and Miss Lizzie Wagner of this city, were married September 3, at the office of the county clerk, Justice P.B. Provost officiating. Bulletin Sentinel, 7 September 1895 ![]() Harry Halstead, a baker, and Miss Nelle Sparks, both of this city, were married Saturday evening by Justice S.T. Keeler in his office on South Water street. The couple will reside here. Decatur Review , 5 Dec 1910![]() On the 17th ult., by Rev. J.H. Hurley, Mr. John Hamsher, of this city, and miss Kate Knisley of Orrstown, Penna. Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 26 Mar 1857 ![]() MARRIED - By Justice Curtis, at the Hotel Brunswick, June 22, Mr. Samuel L. Hanna, of Hammond, Ill., and Miss Emma R. Hook, of Lintner, Ill. Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 23 Jun 1887 ![]() Yesterday afternoon, William M. Hawkyard, of Austin township and Miss Lottie Wright, of Decatur, were married at the home of the bride in this city. The wedding ceremony was performyd by Squire Stevens in the presence of a number of relatives and friends of the couple. A splendid wedding repast was served. The groom is a son of Mr. Andy Hawkyard, and is an industrious young man, well spoken of by his many friends. The wedding was a quiet but happy one, and the newly married couple started on their matrimonial journey under very favorable circumstances. THE REVIEW extends its congratulations and wishes the couple a joyous future. The Daily Review (Decatur), 4 Mar 1886 ![]() MARRIED - On Stephen's Creek, in this county, on the 26th ult., by Rev. D.P. Bunn, John R. Hayes and Miss Rachael Montgomery. It is with pleasure we announce the marriage of our young friends. Who in days of yore (when we were engaged as a county school master) were among our most attentive pupils, the pride of the class and joy of the teacher. May their married life be as pure and peaceful as unalloyed by trouble, as were their school days filled with industry, obedience and correct deportment. The cake testifies that the brides home teacher was better than the school house preceptor. Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 26 Mar 1857 ![]() Yesterday morning at nine o’clock, James H. Hayes, of Cerro Gordo, Illinois, and Miss Elizabeth Savage, of Dallas, Texas, were married by Rev. J.H. Myers, at his residence in this city. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 5 Mar 1886 ![]() Married, by Rev. W.S. Crissey, at the residence of J.M. Rainey, on West Wood street, at 12 o’clock, noon, March 4, 1886, Wm. Heil, of Oreana, and Miss Clara Hendricks, of Decatur. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 7 Mar 1886 ![]() Weddings have come to be rather everyday occurrences - in fact, they have been considered not an unusual sort of thing ever since Mr. Adam and Miss Eve agrred to take each other "for better or for worse." History is silent on the question as to the particular style in which the first wedding was celebrated, but at the beautiful bride of the occasion had no mother to bake the cake for her, as as the aterward famous bridegroom had no previous wedding to pattern after, or excel, and as there was no milliner nor tailor nearer than New York or St. Louis, and as the newspapers of that day had not yet begun to describe such affairs in the piquant paragraphs which the press of to-day "writes up" whenever two fond young creatures have their lives tied together in the bonds of wedlock, and as wedding tours expensive things to make in that ante-diluvian age of camel and elephant conveyance, and as there was no place to go to outside of their own garden spot, in case the young people desired to begin life in that way, - for all these, and various other reasosn, it is only fair to presume that Mr. and Mrs. Adam got through the terrible ordeal of being married in a very quiet way, and at once settled down in the granger business upon their own farm. But all this is just what we didn't start out to say. We intended to convey the idea that weddings had got to be such everyday occurrences, at this season of the year, that it required something outside of the ordinary affairs of that kind to sharpen the already blunted pencil of the news gatherer - blunted and worn out in scribbling down descriptions of the numerous happy items of this sort. Now, as we said before, a wedding is a very ordinary occurrence, but the one which took place at Stapp's Chapel last night is of sufficient importance to call for more than a mere announcement of the fact, when Mr. Albert E. Henkle, of Springfield, and Miss Florence Shellabarger, were united in marriage, before a large and brilliant assemblage. