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![]() ABEL - TRAUGHBER Louis H. Abel of this city, and Miss Flaudie Traughber were married yesterday morning at the home of the bride's parents in Mt. Zion. The wedding ceremony was performed at 10 a.m. by Rev. W.L. Bankson. The wedding was a quiet affiar and the ceremony was witnessed by the families and the intimate friends of the couple. Following the congratulations and wedding breakfast the young couple came to this city and took the noon train to Chicago where they will visit for a few days. The groom is a son of Captain T.J. Abel and the bride is a daughter of A.C. Traughber. She is well known in this city for the reason that she has frequently visited here. Mr. Abel is associated with his father in the carpet and wall paper business. Bulletin Sentinel (Decatur), 12 August 1895 ![]() ABRAHAM - HILL Miss May Hill of Moweaqua and Hubert Bert Abraham of Findlay were married at 1:30 Saturday afternoon by Judge O.W. Smith at the court house. The Decatur Review, 21 Jan 1911 ![]() ABT - WALSER The marriage of Frank Walser and Miss Clara Abt, was celebrated at St. James Catholic church yesterday, in the presence of many friends. Rev. Father Lammert officiated. The attendants were Mary Abt and Anthony Scherner. The couple, who were given a reception at the home of the bride's father, Alois Abt, have gone to house-keeping on Webster street. Decatur friends who attended the marriage of Lawrence Delaney and Miss Rose Graham, have returned home from Illiopolis. Decatur Daily Republican, 28 Apr 1892 ADAMS - RICEMarried, at the bride's residence Dec. 29, by Rev. Horace Reed, Mr. Henry D. Adams to Mrs. Elizabeth Rice, all of this city. Decatur Weekly Republican, 31 Dec 1874 ![]() ALBERT - HARMON Miss Mittie Harmon and William Albert of Warrensburg were married Thursday afternoon at 6 o'clock at the home of the groom's parents in Warrensburg. The young couple will go to housekeeping immediately in Warrensburg where the groom has already furnished a home. Decatur Herald, 8 Mar 1904 ![]() ANDERSON - MYER Pinkney Anderson and Miss Mary Myer, of Macon were married in this city yesterday and dined at the Palace hotel. The Daily Review (Decatur), 17 Feb 1886 ![]() ANDREWS - HORTON At his office yesterday, Squire B. McGorray married Josiah H. Andrews and Miss Mary E. Horton, of Lintner, Piatt county. The ceremony was performed in the squire’s happiest style and the couple left rejoicing. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 5 Mar 1886 ![]() ANNAN - KEELIN From Decatur comes news of the marriage yesterday of Mrs. Mary Staley Keelin, daughter of A.E. Staley of Decatur, to David Hugh Annan, Chicago Board of Trade and Stock exchange broker and son of Mrs. Jessie Ross Annan. Mr. and Mrs. Annan will live at the Lake Shore Drive hotel. Chicago Daily Tribune, 12 Oct 1935 ![]() ATER - SPERRY Thomas Ater, a prominent and prosperous farmer of near Cerro Gordo, and Kathryn Sperry of Bement were married by Rev. W.H. Penhallegon at his study in the Presbyterian church Monday morning about 11 o'clock. The couple came to Decatur Monday morning, got the license, were married, took dinner at the St. Nicholas hotel and left in the afternoon for Cerro Gordo, where they will make their home on the ater farm. Decatur Review, 27 Apr 1903 ![]() BARBER - BUTLER Frank Barber returned home from Grand Rapids, Michigan, yesterday, where he was married the other day to Miss Carrie E. Butler. The young couple went to the Barber farm, where they will reside. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 17 Mar 1886 ![]() BARGER - MOORE In this city, Sept 5th, by Joe Kaufman, Esq., Mr. J.H. Barger and Miss J.A. Moore. Decatur Republican, 12 Sep 1867 NOTE: The given names of those wedded were James H. Barger and Sarah J. Moore. ![]() BARNETT - WATERS MARRIED - At the Parsonage on the 23d inst., by Rev. T.M. Oviatt, Mr. John Barnett, and Miss Martha A. Waters, all of Decatur. Illinois State Archives (Decatur), 8 Oct 1857 ![]() BARR - COOPER Charels H. Barr of Warrensburg and Minerva Cooper of the same place were married Thursday afternoon by Justice William McCoy. Decatur Herald, Tuesday, 17 Jul 1906 ![]() BASHFORTH - RACE ORANGE BLOSSOMS Marriage of Mr. J.W. Bashforth and Miss Flora Race this Forenoon. THE WEDDING BREAKFAST - THE GIFTS The marriage of Miss Flora Race, one of Decatur's most accomplished young ladies, and Mr. John Walter Bashforth of Quincy, Ill., occurred this forenoon promptly at 9 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Race, and was witnessed by the immediate relatives of the contracting parties and about 75 of the more intimate frinds of the family. The full Episcopal ceremony was used by the officiating clergyman, Rev. W.H. Moore, rector of St. John's church, of which society the bride was a devout member. The couple were wedded in the north parlor, standing beneath an arbor of fresh smiliax, and in front of a large French plate mirror decorated tastefully with a large double floral heart. At the base of the mirror was placed a collection of plants, among which were several calla lilies. The bride wore a rich cream Ottoman silk, trimmed with cream lace; ornaments, flowers and diamonds. The bridesmaid was Miss Frances Shellabarger, who was attired in a lovely Parisian costume of white and brocaded silk, with pearls and pointlace trimmings. The groom and his "best man", Mr. W.H. Whitney, of Detroit, Mich., wore the conventional black, as did also the ushers Mr. Frank