News Articles Of Interest
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Below are news items extracted from various newspapers to highlight not only the important news of the day, but the mundane as well. I hope you enjoy reading these tidbits.
Lincoln Square, North Main Street, Decatur
Special Sale 1,000 Sacks - the highest grade that can possibly be made - 50 pound sacks, 90 cents. Our No.2 is as good as any other flour sold in Decatur (our No.1 excepted) and guaranteed to give as good satisfaction - 50 pound sacks, 80 cents.
Pork Steak - 3 lbs, 25 cents
Pork Sausage - 3 lbs., 25 cents
Pork Roast - 3 lbs., 25 cents
Boiling Beef - lb., 4, 5, 6 cents
Good Beef Steak - 9 cents, 3 for 25 cents
Beef Roast - lb., 7, 8, 10 cents
Hams - 12 cents
Bacon - 13 cents
Picnic hams - 10 cents
Bologna - 7 cents
Frankforts - 9 cents, 3 lbs. 25 cents
Garlic Sausage - 9 cents, 3 lbs. 25 cents
Boneless Ham - 11 cents lb.
Try a bucket of our lard, guaranteed pure.
Weekly Herald Despatch, 6 Jan 1894
148 East Main Street, Decatur
B.F. Bobo, manager
Hand turned Ladies Fine shoes in Opera and Common Sense Styles - $1.79 pr.
Machine sewed Ladies Shoes - $1.40 pr.
Weekly Herald Despatch, 6 Jan 1894
FOUR CITIES BID FOR RIGHT TO HOST STATE FAIR - Bloomington, Decatur and Springfield each offer $50,000 and grounds.
Washington - Jan 3. The ways and means committee last evening decided to lay a peace tax on income. The income tax will, therefore, be a part of the tariff bill. THe full democratic membership of the committee agreed on the following additions to existing taxes, with estimated revenues therefrom:
2 percent on all incomes above $4000 - personal and corporations....$30,000,000
10 cents more a gallon on whiskey.................................................$10,000,000
Cigarettes increase to $2 per thousand............................................$ 2,000,000
Two cents per jack on playing cards...............................................$ 500,000
John McNamara, aged 24 years, was adjudged insane in the county court Wednesday morning.
Mrs. A. Barndt of Maroa was in the city yesterday and visited the Anna B. Milliken home. She made arrangements for providing a home for Lina Tosch, a 6 year old inmate. Mrs. Barndt is in the hotel business in Maroa. The little one will be cared for.
Case of Charles Kelso, charged with being the father of Mamie Lally's unborn child was heard in Squire Provost's court yesterday. Squire Provost thought the evidence strong enough to hold Kelso for the grand jury. He put Kelso under $1000 bond - surieties O.M. Cune, Frank Bowman, George Barnett. A.H. Mills for the people and O.E. Harris for the defendant.
Squire Shorb's Court - William McGinity and Laura McGinity, nee Brown, charged with keeping a disreputable house. The defendants claimed they were only running a restaurant. Two girls testified that they had been inmates of the house in the last month. Jury found them guilty, Mr. McGinity fined $50, his wife $35.
Squire Hammer - Civil suit decided in favor of John J. Kelly. J.M. Gray lawyer for plaintiff, C.C. LeForgee lawyer for defense.
Squire Peddicord decided that Hart-Burns case yesterday. He gave Hart the judgment for $25.
WILL PROBATED - The will of John Sowdowski filed for probate yesterday. It leaves all the property to the widow, Charlotte Sowdowski. Constable Fred Miller was made administrator.
To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Erner, 818 Sangamon street, Jan 3, a son.
A.W. Conklin went to Chicago last night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Wilson have begun housekeeping at 543 North Main street.
Rev. A.W. Walter will occupy the pulpit at the English Lutheran Church this evening.
Mrs. William Voorhies will have a card party on Friday evening this week and Tuesday evening next week.
Rev. W.H. Penhallegon of the First Presbyterian church will address the students of Blackburn University at Carbondale tonight.
Fred Litterer sold his grocery on North Water to W.F. Dennis.
Charles Barnett is putting up a good house in the 800 block on North Monroe street.
The Decatur Hunt Club had a banquet last night at Steinbach's saloon. Franz Young was the chef.
Miss Mamie Bivens gave a peanut party at her residence last night.
The police are keeping an eye on the Haley residence. He left the hotel and no one knows where he is. It is feared he might take a notion to go and complete the job he started on Tuesday.
Jim Murphy went to his home on East North street last night drunk and assaulted his wife. His son tried to quell the disturbance and was cut on the head. The young fellow reported the affair to Officer Leech and Park and they locked the old man up. He will be tried today.
Mt.Zion -
Miss Cora Outten is visiting relatives in Decatur.
Miss Bessie Hopkins spent Sunday here with friends.
Mrs. Fannie Wilson of LaPlace is visiting relatvies here.
Sam Smith and family visited relatives in Cerro Gordo.
Miss Ethel and Curtis Ashmore of Decatur spent Christmas here.
J.A. Bell and wife of Decatur are visiting their mother, Mrs. Lucy Bell.
Miss Florence and Wallace Walker are visiting their brother at Bloomington.
B.J. Henry has returned to Quincy where he attends Gem City Business college.
Argenta -
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Traxell, Dec 24, a daughter.
Miss Kate Brown of Oreana visited relatives here Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Minnie Ballenger of Warrensburg, who was visiting friends has returned home.
Miss May Brown returned home Monday afternoon after visiting her brother, E.F. Brown of Mansfield.
J.D. Moore, Dentist Parlors, Corner East Main and Water streets - Painless extraction of teeth without gas - False teeth $7.00
Daily Review (Decatur), 4 January 1894
Background by: The Olden Times Historic Newspapers Online
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