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Shellabarger, and sister of ex-mayor Shellabarger, and is a highly esteemed young lady. Mr. Henkle, the bridegroom, formerly resided here, hand has many friends among our citizens. The guests invited to witness the ceremony were seated by the ushers, Messrs. George P. Zeiss, L.M. Gill, W.R. Abbott and J.P. Moore, and before the arrival of the bridal party the church was about two-thirds full. The arrival of the parties to whom the ceremony bore the most significance, was the signal for an organ voluntary by Mr. Geo. F. Wessels, and as the charming tones pealed forth in joyous harmony, the ushers, the attendants. Mr. John Clugston and Miss Ettie Engeart; Mr. Wm. Wickersham, of Springfield, and Miss Stella Mills, and the bride and groom, marched up the center aisle and took their places at the altar. The marriage ceremony was proceeded with at once, Rev. Dr. Stevenson officiating. At its conclusion the bridal party withdrew, and proceed at once to the residence of the bride's parents, where they received the congratulations of a large number of their more immediate relations and friends. The guests seemed to enjoy to the fullest extent the well directed efforts of the host and hostess to make the occasion a pleasant and happy one. The bride was handsomely dressed in a dove-colored silk, and made a very charming appearance. The bridesmaids were attired in white. After the congratulations, supper was served, and all present will bear testimony that the collation partaken of was faultless in its character. The bride was the recipient of a large number of handsome and valuable presents from her immediate relatives and friends. Among the guests from a distance were Mr. Joseph L. Shellabarger, of Topeka, Kansas, and Mrs. G.F. Hargis of Wichita, Kansas, brother and sister of the bride; Mr. E.M. Henkle, of Springfield, Ill., father of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H. McBride, Danville, Ill., and others whose names we did not learn. At an early hour the guests departed, and the bride and groom leave to-day at noon for Springfiled, their future home. Our best wishes go with them, with the hope that their wedded life may be a joyous and happy one. Decatur Weekly Republican, 31 Dec 1874 ![]() Miss Fern Hill and George R. Wree, both of Decatur, were married at the First Christian church parsonage at 8 o'clock Saturday eveing by Rev. R.E. Henry. The ring ceremony was used. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Lynch. Mrs. Wree is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hill, North Oakland. Mr. Wree if the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Wree of Decatur. He is employed by the Graceland cemetery association. They will make their home with Mrs. Wree's parents on North Oakland. Decatur Review, 8 Jan 1922 ![]() In this city, on Tuesday evening, December 14, 1880, at the residenc of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Barnett, by Rev. L. Field, Mr. Isaac C. Houck and Miss Emma Barnett, both of Decatur. Decatur Weekly Republican, 16 Dec 1880 ![]() Joseph A. Hughes, of Cook county, Missouri and Miss Susan E. Housman, of Decatur, were married on Thursday by Squire Curtis at his office. The Daily Review (Decatur), 27 Feb 1886 ![]() At the residence of the bride's mother in Macon, by Rev. D.E. May, at 12 o'clock, Tuesday, John G. Imboden, of this city, and Miss Zelma U. Shaw, of Macon. They came to Decatur at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon and took the Wabash for St. Louis, Kansas City and Wichita. They will be gone about ten days when they will return to Decatur and occupy rooms in the old Imboden home on South Main street, where they will meet their many friends. Saturday Herald (Decatur), 27 May 1882 ![]() David C. Imboden, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Imboden of this city, will be married at Boonesville, Missouri, on March 25 at high noon, to Mrs. Katie E. Woolridge. The company will go on an extended bridal tour and will return to the groom’s home in Kansas City about May 1st. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 23 Mar 1886 ![]() The marriage of Mr. John Jack, son of Col. Joseph Jack, of this city, and Miss Charlotte Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Wallace, of St. Louis, Mo., was solemnized at the Episcopal Parish church at St. Louis last evening. Mr. Jack and bride arrived in Decatur this noon and are now guests of Colonel Jack and family. The Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 29 Apr 1884 ![]() MARRIED - AT the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Alfred White, in Whitmore township, this county, on Thursday, Jan 26, 1882, by Rev. John W. Tyler, of Decatur, Mr. Elliott James, of Texas township, DeWitt county, Ill., and Miss Ada F. Prather, daughter of the late James Prather. The ceremony took place between 7 and 8 o'clock in the presence of about 100 invited guests, some of whom were from Piatt, DeWitt and Douglas counties. The bride wore a lovely silk dress, trimmed with satin. Following the congratulations came a sumptuous wedding repast. The couple left for their future home in DeWitt county this (Friday) morning. The bride's presents included the following useful articles:
Set silver knives and forks and pair of fruit dishes, Bride's parents