W. Anderson and Mr. D.H. Cloyd. The bridal party entered the parlor to the inspiring strains of Mendelssohn's grand wedding march rendered upon the piano in the south parlor by Prof. Albert Condell. The bride, who was born in Decatur and has lived here all her life, is a young lady of rare accomplishments and great popularity. Everybody admires her for her great amiability, her force of character, her independence of spirit, her sturdy good sense, her industry in the direction of useful learning and accomplishments, and for the true womanliness of her character; and there is not a man, woman or child in Decatur who does not join with the Republican in wishing her every happiness in the new relations she has today assumed. It may not be amiss in this connection to refer, as an evidence of Mrs. Bashforth's artistic skill, to the fact that the decorations of the house for her wedding were all her own design and handiwork, including the oil paintings with which every room was adorned. The bridegroom is well known to most of our people, having been in charge of the United States Express office here for a number of years prior to his removal to Quincy, where he holds a similar position. He is a man of character and intelligence, and a competent business man. He is to be congratulated upon his rare good fortune in finding a wife who unites in her own personality every quality desirable in a true helpmate. The friends present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. John Wolgamot and daughter, of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Cooke, of Minnesota; Mr. and Mrs. Perry, of Griggsville, Ill., parents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. John W. Graham, Louisville, Ky.; Will Pease, Quincy, Ill.; Hon. and J.A. Race and daughter, Miss Dora, Pana; Mrs. George Powers, Jacksonville. THE WEDDING REPAST After the congratulations had been extended the company were ushered into the dining hall, where a bountiful and sumptuous wedding repast was served under the direction of the Butler Bros. The role of hostess was admirably filled by the bride's mother, Mrs. Race, who was arrired in a ridch black satin dress, with appropriate and becoming trimmings. Mr. and Mrs. Bashforth departed for the east at noon. They will go to Toledo and Detroit, thence to Chicago, and after remaining there a few days they will go to Quincy, Ill., their future home. THE BRIDE'S PRESENTS Below is given a complete list of the gifts: Decatur Weekly Republican, 14 Dec 1882 ![]() BAUER - FORD At the Church of God Bethel, North Water street, at 8 o'clock last evening, Jacob Bauer and Miss Myrtle Ford were married, Rev. Rogers officiating. A small company of friends witnessed the ceremony. Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, 6 Sep 1894, pg. 3 ![]() BECK - HORINE Alfred H. Beck and Miss Margaret H. Horine were married at 8:30 o'clock last night by Rev. S.H. Bowyer, pastor of First Baptist church, at his residence on West Wood street. The groom is employed as a mail carrier. They went to housekeeping at once at a new home already prepared by the groom at 933 North College street. Daily Review (Decatur), 22 Jun 1900 ![]() BEKEMEYER - DOCKSON The residence of Mr. John B. Deligny, at 904 South Seventh street, was the scene of an interesting event last night, the marriage of Wm. Bekemeyer, jr. and Miss Lizzie Dockson. The parties are held in high esteem and the response to the cards of invitation sent out were quite general. The ceremony was performed at 8 o'clock by Rev. B.F. Crouse, pastor of the English Lutheran church, and the congratulations and social intercourse were the order for and hour or two, after which an elegant wedding supper, gotten up by Stoneberger & Dodd, was partaken of. The tables were beautifully ornamented, and the feast was of the daintiest possible character. The father of the groom presented the youthful couple with a check for a round thousand dollars, and his mother gave them, with her blessing, one hundred dollars. The bride was attired in a garnet silk, with plush trimmings, and her maid (whose name our "rattled" reporter failed to leave) in black velvet, lace and passementerie trimmings, and wore ornaments of natural flowers. Mr. & Mrs. Bekemeyer left on the midnight train for Chicago, bearing with them the kindliest wishes of a host of friends. The attendents were Miss Josie Busher of this city and Charles Schack of Springfield. Decatur Review, 18 November 1882 ![]() BENNETT - BINKLEY WARRENSBURG WEDDING Marriage of Louis Bennett and Miss Ada Binkley The marriage of Miss Ada Binkley and Louis Bennett, which was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents in Warrensburg last evening, was one of the prominent society events of the season at that place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G.N. Newkirk of Stonington at 7 o'clock and was witnessed by a large number of relatives and friends. The wedding march was played by Bert Ferris. The bride wore a gown of green serge trimmed with chenille and satin. There were no attendants. The parlors of the Binkley home were beautifully decorated with cut flowers and potted plants. The dining room was done in smilax and carnations. Following the ceremony a three course supper was served and later the couple came to Decatur. They spent the night at the New Brunswick hotel and today went to their home on a farm near Argenta. A number of guests were present from Niantic, Forsyth, Argenta, Illiopolis and Decatur. Those