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![]() DALY - DOLAN Joseph Daly and Miss Jennie M. Dolan, of Emery, were married yesterday morning at St. Patrick’s Catholic church. Rev. Father Burke performed the ceremony in the presence of a number of friends of the couple. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 10 Mar 1886 ![]() DAMERY - GEMMER Miss Helen Gladys Gemmer and Harry Richard Damery, both of Blue Mound were married Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in the parsonage of the First Christian church. The ring ceremony was used. They were accompanied by their fathers, Albert Gemmer and W.G. Damery. The bridegroom is a young farmer near Blue Mound, where the couple will make their home. Decatur Review, Sunday, 5 Feb 1922, pg. 15 ![]() DAVIDSON - CAMERSON Miss F. Caroline Cameron and Oscar Davidson, both of this city, were married at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon at the home of Rev. E.H. Shuey by him. The wedding was a quiet one. Mr. Davidson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson. He is an operator for the Bennett Grain company on East William street. The bride has been night operator for the Home Telephone company. Her former home was near Pittsfield, but she has been making Decatur her home for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson will go to housekeeping on North Church street. The Daily Review (Decatur), 2 Mar 1910 ![]() DAVIS - POPE Married - At the Revere House, Oct 1, 1867, by Elder G.B. Chambers, Mr. John Davis and Miss V.E. Pope, both of Mr. Auburn, Christian county, Illinoi. Decatur Republican, 3 Oct 1867 ![]() DAVIS - TELFORD SALEM - Miss Dorothy M. Telford, daughter of Senator and Mrs. E.D. Telford, and William G. Davis of Indianapolis were married in the home of the bride's parents on North College street Monday evening. The ceremony was read by the bridegroom's father, Rev. Henry L. Davis of Indianapolis. Mrs. Davis has been a teacher in the Salem grade school since she attended Northwestern university. Mr. Davis is an attorney and is associated witht he attorney general's office in Washington, D.C. The wedding was a quiet affair, only relatvies attending. Miss Florence Telford played the wedding march. Colorful decorations of yellow and white flowers and wax tapers made a beautiful setting. The bride wore a gown of white velvet and carried a bouquet of yellow flowers and Lilies of the Valley. The bride's sister, Mrs. A. Dean Johnson, was maid of honor, and H.J. Davis, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. After a wedding trip through the South, the newlyweds will be at home in Washington, D.C. Out of town guests were: Rev. and Mrs. Henry L. Davis and H.J. Davis of Indianpolis; Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Johnson of Rockford; Dr. and Mrs. E.W. Telford and daughter, Ann of DeKalb; Miss Florence and Miss Sarah Telford of Olney; Mrs. Millard Greer, Vandalia. Decatur Herald, 4 Jan 1931 ![]() DeLONG - EHRHART Despite efforts to keep their marriage secret, the wedding of Miss Abbie Ehrhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Ehrhart, 1275 North Union street, and Silas De Long of Cincinnati was made known this afternoon. The young couple went to Bloomington Saturday afternoon and secured their license and returned home without the knowledge of their friends of Miss Ehrhart's parents. There were no parental objections. In some strange manner the names on the on the records at Bloomington were somewhat "twisted" and Miss Ehrhart's name was preceded with a "G," and so the matter was passed over, as Miss Ehrhart declared that she had not been to Bloomington and that no license had been procured. The marriage took place in Bloomington yesterday noon in Justice Heineman's office. No friends or relatives were present, as they knew nothing of the matter. The young couple returned home last night and announced the marriage and left early this morning for a visit to the groom's sister and mother, who reside on a big farm near Weldon. Miss Ehrhart has been for the last few months employed as a clerk in W.C. Pluck's wall paper store. She is a member of the First Methodist church and a number of secret societies. Mr. DeLong has been in Decatur for the last four months and has been employed