Pair towels and beaded cushion, Mr. and Mrs. Collins Pair vases, Miss Belle Scott Set silver spoons, Groom's mother Set silver spoons, Dr. Wilcox and wife Glass sugar bowl, Mrs. Potter Set glass goblets, Mrs. E.Scott Fruit dish, Albert Scott Silver cake basket and bread plate, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Chair tidy, Miss Hannah Heath Chair tidy, Mrs. Givler Glass cake stand and fruit dish, Mrs. Bixler Silver butter dish, Miss Mattie Berry Silver butter knife, Mrs. Seabarger Glass pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. J. Acom Silver sugar spoon, Miss Minnie Seabarger Work basket, Miss Alice Bartlett Wash bowl and pitcher, Andrew Tabler Silver napkin rings, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mirror, Edward Smith Glass pitcher, Lincoln Miller Napkins, Miss Fannie McKinley Handsome card receiver, Mrs. Shinneman Glass pitcher, Misses Lucy and Celia Noble Glass cake stand, J. Adams Set glassware, H. Bishop Set goblets, Miss Maggie Malone Fruit stand, Miss Nesbitt Fruit dish, T. Noble Table cloth and towels, Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh Set dessert dishes, S.A. Noble Set silver spoons, S.H. Wade and lady Decatur Weekly Republican, 2 Feb 1882 ![]() MARRIED ~ On the evening of February 25th, by Rev. L. Field, at the residence of the bride's parents in this city, Mr. Eugene A. Jefferson, of Toledo, O., and Miss Maud Brockway, of this city. Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 26 Feb 1873 ![]() MARRIED, At the residence of Jesse Austin, in Blue Mound township, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 20, 1880, by W.B. Smith, Esq., of Wheatland township, Mr. Joseph T. Johnson and Miss Melinda Coonse, both of Blue Mound township. The contracting parties were united in the holy bond by the 'Squire in his usual happy manner, using the ring ceremony. Among the invited guests we recognized Messrs. Frank Coleman, James Jackson, Willis Walker, and Misses Sallie Coleman and Dilla Warnick. A rich and bountiful feast was spread, to which all did ample justice. At the usual hour the guests departed, feeling that one of the happy times of life had passed. Decatur Daily Republican, 21 Jan 1880 ![]() BIG CHURCH WEDDING Most Elaborate Preparations for Tonight Reception at Home of Milton Johnson The wedding of Alva Marion Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Johnson, and Miss Lulu Freyburger, daughter of Mrs. Ella Freyburger, of 1977 North Edward street, at the First Methodist church at 8 o'clock tonight will perhaps be the most elaborate church wedding ever held in Decatur. Extensive preparations have been made for the event, and the Ladies' Aid society of the church has been at work all day putting up decorations, which will be on a scale never before attempted here. DECORATIONS A canopy of white canvas lighted with Japanese lanterns, will be stretched from the curb stone to the church door, and under this the walk will be carpted, as will also the church steps. The aisles wil be carpteted with white canvas. The general decorations of the church will be in pink and white and green. They were designed by Mrs. S.M. Lutz. The choir loft will be banked with palms, Australian pines and ferns. The organ and chandeliers will be decorated in smilax and festoons of smilax will be hung from the organ loft to the chandeliers. The choir railing will be covered with white and lighted with wax tapers. The gas globes will be shaded with green. The chancel rail is filled with potted plants, and Eater lilies, carnations and roses are used in profusion and with excellent taste. In front of the chancel rail is a canopy of palms, under which the bridal party will kneel and there are white satin cushions embroidered with smilax for them to kneel on. Above this canopy is a white dove with a sprig of smilax in its beak. THE CEREMONY The ceremony will be performed by Rev. W.J. Davidson, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. F.W. Burnham, pastor of the Central Church of Christ. Just before the entrance of the bridal party the flower girls, Miss Florence Brown of Oak Park and Miss Velie Freyburger, sister of the bride, will enter the choir loft and light the tapers on the choir railing. Miss Bessie Lutz, wearing a cotta and mortarboard cap, will preside at the organ. While the guests are gathering in the church Miss Lutz will play Soderman's "Peasants' Wedding March." As the bridal party enters the church she will play Mendelssohn's "Wedding March," and during the ceremony "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" and "O, Promise Me." As the bridal party leaves the church she will play the wedding march from "Lohengrin." THE ATTENDANTS The full ring ceremony of the Methodist Episcopal church will be used. The bride will be given away by her brother, Walter Dalton Freyburger. The best man will be Charles Imboden. The ushers will be Ben Imboden, Roy Johnson, Harold Ruehl and Otto Mauer of Indianapolis. The maid of honor will be Miss Alice Brown of Indianapolis. The bridesmaids will be Misses Louise and Mabel Ferre and Francis Roberts of Shelbyville. The ring bearer will be Miss Irene Smith of St. Louis, cousin of the bride. She will carry the ring in an Easter lily. RECEPTION Immediately following the ceremony the party will enter carriages and drive to the home of the parents of the groom, 1769 North Water street, where there will be a family gathering and where the congratulations of the immediate relatives will be received. This will be followed by a reception at the same place and the entire bridal party will assist in