present from Decatur were Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Hankins, Mr. and Mrs. Connard, Mrs. Stahl and son Kirby, and John Barron. Daily Republican (Decatur), 9 Mar 1899 ![]() BINKLEY - KIRWOOD THEIR WEDDING WAS A SURPRISE Charles Binkley and Bride Are Popular Warrensburg People Charles Binkley of Warrensburg and Miss Clara Kirwood were married in Springfield Thursday, Jan. 12, by County Judge Jones of Sangamon county. It was quite a surprise to their many friends. Although there was no opposition by their parents, and they choose to go away from home to be married. The bride is a highly esteemed young lady, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kerwood, who live on a farm three and one-half miles west of Warrensburg. The groom is one of Warrensburg's popular young men and the son of Mrs. A.M. Binkley. He is a member of the Warrensburg brass band, and belongs to the local camp of M.W.A. of his place. The couple were serenaded by the band on Friday night, and Mr. Binkley responded with a bountiful supply of apples and cigars. The Daily Review (Decatur), 14 Jan 1905 ![]() BINKLEY - NEFF William E. Binkley and Miss Reuberta Neff, both of Lovington, were married yesterday by Justice Curtis in his parlor at the Hotel Brunswick. They were attended by six of their friends from Lovington, and after the ceremoney all enjoyed a wedding dinner served at the hotel. Decatur Morning Review, 3 Sep 1891 ![]() BISHOP - FALCONER At the residence of Dr. E.W. Paul at Forrest, Illinois at 5 p.m., March 10, 1891, Walter M. Bishop of Parsons, Kansas and Miss Anna M. Falconer, of Decatur, daughter of the late Enoch G. Falconer, Rev. M.M. Davidson, of the Methodist church, was the officiating clergyman. Mr. Bishop and bride are now in the city on a brief visit. The groom is in the employ of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad. Decatur Weekly Republican, 12 March 1891 ![]() BLACKBURN - DeBANN John W. Blackburn and Miss Willie DeBann were married at eight o’clock last evening, at the residence of the bride’s parents on South Webster street. The ceremony was performed by Elder J.W. Tyler at eight o’clock following which came congratulations and a fine wedding supper. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 16 Mar 1886 ![]() BLACKSTONE - BETZER MARRIED ~ At the residence of the bride's parents, on Thursday evening, January 28d, by Rev. D.P. Bunn, Mr. T.H.B. Blackstone and Miss Maggie Betzer, daughter of Peter Betzer, Esq. The happy couple left this morning for Baltimore and Washington, where they will spend the honeymoon. The best wishes of their many friends attend them in their journey, which we trust will be but the commencement of a long life of unalloyed happiness. Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 24 Jan 1873 ![]() BLANKENSHIP - SANDERS MARRIED ~ On the 29 Oct. by Elder J.W. Tyler, Mr. Joseph Blankenship to Mrs. Elizabeth Sanders. All of this county. Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 1 Nov 1855 ![]() BOHON - GRISWOLD At the hour of 9 o'clock on Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Griswold at 411 West Main street the marriage of Carolyn L. Griswold and Tom Kyle Bohon was celebrated. Rev. W.H. Prestley of Newton, Ill., a former pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city, pronounded the nuptial blessings. Daily Republican (Decatur), 8 Dec 1898 ![]() BORCHERT - FULTON Louis Borchert of Decatur and miss Leona E. Fulton of Athen, Ill., were married at 3:30 Saturday afternoon in the parsonage of Grace Methodist church, 325 North Main, Rev. A.M. Wells, officiating. The single ring ceremony was used. The couple was accompanied by Mrs. Nellie Thornell, aunt of the bridegroom, Miss Viola Thornell, and Clarence Borchert, the latter a brother of the bridegroom. Mr. Borchert is an orderly at the Wabash hospital. He and his bride will make their home in Decatur. Decatur Review, 8 Jan 1922 ![]() BOUGHN - GATES Married, in Warrensburg, Sept. 14th, at the residence of Dr. Dempsey by Rev. R.M. Sargent, Mr. Benjamin F. Boughn, son of Z. Boughn, Esq., of Warrensburg, to Miss Mahala D. Gates of Cass Co., MO. Decatur Daily Republican, 16 Sep 1879 ![]() BOUGHN - WENTWORTH At the residence of Mr. B. Wentworth, in Hickory township, Sept. 7, 1875, by Rev. T.J.N. Simmons, Mr. Zachariah Boughn, of Warrensburg, and Miss Jennie F. Wentworth. Decatur Daily Republican, 8 Sep 1875 ![]() BOWERS - COCHRAN Miss Lena Cochran and Charles Bowers of Lovington, were married in Sullivan on Monday evening, Dec. 13, by Rev. Baker, of Mattoon. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Bowers drove to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Reub en Bowers, parents of the groom, where a wedding supper was served. Saturday Herald (Decatur), 26 Dec 1885 ![]() BOWMAN - JOSTES BRILLIANT WEDDING IN OAKLEY TOWNSHIP SOCIETY Miss Clara Bowman and William Jostes were happily wedded Thursday evening June 5, at 8:30 pm at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bowman, one and a half miles southeast of Oakley. The ceremony took place on the lawn where a platform had been erected, beautifully decorated with evergreens and roses. The bridal pair took their station under a large floral horseshoe and the ceremony was performed by Rev. McKnight. The wedding march was played by Miss Alice Bowman, sister of the bride and Charles Baurchers. The bride was attired in a handsome cream colored silk, and the bridesmaid, Miss Leona Bowman, wore