1910 Macon County, Illinois
Decatur Ward 1, Dist 107
This census is a work in progress, the diligent work of various Macon County researchers. If you have any households you would like to include, please email me: Click - and I will add it. We hope to eventually have a complete census, and with your help we can succeed!
This census was taken between 15 April 1910 and 13 May 1910 by Frank L. Hays.
Col. 1 = House # Col. 2 = Dwelling #
Col. 3 = Family #
Col. 4 = Surname/Given
Col. 5 = Relationship
Col. 6 = Sex
Col. 7 = Age
Col. 8 = Marital Status
Col. 9 = Place of birth - Person/Father/Mother
Col. 10 = Occupation
602/1/1 - East Eldorado
FITZPATRICK, Mary - Head - F - 46 - Mar#1/_ - 4/3 - IL/Ire./Ire. - Hotel/Chambermind
William - Son - M - 18 - S - _ - IL/IL/IL - Moulder/Iron Works
602/2/2 - East Eldorado
APP, William H. - Head - M - 31 - Mar#1/0yrs. - _ - IL/PA/PA - Dentist/Dentist
Drasie - Wife - F - 25 - Mar#1/0yr. - 0/0 - IL/NY/IL
601/3/3 - East Eldorado
STEVENS, Henry - Head - M - 33 - Mar#1/3yrs. - _ - IL/PA/IN - Bartender
Ella - Wife - F - 21 - Mar#1/3yrs. - 0/0 - IL/PA/KY
608/4/4 - East Eldorado
CREAGER, Perry E. - Head - M - 29 - S. - _ - OH/OH/OH - Confectioner
622/5/5 - East Eldorado
DILLEHUNTY, William - Head - M - 50 - Wd. - _ - Ire./Ire./Ire. - Shoemaker - Immigrated 1882
638/6/6 - East Eldorado
GENTZLER, Nellie - Head - M - 35 - S. - _ - IL/PA/IL - Lodge Work/Pocohontas, IL
638/-/7 - East Eldorado
MORRIS, Randall G. - Head - M - 63 - Mar#1/38yrs. - _ - IL/IL/KY - Laborer/Ditcher
Lucy Ann - Wife - F - 57 - Mar#1/38yrs. - 3/1 - IN/IN/IN
650/7/8 - East Eldorado
BUNSTEIN, Samuel - Head - M - 46 - Mar#1/27yr. - _ - Russia Polish/Russia Polish/Russia Polish - Clothing Gents Furnighings
Jennie - Wife - F - 42 - Mar#1/27yr. - 3/1 - Russia Polish/Russia Polish/Russia Polish
Harry - Son - M - 17 - S - _ - IL/Russia Polish/Russia Polish - Salesman/Father's Store
ROSTEK, Margaret - Servant - F - 17 - S - _ - IL/PA/PA - Servant
646/8/9 - East Eldorado
SEVIN, Daniel - Head - M - 30 - Mar#1/10yr. - _ - Ger./Russia Polish/Russia Polish - Tailor/Proprietor
Sophia - Wife - F - 32 - Mar#1/10yr. - 3/3 - Russia Polish/Russia Polish/Russia Polish
Sarah - Dau - F - 8 - S - _ - Eng./Ger./Russia Polish
Harry - Son - M - 6 - S - _ - MO/Ger./Russia Polish
Samuel - Son - M - 1 11/12 - S - _ - MO/Ger./Russia Polish
662/9/10 - East Eldorado
WENDELL, Charles B. - Head - M - 40 - s. - _ - IL/Ger./Ger. - Laborer/Errand Man
519/10/11 - Morgan Street
VOIGT, Cora - Head - F - 29 - D./14yr. - _ - IN/VA/KY - Roomers
525/11/12 - Morgan Street
MITCHELL, E.W. - Head - M - 39 - Mar#1/9yr. - _ - IL/US/IL - Boilermaker/Washbash R.R.
Fanny - Wife - F - 33 - Mar#1/9yr. - 1/1 - OH/OH/OH
Helen - Dau - F - 4 - S - _ - IL/IL/OH
527/12/13 - Morgan Street
NILES, Herbert E. - Head - M - 51 - Mar#1/0yr. - _ - VT/VT/VT - Traveling Salesman/Separation Co.
Letitia - Wife - F - 40 - Mar#1/0yr. - 0/0 - IL/OH/IN
525/13/14 - Morgan Street
EPLER, David - Head - M - 55 - Mar#1/17yr. - _ - IL/PA/PA - On Section/Washbash R.R.
Nancy - Wife - F - 68 - Mar#4/17yr. - 14/7 - OH/PA/OH
KNAPP, Henry - Step-son - M - 42 - O - _ - IL/Ger./OH - Section work/Wabash R.R.