receiving. Mrs. Snyder will be the caterer and a supper will be served in courses. The couple will take an extended trip through the south and will be at home in Indianpolis after May 14. COSTUMES The bride's gown will be of white French Swiss over silk, trimmed with lace and ribbons and cut en traine. She will wear a tulle veil, fastened with orange blossoms, and will carry Easter lilies. Her traveling suit will be of blue cloth, tailor made, with gloves and hat to match. The maid of honor will be gowned in light green fibre cloth, cut en traine, and the bridesmaids will all be in pink fibre cloth, cut en traine, and all will cary Marechal Niel roses. The flower girls will be in pink and white and the ring bearer wholly in white. THE PRINCIPALS The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Ella Freyburger and is a highly accomplished young lady. She has been away attending school in Indianapolis for the past three years, graduating last June. She is a most estimable young lady and is loved by all. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Johnson and is also well known and popular. He was connected with the Citizens' National bank in this city for a number of years and recently accepted a position with the National bank of Indianapolis. PRESENTS A large number of handsome and expensive presents were received. One of the most notable being a check for $1000 from Thomas Dalton, grandfather of the bride. The clerks of the Indianapolis bank sent an elegant set of dining room furniture and the ushers a cut glass water set. There were many other costly gifts. GUESTS Mrs. Albert Evans of Waukesha, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Brown and daughters of Chicago have arrived and there will be a number of other guests from a distance. A large number of invitations have been issued and it is expected that there will be between 400 and 500 guests at the church. The Daily Review (Decatur), 14 Apr 1903 ![]() The marriage of Elbert E. Johnson and Miss Maude Shlaudeman occurred at high noon today at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shlaudeman, No. 659 West William street, Rev. George F. Hall, pastor of the Church street Christian church, officiating. The wedding was a pretty one but was a quiet affair with only the members of the family in attendance. The house was elaborately decorated with flowers and plants for the occasion. WHile the ceremony was being performed by Rev. Hall the couple stood in the parlor of the house under a bower of flowers and greens. At the back were arranged large palms and hanging above was a large wedding bell made of white flowers and from which was draped festoons of smilax. There were no attendants. The bride was attired in a handsome traveling gown. At the conclusion of the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served under the direction of Mrs. Snyder. The bridal party was seated at a table decorated with white carnations and ferns. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left this afternoon on a tour through the south. They will attend the exposition at Nashville and visit other cities of the south. Miss Shlaudeman is a charming young lady who has a large circle of acquaintances in the city. The groom is also quite well known being the eldest son of Milton Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson on their return to Decatur will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Shlaudeman on William street. Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 11 May 1897 ![]() Miss Marie McClure and Russell O. Joynt, both of Harristown, were married in St. Louis Saturday afternoon at the county clerk's office. They returned to Harristown Saturday night and will make their home on a farm. They were accompanied by Mrs. W.J. Garriott, sister of the bride, of Elwin. The Daily Review (Decatur), 16 Sep 1914 ![]() Particulars of Wedding At Kansas City NO ONE KNEW OF IT Groom Left Decatur To Be Gone Short Time The first that any one in Decatur knew that Captain M.F. Kenan and Miss Jane McClelland were married was the recipet of a diepatch by Judge W.C. Johns Thursday as stated in the last edition of The Reiview that day. AT WILL McCLELLAN'S It has since been learned that the wedding occurred at the home of the bride's brother, Will McClellan, 3008 Main street, Kansas City. Mr. Marshall, pastor of the Christian church at Independence, Mo. Only the nearest relatives of the bride were present, except Mr. and Mrs. George C. Danforth. Mr. Danforth acted as best man. Captain and Mrs. Kanan left Kansas City that night for an extended trip in the south. Captain Kanan has been selected to locate a soldiers' monument at Jackson, Miss., to commemorate Sherman's ride. The exercises in connection with this location will be made a feature of the wedding trip. ON VISIT IN WEST The bride has been in Kansas City for five or six weeks, visiting with her brother, Will McClellan. While there she has frequently met Mr. and Mrs. George C. Danfroth, formerly of Decatur. Captain Kanan left Decatur Sunday noon. It appears that he did not tell any one that he was going away to be married. He did say the day he left that he was going away for a