a costume of white embroidered swiss. Fred Jostes was the best man and Myrtle Bowman and Leah Turner acted as flower girls. The ceremony was performed in the presence of about 140 guests, mostly from Blue Mound, Harristown, Boody and Cerro Gordo. After the ceremony all repaired to the house and viewed the presents which were numerous and costly. Among them was an elegant gold watch from the bride to the groom. The parlors were handsomely decorated in pink and white. The groom is a prosperous young farmer and the happy pair will receive their many friends at their home, three miles south of Boody, after June 12. The bride is one of the best known ladies in Oakley and is as charming as she is accomplished. She is a niece of Senator Manecke. Daily Review (Decatur), 7 June 1894 ![]() BRETT - COX Married, on the 4th inst., at the Residence of the bride, near the city, by the Rev. E.G. Falconer, Mr. Alexander Brett to Miss Margaret Cox. Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 5 Mar 1857 ![]() BREWER - CAMERON Joseph Brewer and Miss Emma Cameron, both of Mt. Zion, were married yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock by Justice A.C. Stevens at his office. They were accompanied by their parents and a number of friends from Mt. Zion, who gave them heartiest congratulations after the ceremony. Review (Decatur), 18 Dec 1890 ![]() BRIGHT - RETTIG John Chester Bright and Miss Hazel Rettig, both of Moweaqua, were married in Decatur Wednesday afternoon, the ceremony being performed at 4 o'clock by Judge J.H. McCoy at the court house. The groom is a farmer. Decatur Review, Thursday, 26 Jul 1917 ![]() BROCKWAY - STEWART The residence of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Stewart, at the corner of King and College streets, was the scene last night of a pleasant event. The occasion was the marriage of their daughter, Miss Amanda stewart, to Fred C. Brockway, a son of Officer John Brockway. About 50 friends and relatives were present at 8 o'clock, when Miss Nettie Stumpf began playing the wedding march. Then the couple entered the parlor and stood under a handsome floral arch, in which were the letters S.B. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.A.F. King, of the U.B. church. The bride wore a beautiful wedding gown of green albatross, made with a V shaped corsage, trimmed with Vandyke lace. Her ornaments were natural flowers. At the conclusion, and after the congratulations had been extended Mr. and Mrs. Brockway, who have the good wishes of a great many friends, a most elaborate supper was enjoyed. The bride's cake was a rare one, being of unusual size, and as delicious a specimen of the culinary art as it is possible for any one to make. There were a great many handsome presents, some of them being selected with especial reference to their usefulenss. Among other things was a rocking chair, presented by the fellow workmen of the groom, who is an employe of Myers & Son. Among the guests present were Mrs. Windle, of Springfield, and Mrs. Wilson, of Monticello, sisters of the bride. Decatur Morning Review, 12 Sep 1890 ![]() BROOKS - JONES Miss Addie Jones and Calvin Brooks both of this city, were married Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride on South Colfax street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.A. Crockett in the presence of about fifteen relatives. After the ceremony a two-course supper was served. Mrs. Brooks is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones. Mr. Brooks is employed at the Wabash shops. The couple will make their home in Decatur. The Daily Review (Decatur), 2 Mar 1910 ![]() BROWNLEE - NANNA William H. Brownlee and Miss Cora. B. Nanna, both of Decatur, were married at 2:30' Sunday afternoon by Justice John McCoy at his residence. The groom is a miller. The Daily Review (Decatur), Monday, 5 Jan 1903, pg. 1 ![]() BUCHANAN - MOORE A marriage license was issued yesterday to Samuel J. Buchanan and Mrs. Nettie Moore. The couple were immediately married by Squire Eyman, the ceremony being performed at the county clerk’s office. Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 17 Apr 1886 ![]() BUMSTEAD - McALLISTER Owing to the fact that his parents and grandparents were Decatur people, many here are deeply interested in the invitations which were received last week for the wedding of Dr. Jack Bumstead and Miss Katherine McAllister of Bel Air, Maryland. It is interesting to note that young Dr. Bumstead's fiancee has been studying nursing in Baltimore where the doctor is talking a postgraduate couse in John Hopkins university. They met while both were students along the same line of endeavor. It is also fine to hear that Dr. Bumstead is planning to continue to devote his time to research study in the chemistry branch of his profession, after his marriage, and that his uncle, John H. Ullrich of Decatur, has turned over to him and his sister, Miss Eleanor Bumstead, the greater part of his large holdings of farm lands in this part of the state, reserving for himself only enough to insure his own comfort in future. It costs money to do research work, but young Dr. Jack Bumstead need not worry about this now, thanks to his uncle's prompt action. Dr. Jack Bumstead is the son of the late Professor Harry Bumstead, formerly of Yale, who was a special attache for the United States in London during the world war, and Mrs. Luetta Ullrich Bumstead, both of Decatur. He is a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Ullrich