1900 Macon County, Illinois
Census Townships
This census is a work in progress, the diligent work of various Macon County researchers. If you have any households you would like to include, please email me: Click - and I will add it. We hope to eventually have a complete census, and with your help we can succeed!
Decatur - Ward 3, District 49
This census enumerated by Edward Jacobs between 1 June - 12 June 1900.
Col. 1 = Dwelling
Col. 2 = Family
Col. 3 = Surname/Given
Col. 4 = Relationship
Col. 5 = Sex
Col. 6 = Birth month and year
Col. 7 = Age
Col. 8 = Marital Status
Col. 9 = # of children born/children living
Col. 10 = Nativity of individual/father/mother
545/75/76 - West Main Street
HARPSTRITE, Edward - Head - M - Feb 1827 - 73 - Wd. - _ - Ger./Ger./Ger. - Capitalist
Mary A. - Dau - F - Mar 1855 - 45 - S - _ - IL/Ger./Ger.
Edward J. - Son - M - Sep 1857 - 42 - S - _ - IL/Ger./Ger.
Bertha - Dau - F - Nov 1869 - 30 - S - _ - IL/Ger./Ger.
Emma F. - Dau - F - Nov 1875 - 24 - S - _ - IL/Ger./Ger. - School Teacher
531/76/77 - West Main Street
TROUTMAN, Sophia - Head - F - Aug 1836 - 63 - Wd. - 4/2 - Ger./Ger./Ger. - N.G.
Nora - Dau - F - Jun 1871 - 28 - S - _ - IL/Ger./Ger. - Book Keeper
Clara - Dau - F - Aug 1881 - 18 - S - _ - IL/Ger./Ger.
1014/208/210 - Macon Street
LETZ, George - Head - M - Jan 1854 - 46 - Mar./22yr. - _ - IN/IN/Unk. - Teamster
Sarah - Wife - F - Aug 1855 - 44 - Mar./25yr. - 5/4 - IL/KY/IL
Etta - Dau - F - Sept 1878 - 21 - S - _ - IL/IN/IL - Servant
COOL, Abbie - Dau - F - Jan 1880 - 19 - Mar./0yr. - 0/0 - IL/IN/IL
LETZ, Stella - Dau - F - April 1883 - 17 - S - _ - IL/IN/IL
LETZ, Leonard - Son - M - Oct 1896 - 3 - S - _ - IL/IN/IL
COOL, Charles T. - son-in-law - M - June 1874 - 25 - Mar./0yr. - OH/OH/OH - Painter
445/215/218 - West Macon Street
ABRAMS, Daniel O. - Head - M - Nov 1847 - 52 - Mar.29yr. - _ - IL/Unk./Unk. - Physician
Clesta E. - Wife - F - Nov 1847 - 52 - Mar.29yr. - 2/2 - IL/Scot./NY
Mary D. - Dau - F - Sep 1872 - 27 - S - _ - IL/IL/IL - Teacher/Elementary
CLARK, Pearl E. - Dau - F - Apr 1877 - 23 - Mar.1yr. - 1/1 - IL/IL/IL - Teacher/Elementary
Fred L. - Son-in-law - M - Feb 1877 - 23 - Mar.1yr. - _ - IL/OH/OH - Clerk
Paul A. - G-Son - M - Apr 1899 - 1 - S - _ - IL/IL/IL
1057/356/360 - Howard Street
BOOKER, Samuel - Head - M - May 1842 - 58 - Mar./37yr. - _ - IL/KY/IN - Blacksmith
Sarah A. - Wife - F - Nov 1843 - 56 - Mar./37yr. - 12/9 - OH/PA/PA
Cordelia - Dau - F - Sep 1881 - 18 - S - _ - IL/IL/OH
Edward - Son - M - Sep 1885 - 14 - S - _ - IL/IL/OH - At School
Alva - Son - M - Feb 1889 - 11 - S - _ - AR/IL/OH - At School
1113/421/428 - West Main Street
BAILEY, William - Head - M - June 1848 - 52 - Mar. 25 yrs - _ - TN/Unk./Unk. - Bartender
Josephine - Wife - F - Aug 1854 - 45 - Mar. 25 yrs - 7/2 - PA/PA/PA
Maude - Dau - F - Nov 1878 - 20 - S - _ - IA/TN/PA - Bookeeper
William - Son - M - June 1887 - 13 - S - _ - IL/TN/PA
965/429/435 - Decatur
WINCHESTER, Joseph - Head - M - B - Unknown - 60 - Wd. - _ - KY/KY/KY - Labor
Annie - Dau - F - B - Dec 1881 - 18 - S - _ - IL/KY/KY - Servant
SCOTT, Harrett - Servant - F - B - Unknown - 55 - Wd. - 0/0 - NC/NC/NC - Servant
Home Census Index
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