as a painter for a local firm. The couple will return to Decatur soon and make their home here. Mrs. DeLong is 20 years oage and her husband is one year her senior. Decatur Review, 9 Aug 1909, pg. 10 ![]() DIKES - ASH Mr. A. Dikes and Miss Myrtle Ash, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ash, will be married on Thursday evening, at their home two and a half miles east of Niantic. The Daily Review (Decatur), 9 Feb 1886 ![]() DOGGETT - MERRIS Miss Fannie L. Merriss and Ora E. Daggett, both prominent young people of Macon, were married Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's father. The ceremony w as performed by Rev. Mr. English in the presence of only a few friends of the couple. Mr. Daggett and his bride left for St. Louis, where they will visit the World's Fair. They will then visit relatives in Chester. They will make their home in Macon. The Decatur Review, 12 Oct 1904 ![]() DONOVAN - MURRAY A Wedding This Morning At St. Patrick's Church William Donovan and Miss Anna M. Murray were united in marriage this morning at 8 o'clock at St. Patrick's church, Rev. Father Boyle officiating. The couple were attended by Thomas Kilroy and Miss Nora Ryan. The ceremony was witnessed by a large number of friends and relatives of the contracting parties. The bride was attired in a beautiful costume of cream colored albatross and the bridesmaid wore a costume of navy blue serge. Mr. Donovan is the conductor on the St. Louis branch, and is quite popular among his associates. The bride is a young lady well liked and respected by all. Mr. & Mrs. Donovan departed on the noon train for Chicago, where they will spend a week at the fair. They will then go to Boston, where Mr. Donovan is a delegate to the B. of R.T. convention, which convenes October 16th. Returning to Decatur, they will reside at No. 1222 East Eldorado street, in a residence constructed and furnished by the groom. Decatur Daily Republican, 4 October 1893 ![]() Edward Douglas and Miss Fannie Bell, of Mt. Auburn, were married yesterday by Squire Eyman. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 16 Mar 1886 ![]() BIG WEDDING NEAR BLUE MOUND Miss Tot Dillehunt to Marry Harvey J. Dresbach The marriage of Miss Tot D. Dillehunt to Harvey J. Dresbach will be celebrated tonight at the home of the bride near Blue Mound. Miss Dillehunt is the daughter of Samuel Dillehunt, a prominent farmer, and the spacious country home will be elaborately decorated for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dillehunt of St. Louis, B.F. Dillehunt and family from Decatur and other relatives from Pana and elsewhere will be present, besides a large number of guests from Blue Mound and vicinity. The ceremony will be performed at 7 o'clock, Rev. W.L. Bankson officiating. After the ceremony an elaborate wedding dinner will be served. The groom, Mr. Dresbach, is a native of Blue Mound and is well known in a business and social way in the town. Mr. and Mrs. Dresbach will ake their home with the parents of Mr. Dresbach in Blue Mound until spring when they will move on a farm. The Daily Review (Decatur), 16 Dec 1903 ![]() MARRIED ~ At the residence of teh bride's father, Wednesday evening, February 12, by Rev. I. Villars, Mrs. Thomas C. Drinkall and Miss Alvira Johnson, both of Macon. Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 13 Feb 1873 ![]() Ione Cowell and H.P. Dunlap Wed Saturday Evening Marriage Announced at Dinner in Staley Home In the presence of the immediate family the marriage of Ione Staley Cowell and Harold Pyatt Dunlap was solemnized Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Staley, College Hill. Rev. E.W. Clippinger, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, officiated. The bride was costumed in cream colored lace over flesh satin. Her only attendant was her sister, Miss Mary Staley. Serving as Mr. Dunlap's best man was James A. Brown of Jacksonville, Ill. Mrs. Dunlap is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Staley, College Hill. She has made her home with her parents for the last few years. Mr. Dunlap is connectged with the Staley Manufacturing company. DINNER PARTY Following the marraige at 5 o'clock, a dinner was given in the Staley home for the close relatives and a few intimate friends. Guests numbered