short teip and that if any one inquired for him to say that he would be back in a short time. Captain Kanan has for several years had apartments in the big brick house on West Wood street that he owns and from the fact that he has recently had his rooms there handsomely repapered and repainted it is presumed that he thinks of making his home there for the present at least. While the marriage of Captain Kanan and Miss McClellan came just at this time as a great surprise it was no secret that the couple had for some time expected to be married. Their friends have supposed for a great many years that they were engaged. THE PRINCIPALS The bride is a daughter of the late E. McClellan, for nearly thirty years . circuit clert in Macon county. Captain Kanan has so long been one of the best known citizens in Decatur that it seems almost superfluous to say anything about him. He was for many years actively connected with the Decatur furniture factory, was mayor of the city and had a hand in beginning energetically the paving of streets and making other notable public improvements: was one of the charter members of the first post of the G.A.R. and has otherwise been active in the life of the city. He also served in the Illinois state senate. The Daily Review (Decatur), 13 Nov 1903 ![]() Harlan P. Keagle of Chestnut and Mrs. Emma Carrick of Decatur were married at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon by Rev. F.A. Havinghurst at his residence, 701 West Main street. They were accompanied by Mrs. A.E. Wilson and her son, Earl F. Wilson. The couple will go to housekeeping at once, having taken apartments at the Wilsonia, 560 North Church street. Mr. Keagle is a retired farmer. The Decatur Review, 27 Feb 1917 ![]() ANNOUNCEMENT OF WEDDING Mrs. Annabell Powers Kearney Was Married May 25 to William A. Tilley The wedding of Mrs. Annabell Powers Kearney of Decatur to William Allen Tilley of San Fransisco has just been made public by announcements issued Wednesday. The wedding took place at Mt. Tamalpais, Cal., at noon Wednesday, May 25. It was kept a secret from Mrs. Tilley's relatives till about three weeks ago. The announcements were gotten out immediately after Mrs. Tilley's arrival in Decatur, two or three days ago. Only two persons knew of the wedding at the time it took place. One was Mrs. Atwood, Mrs. Tilley's housekeeper, and the other was Miss Charlotte Kearney, Mrs. Tilley's daughter. There was no reason for secrecy, but Mrs. Tilley chose not to tell about it. She was visiting in California at the time but returned a few days after her marriage. The license was not suppressed, but no friends saw it till the couple decided to reveal it. Saturday morning Mr. and Mrs. Tilley will leave for Boston to attend the national convention of railway mail service. Mr. Tilley is at the head of the mail service of the Southern Pacific railway from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Mr. Tilley had been acquainted with Mrs. Kearney for several years, but not even their closest friends suspected an approaching marriage, and the announcement was a great surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Tilley plan to live in San Francisco. They will be at home on Thursdays after Dec. 1. Mrs. Tilley is the daughter of the late Orlando Powers and the sister of Howard and C.G. Powers. Like Mrs. Tilley, Mr. Tilley is deaf, but is not a mute. He talks and reads the lips readily. He was educated at Berkeley, Cal. Mrs. Tilley was educated at Jacksonville. The Daily Review (Decatur, IL), 1 Sep 1904 ![]() John A. Keck and Miss Louisa Young were quietly married about six o’clock last evening at the residence of the bride’s mother on west Main street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. George Landgraff of the German Lutheran church. Only a few friends and relatives were attendance. The couple were attended by Franz Young and Miss Amelia Young, brother and sister of the bride. The groom is the proprietor of the cigar box manufactory over THE REVIEW office, and is an industrious and deserving young man. He has chosen for his life partner a young lady who is held in high esteem by a large circle of acquaintances. The couple will reside at No. 259 West Wood street. THE REVIEW extends its best wishes. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 16 Mar 1886 ![]() Mary Staley and Chicago Man Wed Monday Evening Daugher of A.E. Staley Becomes Bride of John Keeling in Quiet Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Staley of College Hill announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary Louise to John Keelin of Chicago. The wedding was at 9 o'clock Monday evening in the Fourth Presbyterian church in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Keelin left after the wedding for a honeymoon in Pinehurst, N.C. The bride has been studying dramatics in Chicago for more than a year, and has taken part successfully in a number of semi-amateur productions in the Art Institute studio. Mrs. Keelin attended Ogoniz school in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Keeling will return from North Carolina to Chicago, where the bridegroom is in business. Decatur Evening Herald, 