617/14/15 - East Cerro Gordo
MILLMAN, Mary - Head - M - 43 - S - _ - IL/OH/KY - Borders and Roomers
HEISSMAN, Charles A. - Boarder - M - 57 - Wd./4yr. - _ - Ger./Ger./Ger. - Blacksmith - Immigrated 1855
CANNON, Richard A. - Boarder - M - 41 - D - _ - IL/IA/IA - Printer
609/14/15 - East Cerro Gordo
BEECHER, Charles E. - Head - M - 38 - Mar#2/8yr. - _ - AR/IL/IL - Tailor
Marie - Wife - F - 29 - Mar#1/8yr. - 0/0 - MO/MO/MO
530/16/17 - North Broadway
HOAGLAND, Mary E. - Head - F - 57 - S - _ - IL/NJ/Ire. - Own income
SWEENEY, Catharine - Boarder - F - 30 - S - _ - IL/Ire./Ire. - Music teacher
SWEENEY, Mary - Boarder - F - 40 - S - _ - IL/Ire./Ire. - Dressmaker
537/17/18 - North Broadway
DINNEEN, Daniel - Head - M - 39 - Mar#1/1yr. - _ - IL/Ire./Ire. - Grocer
Helen - Wife - F - 36 - mar#1/1yr. - 1/? - IL/NY/IL
Catharine - wife - f - 7 - s - _ - IL/IL/IL
543/18/19 - North Broadway
COOKSON, William - head - m - 39 - mar#1/8yr. - _ - IL/IN/IN - Salesman/Grocery
Bessie - wife - f - 29 - Mar#2/1yr. - 0/0 - IN/IL/OH
JORDAN, Mary - Mother-in-law - F - 70 - Mar#3/9yr. - 7/5 - OH/Ire./PA
543/18/19 - North Broadway
SMITH, Luis B. - Head - M - 31 - Mar#1/3yr. - _ - MO/TN/MO - Barber
Ada - Wife - F - 23 - Mar#2/3yr. - 1/1 - IL/US/IL - Seamstress
525/19/20 - East Cerro Gordo
HUNT, Marie - Head - F - 60 - Wd./3yr. - 6/4 - KY/Ire./Ire. - Own income
Winfield - Son - M - 28 - S - _ - KY/Ire./KY - Foreman/Contractor
Carlisle - Son - M - 23 - S - _ - KY/Ire./KY - Contractor/Sewer Paving and Eng.
Patricia - Dau - F - 25 - S - _ - KY/Ire./KY
433/90/103 - North Water Street
JOHNSON, Ed P. - Head - M - 39 - Mar#1/17yr. - _ - IL/KY/VA - Bicycle Repairman/Bicycle House
Kate - Wife - F - 37 - Mar#1/17yr. - 1/1 - IL/PA/OH
Hazel - Dau - F - 16 - S - _ - IL/IL/IN - Musician
POTTER, Frey - Roomer - M - 16 - S - _ - IL/IL/PA - General Work/Clothing House
411/93/108 - North Water Street
THATCHER, Chas. P. - Head - M - 38 - Mar#2/11yr. - _ - PA/PA/PA - None/Own Income
Mary H. - Wife - F - 58 - Mar#1/11yr. - 0/0 - NY/VT/CT - None/Own Income
RAFTIS, Mayne - Boarder - F - 35 - S - _ - IL/Ire./Ire. - Servant/Private Family
350/100/124 - North Water Street
CULP, George W. - Head - M - 64 - Mar#2/0yr. - _ - OH/OH/PA - None/Own Income
Ileen - Wife - F -33 - Mar#2/0yr. - 0/0 - KY/US/IN
BARRACKMAN, Dennis A. - Roomer - M - 62 - Mar#2/12yr. - 2/2 - IN/MD/OH - Agent/Real Estate
HULL, Fredrick - Roomer - M - 25 - M - _ - PA/Ger./Ger. - Electrician/Electric Co.
RASMUSSEN, Harry P. - Roomer - M - 26 - Mar#1/3yr. - 0/0 - IL/Denmark/Denmark - Electrician/Electric Co.
McGIFFIN, Arthur - Roomer - M - 24 - S - _ - IL/IL/IN - Singer/Theatre
LYON, Maud V. - Roomer - F - 29 - S - _ - IL/OH/OH - Teacher/Public School
#330/--/-- MONTGOMERY, Alice F. - Roomer - F - 29 - S - _ - IL/WVa/OH - Bar Maker/Manf. Co.
ALBERT, David - Roomer - M - 69 - Wd./15yr. - 3/2 - PA/PA/PA - Making & Delivering Ice Cream/Ice Cream Parlor
329/103/135 - North Water Street
MAYS, William H. - Head - M - 54 - Mar#1/22yr. - _ - KY/KY/KY - City Police/Health officer
Estella W. - Wife - F - 41 - Mar#1/22yr. - 2/2 - IL/TN/OH
Dorothy D. - Dau - F - 18 - S - _ - IL/KY/IL
Eva - Dau - F - 13 - S - _ - IA/KY/IL
418/104/152 - North Water Street
RACE, John R. - Head - M - 81 - Mar#2/1yr. - 6/3 - VA/VA/VA - Retired/Own Income
Virginia - Wife - F - 69 - Mar#2/1yr. - 1/1 - IL/VA/US
Arthur W. - Son - M - 43 - D./2yr. - 0/0 - IL/VA/MD
Ella - Dau - F - 41 - S - _ - IL/VA/MD
WALLACE, James D. - Boarder - M - 60 - S - _ - DE/DE/DE - General Work/Private Residence
Home Census Index
This Page Was Last Updated
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