1910 Macon County, Illinois
Pleasant View Township, Dist. 132
This census is a work in progress, the diligent work of various Macon County researchers. If you have any households you would like to include, please email me: Click - and I will add it. We hope to eventually have a complete census, and with your help we can succeed! Just click on the township you wish to view (not all links have data...yet!).
This census enumerated between 21 Apr - 2 May 1910 by John M. Collins.
MACRAFIC, John - Head - M - 53 - Mar.#1/35yr. - _ - IL/PA/OH - Merchant/Retail Shoe Store
Nellie - Wife - F - 52 - Mar.#1/25yr. - _ - Ger./Ger./Ger. - Servant/Housework
Alva - Son - M - 23 - S - _ - IL/IL/Ger. - Laborer/On Farm
Edith - Dau - F - 20 - S. - _ - IL/IL/Ger.
Wilber - Son - M - 17 - S - _ - IL/IL/Ger.
Lester - Son - M - 14 - S. - _ - IL/IL/Ger.
James - Father - M - 73 - Wd. - _ - PA/US/US - None
BAILEY, Millisa - Head - F - 59 - Wd. - 12/8 - IL/IN/KY - Own Account
Cora - Dau - F - 15 - S. - _ - IL/IN/IL - Servant/Housework
Asa - Son - M - 17 - S - _ - IL/IN/IL - Laborer/On Farm
COPELAND, William - Head - M - 79 - Mar.#1/20yr. - _ - VA/VA/VA - Well Digger/Tubular Wells
Elizabeth - Wife - F - 43 - Mar.#1/20yr. - 8/8 - IL/Ger./KY
Hazel - Dau - F - 20 - S - _ - IL/VA/IL - School Teacher/Country School
Eva - Dau - F - 16 - S. - _ - IL/VA/IL
Zellia - Dau - F - 13 - S - _ - IL/VA/IL
Bernis - Dau - F - 10 - S. - _ - IL/VA/IL
Harry - Son - M - 7 - S - _ - IL/VA/IL
Raymond - Son - M - 4 - S. - _ - IL/VA/IL
Corman - Son - M - 10/12 - S - _ - IL/VA/IL
GABRIEL, John - Head - M - 55 - Mar.#1/31yr. - _ - Ire./Ire./Ire. - Farmer - Imm. 1823
Martha - Wife - F - 55 - Mar.#1/31yr. - _ - OH/OH/OH
MORAN, Ben - None - M - 55 - S - _ - AL/US/MS - Laborer/Farm Work
GRONIGER, Fredrick A. - Head - M - 79 - Wd. - _ - Ger./Ger./Ger. - Own Income
Fredrick - Son - M - 20 - S. - _ - IL/Ger./IL - Farmer
Alvenia - Dau - F - 17 - S - _ - IL/Ger./IL
Stachia - Niece - F - 10 - S - _ - IL/IL/IL
164/164 - North St.
McCLUSKEY, Ham L. - Head - M - 62 - Mar.#1/37yr. - _ - OH/MD/US - Salesman/_ Store
Clara - Wife - F - 58 - Mar.#1/27yr. - 8/4 - OH/PA/PA
Phloyd - G-Son - M - 6 - S - _ - IL/IL/IL
175/175 - North St.
McCLUSKEY, David - Head - M - 58 - Mar.#1/14yr. - _ - OH/MD/US - Tinner/Tin Shop
Ida - Wife - F - 45 - Mar.#2/14yr. - 4/2 - IL/RI/OH
BIGHAM, Goldie - Step-Dau - F - 16 - S - _ - IL/IL/IL
Home Census Index
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