14 May 1929 DETAILS RECEIVED OF MARY STALEY'S WEDDING ON MONDAY Bridegroom, John Keelin, Is Son of Late Head of Keelin Wholesale Grain Co. Further details have been received of the marriage in Chicago Monday night of Miss Mary Staley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Staley, and John Keelin. Announcement of the ceremony was contained first in a brief telegram received by the bride's parents saying the wedding had taken place and that the young couple would go to Pinehurst, N.C., for a wedding trip. Mr. Keelin is the son of the late Thomas W. Keelin, head of the Keelin Wholesale Grain & Hay Co., of Chicago. He himself is with the well known Halsey-Stuart Bond Co. Attendants for the ceremony were the bridegroom's brother, Thomas W. Keelin, Jr., and Miss Edith Chapman of Decatur. The bride wore a blue silk crepe suit and carried spring flowers. The young couple met last fall while the bride was playing in the Goodman theater production. She has been studying dramatics in Chicago for a year or more. Mr. and Mrs. Keelin are expected in Decatur within a few weeks. Decatur Evening Herald, 16 May 1929 ![]() MARRIED - On the 30th ult., by the Rev. R. Shobe, Mr. Henry Kefner and Miss Margaret Herman, all of this city. Illinois State Chronicle, 4 Sep 1856 ![]() KENNEY, June 7 - On Thursday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, James Anderson Kemp of Kenney and Miss Jennie Alma Cox of Burgin, Ky., were married by the Rev. Forrest L. Ferkins, pastor of Clinton Baptist church. Mrs. Kemp is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.K. Cox of Burgin, Ky. and has been instructor in Latin and history in the Kenney High school the past year. Mr. Kemp is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kemp of Kenney and a brohter of Mrs. William Thomas of Clinton. He is associated with his brother, Charles F. Kemp, in the grocery business at Kenney. They left by automobile for Kentucky where they will visit relatives and will be at home in Kenney after June 15. Decatur Herald, 7 Jun 1927 ![]() Edward Kemp and Miss Martha Gillespie were married by Rev. George F. Hall yesterday. Mr. Kemp is a brakeman on the Wabash. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 25 Nov 1899 ![]() Dalton City - Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Emma Henebery (sic) and Mr. Edward Kinney. The wedding will occur at the Church of the Sacred Heart next Tuesday morning. The Herald Dispatch (Decatur), Saturday, October 8, 1892, p. 8 Submitted by:Kay Robinson ![]() MARRIED ~ On the evening of the 23d, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. J.E. Moffatt, Mr. J.M. King, and Miss Ida A. Bradt, both of this city. Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 24 Jan 1873 ![]() Dr. Wm. H. Knap and Miss Hattie E. Blake will be married this evening at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Blake, near Niantic. A large number of invitations have been issued, and the wedding will prove an interesting society event in the community in which it occurs. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 31 Mar 1886 The wedding nuptials of Dr. William H. Knap and Miss Hattie E. Blake were solemnized last evening at the residence of the bride’s parents near Niantic, and was a social event of great importance in that locality. The ceremony was performed at half past seven o’clock by Rev. I. Kretzinger, and was witnessed by a large company of friends, the house being completely filled. The couple stood beneath some floral device suspended from the ceiling while the solemn words that made them man and wife were being spoken. Following the ceremony came congratulations, which were of a hearty and cordial nature. The wedding supper was an elegant affair, and was lavishly praised by the guests. The couple were the recipients of a great many useful and costly presents. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Blake, and is an estimable young lady, enjoying the friendship and love of a large circle of acquaintances. Dr. Knap, the groom, is a graduate of the Chicago Medical college and is associated with Dr. H.N. Clark, of Niantic, in the practice of his profession. The newly married couple start life under the most auspicious circumstances and with the good wishes of hosts of friends. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 1 Apr 1886 ![]() Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock Olan Knipple and Miss Marie Wheeler were quietly married at their own home at 1362 East Condit street, by Rev. F.W. Burnham of the Central Church of Christ. The ceremony was most simple, and only the intimate relatvies of the couple were present. After the wedding ceremony a wedding supped was served in the dining room of the house. The house was prettily decorated with plants and cut flowers for the occasion. Miss Wheeler is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Wheeler of 1018 North Morgan street, and is a prominent member of the Royal Circle. Mr. Knipple is the son of the pastor of the United Brethren church at Elwin, and is himself an engineer on the Wabash. Decatur Review, 8 Apr 1904 ![]() ![]()
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