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News Gazetteer - 1878
From The Decatur Review
When To Ask For Her Hand
Young men contemplating marriage have so frequently called upon us to advise them in the manner of popping the all-important question, that we have concluded to give our opinion once for all. Never propose to a young lady after a hearty meal. The blood is needed to aid digestion, and her imagination is chilled. Nor should it come just before a meal, for the longings of an importuned system conduce to anxiety and irritability, and the shock may prove hazardous. It would be better to select the evening, and invite her to some entertainment which you know she wants to attend, and then propose to her just as she is ready to start. This will be greatly to your advantage, for she will see that a rejection will upset an evening of entertainment. (Originally published in the Lady's Journal.)
Tea Rusk - Take 1 cup of butter, 1 c. sugar, 1 pt. of milk, 2 eggs, 1 t. of yeast.
Baked Indian Pudding - Stir into a quart of boiling milk 1/4 pound of Indian meal, 1 level teaspoon of salt, the same of spice, and 1 ounce of butter; last of all add 1 pint of cold milk or milk and water. Pour the pudding in an earthen dish, and bake slowly for 3 hours. It will cost about 15 cents, and be very nice.
Blanc Mange - 1 pkg. gelatine, 2 quarts milk poured boiling hot on the gelatine (which must previously have been soaked 1 hour in a pint of water); add 12 t. crushed sugar; stir all until quite dissolved, and then pour into molds and stand in a cool place.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a purely vegetable compound innocent in nature and wonderful in effect. For children it is invaluable, curing Croup, Whooping Cough, etc., in a few hours. Price, 25 cents per bottle, or five bottles for $1.00.
OX-TAIL SOUP at 10 o'clock today at Harney's Lunch Room (opposite Tabernacle) Ten Cents
Morgan Street Meat Market - Adam Kreher keeps all kinds of meats, sausages of the best quality at the lowest cash figures. Located on Morgan street between Cerro Gordo and Eldorado. Opposite D.F. Lewis Grocery.
Jean F. Webb, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery, Decatur, Ill. Office at 21 Water Street, upstairs.
S.J. Bunstead, M.D., Physician & Surgeon, Oculist and Aurist, Successor to J.W. Roath. All spectacles scientifically adjusted. Office - on East Main Street, formerly occupied by Dr. Roath. RESIDENCE - No. 22 West Eldorado street, Oct 6, 1878
Lambert & Co., Popular New York Store, No. 18 Merchant street, Decatur - 4,000 yds. good Winter Dress Goods 10 cents a yd.; 10,000 yds. print, good style, dark cols. 3-4 cents.
When you are looking around for STOVES call at LIDDLES - 1 & 2 Court House Block
MARTIN, The Boss Caterer - Full Line of Fancy Candies, Fruits, Nuts, Pies, Cakes, etc. His restaurant cannot be excelled and he serves meals and lunches in the best style at all hours.
Steam Dye House - The Only and Exclusive Steam Works In Decatur - No. 14 South Main street - E.G. Tucker, Proprietor
Harvey Pasco, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery and Notary Public
City Meat Market - BLENZ & DANZEISEN, Proprietors - Fresh and Salted meats of all kinds, best quality - West Side Old Square
Milam's Restaurant! For a good square meal or a lunch at the lowest possible price - SE Corner Old Square - B.B. Milam, Manager
Depot Drug Store - W.W. Swearingen, located near the Railroad Union Depot, keeps on hand a full supply of Drugs and Medicines.
Soon to Open! - George Miller - The old standby will open his restaurant and lunch room in Power's block on East Main street, Early Next Week.
The silver product of this country is estimated at 600,000 to 700,000 ounces per week.
Ninety thousand bushels of peanuts will be produced in NC this year.
Salted rats are actually exported from India to China as an article of food.
Martin P. Murphy went east yesterday.
Mrs. Will Race is in Chicago visiting friends.
Sheriff Forstmeyer is indisposed. He has a bad cold.
W.F. Busher is having his new residence on Macon street repainted.
Green Simpson, one of the most substantial farmers of Niantic was in the city yesterday.
It is conceded on all hands that Davey Martin will be the right man in the right place in the city council.
Death From Diptheria - We learn that Mr. Batchelder, of Illini, lost two children yesterday by diptheria. We have no particulars as to the spread of the disease, or any other fatal cases. Mr. Batchelder and family have the sympathy of their friends and neighbors in their sad loss. (27 Nov 1878)
John A. Logan has lately been very much indisposed by reason of a carbuncle on his leg. He will soon be on his pegs(sic) again.
William Coombs, a prominent blue ribbon man of the fifth ward, whipped his wife so severely on Wednesday, that it is feared her unjuries may prove fatal. No arrests.
Solid Comfort Tobacco, Greenback Smoking Tobacco at Kepler's
Solid Comfort Spring Bed at Ashby's
Those delicious perfumes at Irwin's
Bulk oysters, 40 cents a quart at Gephart's
The stove trade was brisk yesterday with Dennis & Rea yesterday
The most fashionable button shoes for the ladies at Barber & Bakers
"The Queen" of the smokers, the best 5 cent cigar in the market at Andy Keppler's
Choice mincemeat and turkeys at Ham & Black's on Prairie street
J.L. Fenton & Co. have an immense stock of fall and winter clothing, which he is selling very cheap
Fred J. Smith keeps on hand a large stock of cord wood, coal and feed. All goods delivered when so ordered.
A house to rent on Cerro Gordo street, near Pratt's store. Inquire of E.B. Pratt, 37 North Church street.
Petticoats are flounced to the waist.
New hats of gray or black beaver are becoming very stylish.
The latest style of gloves for the evening wear have 18 buttons.
Dressy fans made of feather are filled in with butterfly bows, either in white or some delicate color, rather than flowers.
First Presbyterian - Rev. W.H. Prestley
First Baptist - Prof. Gastman
Stapp's Chapel - Rev. S. MacBurney
German Lutheran - Rev. Prior Moore
Background by: The Olden Times Historic Newspapers Online
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