and of the late Dr. and Mrs. S.H. Bumstead, all prominent Decatur residents during their lifetimes. The wedding is to take place in Bel Air, a suburb of Baltimore, Wednesday evening, Dec. 3. Decatur Review, 30 Nov 1924 ![]() BUMSTEAD - STEVENSON Announcement was made Monday in New Haven, Conn., of the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Eleanor Bumstead, daughter of the late Prof. H.A. Bumstead of Yale university, and Mrs. Bumstead, formerly Luetta Ullrich of Decatur, to William Edwards Stevenson, son of J. Ross Stevenson, head of the Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, N.Y. The ceremony will take place in Decamber of in January, the exact date to be announced later. Miss Bumstead was born in Decatur and since living in the east has visited here on numerous occasions. She is a niece of John H. Ullrich of Decatur and Mrs. Spencer Ewing of Bloomington, whom she visited recently. She is a graduate of Smith College, class of 1923. Mr. Stevenson is a graduate from Princeton, class of 1922, and of Baliol College in Oxford, England, 1925. The couple plan to reside in New York this winter. Decatur Review, 29 Sep 1925 ![]() BURG - DICKEY MARRIED, At the Parsonage, October 27th, 1859, by the Rev. T.M. O?att, Mr. Henry Burg, to Miss Ann Dickey, both of Moultrie County, Illinois. Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 3 Nov 1859 ![]() CASSELL - KIRKMAN WEDDING WITH 180 GUESTS Miss Olive Kirkman the Bride of Otto Cassell SUPERVISORS THERE Many From a Distance - Handsome Decorations The wedding of Miss Olive Kirkman and Otto Cassell Wednesday was quite a notable event. MANY GUESTS It was one of the biggest weddings in a long time in point of attendance, there being in all about 180 guests present. These included the members of the county board of supervisors, county officers, etc., and a large number of friends and relatives. The bride's three sisters and their husbands and her brother and his wife, all from Kansas, were all present and there was a family reunion as well as a wedding. The house was charmingly decorated the general color scheme being pink and white. Asters and carnations, evergreens and smilax were used with excellent effect. In the parlor a large arch of evergreens and smilax had been prepared, in the center of which was a floral bell. The archway was decorated with asters and carnations. THE CEREMONY The ceremony was performed at high noon by Elder A.J. Nance of the Church of Christ at Hammond. The wedding march from "Lohengrin" was played by Mrs. Otto Benton as the bridal party entered the parlor. First came the minister and then the little flower girls, Laura Lincoln and Susie Wheeler, nieces of the bride from Kansas. After them came the bride and groom, taking their places beneath the floral bell. The ceremony was pretty indeed. The bride was gowned in ivory silk, shirred, with lace trimming, and carried bride's roses. After congratulations the couple led the way to the dining room, where an elaborate breakfast was served. FUTURE PLANS The couple went to St. Louis Wednesday to spend a week at the world's Fair. They will be at home to firends after next Wednesday at Cassell castle, where they will make their home this winter. They are thinking of going in the spring to Wichita, Kan., where the groom has considerable property. The groom is a salesman at the Schoenle grocery on East Wood street. He is well known and has many friends. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kirkman. She is a graduate of the county schools and is popular with a wide circle of friends. A large number of handsome and useful presents were received. The Daily Review (Decatur), 14 Sep 1904 ![]() CHERRIER - LEWIS Mr. A.B. Cherrier, of Quebec, Canada, and Miss Mayme K. Lewis Happily Mated Miss Mayme K. Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Lewis, was married last evening to Mr. Alfred B. Cherrier, of Quebec, Canada. The ceremony was performed at "The Roby," the swell front house on East North street occupied by Mrs. Guyton. At eight o'clock the bridal procession enterred the west parlor, which was profusely decorated with flowers. The bride leaned on the arm of her father, and the groom followed with Mr. Lewis. The ushers were Messrs. E.W. Heilman and Ralph Templeton. Red Thornburg and Josis Kerr acted as paged. Rev. Prestley performed the ceremony, the ring service being used. About one hundred guests were present to witness the happy event, and extend their congratulations. A delicious wedding supper prepared by Mrs. Guyton, was served party fashion. The bride wore ? watered silk, cut decollette and en train. Her ornaments were diamonds. The couple left at midnight for New York, Boston, and other eastern cities. They will be "at home" after Wednesday next, at 12 Garbaugh place, Quebec, Canada. The bride is well known here, where she has resided all her life and her many friends wish her a happy married life. Mr. Cherrier is an accomplished gentleman, and is the publisher of the Quebec city directory. The Daily Review (Decatur), 3 Mar 1886 ![]() CHERRY - ADAMS MARRIED ~ By Rev. Dr. Stevenson, on June 17th, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. William Cherry to Miss Sophia Adams, daughter of Mr. Charles Adams. Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 18 Jun 1873 ![]() CLARK - CLANEY At the St. Patrick's Catholic church, by Rev. Father Mackin, on Thursday evening, Sept. 7, 1882, Charles Clark and Miss Katie Claney, both of Decatur. Saturday Herald (Decatur), 9 Sep 1882 ![]() CLARK - SHAD Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Clark, formerly of Decatur, announce the marriage of their daughter Irene Mary, to Albert Leman Shad, of Detroit, Mich., Thursday, Dec. 19, at Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Shad, when in Decatur was swithboard operator at the Leader Iron Works. Mr. Shad who formerly was a resident of Decatur also was an employee at the Drysdale garage. Mr. and Mrs. Shad will make their home in Detroit. Decatur Review, 8 Jan 1922 ![]() CLENDENEN - HAYES MISS NELLIE HAYES TO WED Miss Nellie Hayes and William F. Clendenen will be married Thanksgiving day in St. Patrick's church. Miss Hayes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes, 856 North Clayton street. She has lived in Decatur about two years and has made many friends for the short time she has lived here. Decatur Daily Review, 18 November 1906 Ceremony Performed at High Mass by Rev. Father Smith Miss Nellie C. Hayes and William Clendenen were married Thursday at a high mass at 8 o'clock in St. Patrick's Catholic church, Rev. Father Smith officiating the ceremony. The couple were accompanied by Miss Nellie Simmons and James Smith. The groom is a switchman for the Illinois Central railroad here. Decatur Daily Review, 26 November 1906 ![]() COBB - DENNIS On Tuesday morning, Aug. 22d, at the residence of the bride's parents, one mile west of town, by Rev. Mr. Baker, Mr. A.P. Cobb and Miss Maggie Dennis. Mr. Virgil Hostetler with Miss Mary Dennis, sister of the bride, and Mr. Sanford Leffingwell with Miss Mary Wise, officiated as groomsmen and bridesmaids. Relatives of the family and several of the intimate friends of the bride and groom, were in attendance, and a very pleasant time socially was enjoyed. At noon a superb dinner was served, after which the newly married pair left for Eureka, their future home. The groom, having recently entered the ministry of the Christian Church, now has charge of a congregation of that denomination at Washington, Tazewell County. The Republican tenders its congratulations and best wishes. THE PRESENTS In addition to everything needed for housekeeping the bride's father made an additional present of $100. Added to these were a nice silver caster, from Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Righter, and a chamber set of furniture from Mrs. Sam'l Rea, an aunt of the bride, besides minor presents. Decatur Daily Republican, 23 Aug 1876 ![]() CONROY - SHOUP Glenn J. Conroy of Mason City and Nan Shoup of Delavan were married at 10:30 Monday morning by Judge O.W. Smith at the court house. The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 8 Sep 1913, pg. 12 ![]() COOPER - SELLERS Married - At the residence of the bride's father, July the 22, 1880 by Rev. W Crandall, Mr. William Cooper and Miss Alice A Sellers all of Friends Creek. Mrs. Simon Hoff of Kansas, and many other friends and relatives were present. After the ceremony, a sumptuous supper was served to which all did ample justice. The young couple have the best wishes of their friends." This was a handwritten announcement. Submitted by Jane Lincicome ![]() William H. Coonradt and Charlotte Hawes AT THE BRIDE'S HOME Review Carrier Boys There and Have a Part The wedding of William H. Coonradt and Miss Charlotte E. Hawes on Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M.D. Hawes, 1120 North Edward street, was very pretty. It was an autumn wedding, the house being decorated principally with the many tinted leaves. Bunches of wild asters were also used. The decorations were arranged by Miss Clara Abel and Miss Bess Henkle. THE CEREMONY The bride and groom mingled with their guests informally until the hour for the ceremony. At 8 o'clock they stepped to their places in front of a bower of autumn leaves arranged in the bow window in the sitting room. Rev. W.J. Davidson, pastor of the First Methodist church, performed the ceremony and Rev. Horace Reed, who stood at his side, made the prayer at the close. The bride was dressed in French lawn with lace trimmings. She carried a large bouquet of bride's roses. After congratulations were extended the couple an elaborate wedding supper was served in the dining room under the direction of Mrs. Margaret Love. DECORATIONS The table was extremely pretty. Ropes of smilax were hung from the chandelier to the four corners of the table, in the center of which was a large bunch of American Beauty roses. Green and white ribbons were laid on the table from the corners to the center, where they were fastened with bows to the roses. Appropriate to the occasion a large cluster of red haws were arranged in one corner of the dining room. Autumn leaves and woodbine were also used in the dining room with beautiful effect. GUESTS Among the sixty relatives and friends who were present, the following were from out of the city: Miss Mabel Hayward of Chicago, Ernest _ytle of Champaign, Miss Deete Rolfe of Champaign, Miss Helen Stookey of Harristown, Clyde Bankson of Peoria, Miss Rifa of Baltimore, MD., and Miss Catherine Newlin of Springfield. Many handsome presents were received by the couple, among them being a handsome chair from The Review carrier boys, selected by themselves. The gifts included cut glass, china, silver and handsome pieces of furniture. Mr. and Mrs. Coonradt left Tuesday night for St. Louis to visit the World's Fair. On their return they will live at 315 North Edward street. CARRIER BOYS THERE The Review carrier