eighteen. Sweet peas and yellow roses were used in decorating the table where the guests were seated. WEDDING TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap left Saturday night for a wedding trip and upon their return will make their home in Decatur. Decatur Review, 13 Mar 1927 ![]() The Springfield Monitor of yesterday says: Robert V. Eckler, of Decatur and Mrs. Arvilla Berry, of Sadorus were married yesterday just before the noon hour by Squire North in his office. It would be hard to tell which was pleased the most, the happy couple or the smiling justice. The Daily Review (Decatur), 18 Feb 1886 ![]() Dr. Orlan T. Eddya nd Miss Blanche Allsop will be married this evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allsop, No. 435 North Jackson street. The wedding will be a quiet home affair and will be witnessed by about twenty relatives and immediate friends. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. R.G. Hobbs, of Grace Methodist church. The couple will make their home at 435 North Jackson street. Dr. Eddy has been practicing dentistry in this city for the past two years. He came here from Chicago and since he has taken up his residence in Decatur has gained many friends. The bride, Miss Allsop, is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allsop, and is a young lady who is well known in this city. Among those from out of town who are in the city to attend the wedding are Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Miller and Miss Maud Miller, of Terre Haute and Mrs. Bennett Taylor of Kirpatrick, Indiana. Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 8 Apr 1896 ![]() MARRIED - On Tuesday the 18th inst., by Rev. D.P. Bunn, at the residence of Wm. T Peak, in this city, Mr. I.W. Ehrman, and Miss Virginia A. Williams all of this city. Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 27 Nov 1856 ![]() Married, by Rev. W.L. Bankson, at the residence of the bride's mother near Elwin, at 7 o'clock p.m., on Thursday, October 12, Lewis C. Ellis, of Decatur, and Miss Mollie E. Hamilton, daughter of Mrs. O. Hamilton. About 150 guests witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Durfee, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ullrich, Mrs. L.B.C. Leffingwell, F.M. Webb, Charles Moffett, Miss Minnie La Roe, Miss Annie Moffit and Miss Mary Williams, of Decatur, were present. The bride wore a white gros grain silk dress trimmed with brocaded white velvet. Her ornaments were natural flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis will reside at 573 West Decatur street. The Saturday Herald, 16 Oct 1886 ![]() MARRIED ~ On Thursday, March 20th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Illiopolis, Ill., Mr. Joseph Emerson, formerly of Decatur, to Miss Mattie Chambers, of Illiopolis. Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 21 Mar 1873 ![]() 70 Year Old Lovers Married In Decatur Peter Emrisk and Mrs. Martha Kauth, both of Warrensburg, were married Monday exactly at noon by Rev. O.W. Lawrence in the church parlors of the Central church of Christ. The groom is a retired farmer of Warrensburg. This is the second marriage for both, and both of them are seventy years of age. They returned to Warrensburg Monday afternoon. The Daily Review (Decatur), 20 Mar 1911 ![]() MARRIED - In this city, on the 11th inst., by Rev. D.P. Bunn, Mr. John G. Encke and Mrs. Rachel Cook, all of this city. Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 18 Sep 1856 ![]() On Thursday Mr. William Etherton, of Wheatland township, and Miss Amanda Perementer, were married at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. M.E. Tyler. The ceremony was performed by Rev. James Shatzler. Mr. Perry Phillips was the groom's best man, and Miss Agnes Perementer acted as bridesmaid. After the ceremony a splendid wedding dinner was served which was partaken of by about fifty guests, who were present to witness the ceremony and enjoy the festivities of the occasion. The couple received a large number of beautiful presents. The Daily Review (Decatur), 21 Feb 1886 ![]() MARRIED - On Tuesday 25th inst in this City by the Rev. E.G.Falconer, Mr. Thomas M. Evans and Miss Nancy J. Florey. All of this city. Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 27 Nov 1856 ![]() AN ARGENTA WEDDING Miss Lola Cooper Married to Harry Eyman Last Night LARGE COMPANY PRESENT Rev. Jokisch Officiated, Using Ring Ceremony Argenta, Ill, Sep. 12 - At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.T.J. Cooper in Argenta last evening occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Lola Cooper to Harry Eyman. The wedding was the most notable and the prettiest that has occurred in the town for a long time. All the arrangements for the affair wre en excellent taste and the plans were carried out in happy fashion. The comfortable home was filled with the guests and whilt it was a large wedding it was distinctly a home affair. Green and white were the predominanting colors in the decorations which were lavishly carried out throughout the residence. In the front parlor, where the ceremony was performed, there had been erected a bower of white climatis. It formed a beautiful canopy over the bride and groom as they plighted their troth. The bride's gown was white chiffon and she carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Rev. Jokisch was the officiating clergyman, the full ring ceremony being used. There were no attendants and following the ceremony, the couple received the congratulations of their friends and then the company sat down to a sumptuous wedding repast. The presents bestowed on the couple were many and beautiful embracing some handsome silver pieces, cut glass, etc. Among the guests present from a distance were Mrs. J.M. Eyman of Warrensburg, Mrs. S. Ritchie of Warrensburg, Miss Denny of Warrensburg, Miss Stella Barber, of Springfield, Miss Kingston of Weldon, Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Barbrey, and Misses Dollie and Ena _arner of Decatur. Mr. and Mrs. Eyman will go to Chicago and Petoskey, Mich.,on their bridal tour and upon their return in a few weeks will make their home in Argenta. The groom is connected with the Eyman furniture store there and is one of the progressive business men of the village. The bride is the daughter of ex-President Cooper of the board of supervisors, is an accomplished musician and a young woman who is very popular with a wide circle of acquaintances. Decatur Herald, 15 Sep 1905 ![]() David Farr and Stella M. Kipp, both of Decatur, were married by Justice of the Peace S.T. Keeler Friday (7 Jun) afternoon about 2 o'clock. The Daily Review (Decatur), 7 June 1907 ![]() James Finley, Jr. and Miss Ethel Markwell, both of Decatur, were married at 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening, the ceremony being pre-evening, the ceremony being per-court house. Decatur Daily Review, 19 September 1921 ![]() Married - In this city on the 3d inst., by Rev. L.C. Pitner, Mr. Andrew J. Florey, and Miss Arthusa M. Nicholson, all of Macon county. Decatur Republican, 10 Oct 1867 ![]() MARRIED ~ At the residence of Mr. Zimmerman, in this city, by Rev. L. Floid, April 17th, Mr. David Flory, of Sullivan, Ill., and Miss Sarah J. Bigger, of this city. Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 19 Apr 1873 ![]() At the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. S.C. Davis in Long Creek township, on Thursday, October 14, at 5:30 p.m., by Rev. Gay, Calvin B. Floyd, of Mt. Zion township, and Miss Delia McGabbert, of Long Creek township. The Saturday Herald (Decatur), 16 Oct 1886 ![]() MARRIED - In Decatur, at his office, June 20, by Ira B. Curtis, J.P., Mr. Jacob A. Flexer and Miss Eliza Higgins, both of Niantic, Ill. Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 23 Jun 1887 ![]() A quiet, but pretty home wedding took place last night at the home of Officer & Mrs. Arendo Ford at 1005 North Morgan street, the marriage of their daughter Elizabeth to John F. Frazee of Harristown twp. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Bernard of the Church of God at 8 o'clock and the attendants were Miss Rose Davenport and Nicholas Wagon. Only relatives and near friends were present. The couple received many beautiful and useful gifts. The bride is the eldest daughter of Officer & Mrs. Arendo Ford and has a large circle of friends. The groom is a prosperous farmer of Harristown Twp. and has a number of friends in this city. The couple will go to Harristown this moring and at once begin housekeeping on the farm of the groom. The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, 16 Apr 1897 ![]() A Quiet Marriage of Popular Young People Charles Forsythe and Miss Ressie Bethe Antrim were married at 8 o'clock Tuesday night at the ome of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Antrim, 650 West Main street. The ceremony was performed by Dr. W.H. Penhallegon pastor of the First Presbyterian church. It was a quiet wedding, only the relatives being present. The ceremony was performed in the west parlor, which was beautifully decorated with white and yellow chrysanthemums. The bride was attired in a tailor made gown of gray cheviot. The couple left at once for Chicago. On their return they will reised in handsomely furnished apartments at 387 West Main street. The Daily Review (Decatur), 28 Nov 1900 ![]() Married at Rectory The marriage of Austin S. Fox and Miss Ethel M. Burks occurred Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at the rectory of St. Patrick's Catholic church. Dean Murphy officiated. After the ceremony friends of the couple were entertained at supper at the home of the bride, 355 East North street. The couple left at midnight for St. Louis where they will make their home and where the groom is employed as an engineer. Decatur Herald, 16 Apr 1903 ![]() MARRIED - By Judge Nelson, at Hotel Brunswick, June 21, 1887, Mr. James E. Fulk and Miss Mollie C. Matherly, both of Lake City. The attendants were James Birum and Miss Mary Foley. Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 23 Jun 1887 ![]() MARRIED - on Thursday, the 10th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, near Chatham, Sangamon Co., IL, by Rev. D.P. Bann, of Decatur, Mr. AUSTIN M. GARLAND, late of the Springfield "Independent," and MISS SARAH E. daughter of Co. T.B. Hoppin. Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 17 Nov 1859 ![]() Franklin Garrett and Miss Laura T. Rouse were married on Wednesday evening, at the residence of Hilton Cassell, three miles northeast of here. Rev. M.S. Newcomer performed the ceremony. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 5 Mar 1886 ![]() Married - On Thursday, Augsut 26, 1869, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. A. Wimsett, Mrs. David M. Garver to Miss Mary J. Hirch, all of Macon county, Ill. < align=right>Decatur Republican, 2 Sep 1869![]() Charles Gash and Miss Maggie Lindem both young people of Clinton, were married Thursday morning in the office of Justice McCoy. Decatur Herald, 16 Jul 1906 ![]() MARRIED - At the residence of the bride's parents on West Main street, on Tuesday evening, November 6, 1883, by Rev. J.P. Dimmitt, Mr. Edward Gay and Miss Annie Culp, both of this city. The wedding was a very quiet and unostentatious affair, none being present except the family and a few of the most intimate friends of the high contracting parties. The happy couple left last night for the north and east, expecting to extend their bridal tour so as to cover two or three weeks. They will be "at home" to their friends at No. 269 West Main street, on and after the 25th inst. Mr. Gay is one of Decatur's best known and most enterprising and worthy business men, and has a host of friends who wish him unbounded joy in his new relation, and in this the REVIEW joins most heartily. The bride is an amiable and esteemed lady, beloved and admired by all who have the pleasure of her acquaintance. Review, Decatur, IL, 7 Nov 1883 Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Gay arrived home yesterday, from their wedding tour. They are "at home" to their friends, at 269 West Main street. Review, Decatur, IL, 16 Nov 1883 ![]() On Thursday afternoon a very pleasant affair came off at the residence of Leander Barnes, in Whitmore township, it being the marriage of Mr. Joseph Gillespie, of Long Creek, with Miss Florinda Cornpropst. Between twenty and thirty of the neighbors and friends gathered to witness the ceremony. The groomsman on the occasion was W.R. Brittenhorn, and the bridesmaid was Miss Martha E. Brittenhorn, both of Monticello. At the conclusion of the ceremony the newly-married pair received the hearty congratulations of their friends, after which a bountiful and delicious wedding feast was spread. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie will, for the present, reside in Long Creek, near the Antioch church. Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 18 Mar 1881 ![]() The Springfield Register, of Wednesday, contained an announcement of the marriage of Samuel Godett and Mrs. Dorinda Kepler, of Decatur. The ceremony was performed in Springfield on Wednesday. Mrs. Kepler is the widow of Andrew Kepler, the cigar manufacturer, who died here about two years ago. Saturday Herald, Decatur, IL, 13 May 1882 ![]() Frank Goodman and Miss Josie Blenz were married at the German Methodist parsonage last evening by Rev. Raedig. Their many friends wish them a happy life. Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 15 Apr 1886 ![]() On Sunday, the 14th, Mr. James Goodrich and Mrs. Mary Simms were married at the residence of the bride’s parents in Mt. Zion township. The ceremony was performed by C.B. Hutchinson, J.P. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 16 Mar 1886 ![]() James M. Goodwin and Mrs. Amanda Peck, of LaPlace, were married Monday afternoon Feb. 18, 1889, by P.B. Provost, J.P., at the county clerk's office. Saturday Herald (Decatur), 23 Feb 1889 ![]() Abraham Grabill, a retired farmer of Cerro Gordo, aged 67, and Miss Mary Straw, presented themselves before Squire Curtis, and they were quickly linked together in the most approved style. Decatur Daily Republican, 26 Jul 1886 ![]() Engagement Announced Mrs. Helen Graham has announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Sylvia Fay Graham to Arthur J. Glynn. The wedding will take place some time around Thanksgiving and will be a quiet affair, to which only the immediate relatives will be invited. Miss Graham is the youngest daughter of the late L.P. Graham. She has a wide circle of acquaintances. Mr. Glynn is an electrician in the employ of the Illinois Traction System in Decatur. Decatur Daily Review, 17 November 1908 MISS GRAHAM MARRIED Groom is Arthur J. Glynn, Ill. Traction System Electrician Miss Sylvia Fay Graham and Arthur J. Glynn were married at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Helen Graham, 705 South Broadway, Rev. George P. Hoster of St. John's Episcopal church officiating. The wedding was a quiet affair, only a few immediate relatives and friends being present. The couple left immediately for a short visit to St. Louis. On their return they will reside on Sheridan street. The bride is the youngest daughter of the late L.P. Graham. Mr. Glynn is an electrician on the Illinois Traction System. Decatur Daily Review, 26 November 1908 ![]() Married At the residence of Anthony Moll, Esq., on West Wood street, Nov. 27, by Rev. D.P. Burns, Mr. Levi P. Graham and Miss Helen Sutter, all of this city. The ceremony was followed by a magnificent wedding supper. The cake which adorned the tables was made by Mrs. Orlando Powers, and was a high compliment to her skills as a pastry chef. After the above was in type a dark visaged gentleman made his appearance in our office, bearing a tray upon which stood vessels of divers shapes and sizes, all bearing the cabalistic word "Brenneman" upon their sides. A note addressed to the "printers of the Republican office" contained the information that the contents of the several vessels were intended for their use, and that the compliments of Mr. and Mrs. Graham accomplished the same. The unregenerate printers flocked about the tray like a swarm of bees, and sad that beberage was "Tom and Jerry" - whatever that is - and that it was "a leetle the best thing that ever went down their necks." It all went down, too, amid toasts to the long life, health and prosperity of Mr. and Mrs. Graham. Farmer Coltrin was detailed to write up a stanza or two of his choicest poetry, appropriate to the parties and the occasion, but his head has been so full of Cuba for the past few days that he has not yet been able to settle himself down to so common a thing as Tom and Jerry poetry. We are assured, however, that it will be forthcoming in due time and meanwhile, on behalf of all "the boys", we extend to the bride and groom sincere congratulations in sober prose, trusting that their lives may glide on as smoothly as the aforesaid beverage passed down the thirsty throats of the printers. Daily Republican (Decatur), 28 November 1873 ![]() ![]()
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