March the 1 day 1865
Dear brotherinlaw and sister i let you no that i ame not well at this time i hope when you get this few lines thay will find you all well well i let you no [know?] that i recived your letter ware [where] you wrote on the 5 of Febuary and i was clad [glad] to here [hear] from you and anna that you got a religion i hope you will keep it as longe as you live to [too?] thare is nossing rong [nothing wrong?] to dew good i like to here [hear] if evry boddy wod dew good [everybody would do good] for all i dunte [dont?] i have no chance to dew better but i hope when i get home i will dew better that is if it is gods will that i will git home agin i sink [think?] the war will ende till fawl i hope so that it will end for i ame gitting tired living like a hoge we donte fare as well as ower dogs dit [did?] at home well i let you no that the mudd is as deep here it comes up to oure nees and thar we have to lay in it to [too] if that donte kill a man say i donte no what will Seles [sic] will i retter wood [rather would?] fight evry thay [day?] and [than?] to lay in water and mudd well i let you no that Benjamin Musselman is well and fat he ways [weighs] one hundred and 40 pouns i let you no that we got no pay for eights months we was mustert [mustered] yesterday for pay but i cant tell how soon we will git money well i let you no that we are macon retty [making ready?] to go up on redriver [Red River] we are at neworleans fixing up to go well Moses A. Stare i must bring my letter to a close for this time so no more i will clame you as a friend as longe as i live good by Moses A. Stare
Jacob G. Musselman
The above is a copy of a letter from Jacob Musselman to his sister Anna and her husband Moses Stare, it is faithful as to spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.Transcribed by Constance Magee Rinaldi
January 18, 2002.
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