boys, about thirty in number, gathered on the porch at the Hawes home and witnessed the ceremony. A window shade was raised in order that they might be able to see. When the ceremony was over they called for their manager, who came out and gave them a little talk. Then they wanted to see the bride. She was taken out on the porch and, after she had said a few words to them, they showered the couple with rice. Then they gave them a charivari, using tin pans, horns, bells, etc. After they had made the noise for a short time the groom said to them, "Now boys, it's time for you to hike." They hiked. They did not go home, however, for when Mr. and Mrs. Coonradt arrived at the Wabash station they were all there waiting. When the whistle of the train was heard they yelled with all their might. They had a great quantity of rice with them, which they used with good effect and when the train had gone the station platform was covered with it. The boys also had 500 placards, which they in a few minutes tacked in all available places throughout the length of the train, announcing that a bride and groom were on board. The Decatur Review, 12 Oct 1904 ![]() COX - SCOTT MARRIED, at the residence of B.W. Davidson, at Mt. Zion, on December 28, 1882, by Rev. W.L. Bankson, Mr. Geo. W. Cox and Miss Laura A. Scott, both of Mt. Zion, Ill. Decatur Weekly Republican, 4 Jan 1883 ![]() CRESSLER - TOZER John W. Cressler and Miss Bertha Clarie (Tozer) Were Married Special Correspondence St. Petersburg, Ill., May 18 - Married - At the home of the bride, near Petersburg, Miss Bertha Claire Tozer to John W. Cressler of Maroa, on Wednesday, May 16, at high noon. Rev. J. Will Walters of Niantic performed the ceremony. Miss Edna Cressler, sister of the bride, played the wedding march. The bride wore a pretty gown of cream silk crepe de chine, and carried a bouquet of white carnations. The house was decorated with carnations, the color scheme being pink and white. After the ceremony and congratulations the party repaired to the dining room, where a three-course dinner was served. Miss Belle Tozer, sister of the bride; Miss Edna Cressler, sister of the groom; Miss Abbie Messett of Petersburg, and Miss Ethel Ayers of Athens assisted in serving. Many beautiful gifts were received, consisting mostly of silverware. A china dinner set was a gift from the groom's parents and grandmother, and a set of silverware from the bride's parents. About forty guests were present. The groom's parents will give them a reception at their home near Warrensburg May 19, from 8 to 11 p.m. They will go at once to housekeeping at Maroa, where the groom is employed. Decatur Herald, 22 May 1906 ![]() CRISSEY - STEELE MARRIED, On the 5th of March, 1868, in St. Louis, by the Rev. S.W. Harkey, D.D., Mr. Samuel B. Crissey, of Decatur, Ill., and Miss Mattie A. Steele, of Terre Haute, Ind. Decatur Republican, 12 Mar 1868 ![]() CULLEN - YANTIS William Cullena nd Mrs. A.M. Yantis were married Saturday at the rectory of St. Patrick's Catholic church by Rev. Father J. Murphy. The wedding was a very quiet affair, only a few of the immediate relatives being present. The bride has been a resident of Bethany, where she has lived with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bushert. She formerly lived in Indiana. Mr. Cullen was formerly a merchant policeman on the levee beat, but resigned and now is a brass finisher at the Mueller factory. The couple will leave soon for a honeymoor trip, visiting San Francisco and other large cities. They will return home in about six weeks and make their home in this city. Decatur Review, 9 Aug 1909, pg. 10 ![]() CURTIS - TUTTLE The marriage of Frank Curtis and Miss Alice Tuttle will be solemnized at 9 this morning at St. John's church by Rev. M.M. Goodwin. A reception at the house afterwards will be attended only by intimate friends. The couple will leave tonight for Yellow Stone Park, Manitau and other western resorts. They will be absent about thirty days. The Daily Review (Decatur), 8 June 1892 MISS TUTTLE - MR. CURTIS First Couple Married In St. John's New Church A Ceremony and a Company Befitting the Couple and the Occasion - Decorations, Reception and Breakfast - Off Through the West for a Long Trip More than ordinary interest was taken in the marriage of Frank Curtis and Miss Alice Tuttle yesterday. Both young people are from the oldest and best families in Decatur and by right of social connections and their own natural qualificatoins are among the best people. Then the wedding was the first one solemnized in St. John's new church. Some little time before 9 o'clock, the hour set for the ceremony, the church began to fill. The early comers had abundant opportunity to admire the decorations, which were elaborate, but not too profuse, and notable for tasteful arrangement. The chancel was lighted up with great clusters of daisies which were suspended from the electroliers and arranged in convenient nooks. Around the wall were great palms and other tropical plants in pots. The flowers and plants were sent by L. Burrows from his well stocked conservatory. The nave was almost completely filled when, just at 9 o'clock, Mrs. A.B. Alexander at the organ began playing the bridal chorus from "Lohengrin." First in the bridal party came the ushers, Charles Henderson of Jacksonville, Edward Powers, B. Bradley, and Walter Boyd. Next came little Lucille Carter, carrying the satin kneeling cushion. Miss Mary A. Tuttle, the sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and immediately preceded the bride, who was leaning on the arm of her father, B.B. Tuttle. At the altar the groom and his best man, Walter Strange, were waiting with Rev. M.M. Goodwin, rector of the church. The Episcopal church ceremony was used. First cam the betrothal at the chancel and then the marriage at the altar. As the bridal party left the church Mendelssohn's wedding march was played. The bride wore a blue cloth traveling costume with hat to match. Her ornaments were diamonds and turquoise stones. Miss Mary Tuttle, the bridesmaid, wore a corn colored crepe de chine, with hat of buttercups to match. She carried a bouquet of daisies. Lucille Carter was in white silk. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of B.B. Tuttle, father of the bride, 510 East Eldorado street. The house was elaborately decorated with plants and cut flowers. In the parlor the mantel was completely hidden by a bank of green and blossoms that reached almost to the ceiling. In the dining room there was a profusion of flowers, the prevailing color being white. The table was especially beautiful in its arrangement. The bridal party received about 100 of their friends in the parlor, and then the wedding breakfast was served by Mrs. Snyder. During the reception the mandolin orchestra was stationed behind a portierre of smilax and moss and played suitable music. Among those present from out of the city were Mrs. Billam of Ansonia, Conn., Mrs. Hovey of Waterbury, Conn., Arthur B. Barnes of Denver, Colo., Frank Cowgill of Springfield, Ills., Miss Madge Walmsley of Terre Haute, Ind., Charles Henderson of Jacksonville. Mr. Curtis and bride left at 11:25 a.m. on the Wabash on their bridal tour. Their trip will include a journey to Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Yellowstone Park, Butte, Mont., Salt Lake City, Denver, Manitou, and Kansas City, arriving in Decatur in July. They will be at home to friends at 510 East Eldorado street Thursdays in July. Both Mr. and Mrs. Curtis are among the best known young people in Decatur. The gentleman is a member of the O.E. Curtis & Bro., and is recognized as a most sensible and successful young business man. The bride is prominent in Decatur social circles and is much admired. The Daily Review (Decatur), 9 June 1892 ![]() CUSSINS - LEHMAN The residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.F. Lehman, No. 51 West Wood street, this city, last evening at 7 o'clock, was the scene of the marriage of Miss Emma Lehman and Mr. Samuel E. Cussins, both of Decatur. The attendants were Miss Bartie Wentworth, of Warrensburg, and Mr. E.A. Morgan, of Decatur. The impressive ceremony was performed by Rev. W.H. Musgrove, pastor of Stapp's Chapel, in the presence of about 50 relatives and friends of the contracting parties. After congratulations had been extended to the mated pair, the party partook of a sumptuous wedding repast. The gifts included the following useful and beautiful articles:
Two $20 gold pieces, from the bride's father
Silver caster, Dr. and Mrs. J.S. Cussins, Owaneco, Ill. 25 yards of carpet, bed spread, dinner set of dishes, set of tea and tablespoons, from the bride's mother Parlor lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Spencer Set of silver teaspoons, Misses Jessie and Stella Spencer Silver pickle caster and butter knife, Mrs. J.M. Rainey Silver pickle caster and tureen, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Cussins, of Niantic Set of glassware and fruit dish, Frank Lehman Set of dishes, G.W. Lehman Pair of vases, Bertie Spencer Silver butter knife, Misses Estie and Bertie Wentworth Teapot, Mrs. G.W. Lehman Fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller Silver sugar spoon, Lillian and Fannie Browning Silver butter knife, Miss Emma Greenman Set of silver teaspoons and butter knife, Mr. and Mrs. George Hiser Set of dessert dishes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gooder Bed spread, Wm. T. Cussins Clock, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Lehman Paper bracket, Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson Blanket, Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Browning Silver pickle caster, W.K. Hoover Towel, Minnie Lehman Tidy, Miss Lucy Meisenhelter Bible, Miss Katie Lehman Pair of picture brackets, Mrs. J.M. Stookey Photograph album, Robert E. Cariens and sister China tea set, from the bridegroom Mr. and Mrs. Cussins will reside in Cass county, Iowa, and will leave for that place early next week. They will take with them the best wishes of hosts of friends in this community. Decatur Daily Republican, Thursday Evening, 10 Mar 1881 ![]() CUTLER - SHOAFF Married - In this city, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 31, 1872, by Rev. D.P. Bunn, Mr. George Cutler, of Binghampton, N.Y. and Miss Alice E., second daughter of James Shoaff, Esq., senior editor of the Magnet. The bride was the recipient of many handsome and valuable presents from her relatives and friends. On Wednesday morning at 2 o'clock the happy couple left for their comfortable home in Binghampton, carrying with them the best wishes of their many friends in Decatur. Our acknowledgements are due to the family of the bride for their thoughtful remembrance of the printers, and "all hands" desire to tender to the bride and groom their heartfelt wishes for the future prosperity and happiness of both. Daily Republican (Decatur), 1 Jan 1873 ![]()
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