1895 photo my great-grandparents Jesse & Ella Victoria (RAY) MARSH & family on their farm built by my 2nd great-grandfather John MARSH Maroa, Friendscreek Twp, Macon Co, IL. Older children of great-grandmother Ella's by first husband Samuel SHIELDS and Ella's brother John RAY& wife are also in the photo. PHOTOGRAPHS
Early settler of Macon & Piatt Co, IL John MARSH with his dog late 1890s
Charles Edward STOGSDILL & Rose Ann LEATHERS
Wedding Photo 1891 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL My great-grandparents Charles Edward STOGSDILL & Rose Ann (LEATHERS) Charles was born 1866 Decatur, IL and Rose Ann was born 1875 near Orchardville, IL
Ella Victoria (RAY) SHIELDS MARSH wife of Jesse MARSH
NAMES FOR PHOTO - Left to right
My grandfather Charles Herbert MARSH was the boy on the iron tricycle, my great-grandmother Ella Victoria (RAY) SHIELDS MARSH sitting in chair holding her youngest child Marie MARSH, my great-grandfather Jesse MARSH smoking his pipe, Harry SHIELDS, George SHIELDS, Ernest "Pat"SHIELDS, small girl Hazel MARSH, Olive SHIELDS, wife of Harry Emma SHIELDS holding their daughter Ella SHIELDS, wife of John Ida RAY and John RAY. John RAY was a brother of Ella Victoria (RAY).
The last home of my maternal 2nd great-grandfather John MARSH built and lived in Maroa, Macon Co, IL
My maternal grandparents Wedding photo 1919 Decatur, IL Charles Herbert MARSH & Janie Mae (STOGSDILL). Grandfather was born 1896 Maroa, Macon Co, IL and grandmother born 1900 Orchardville, Wayne Co, IL.
Ella Mae Marsh, my mother
Here are a couple 1946 photos of the Kentland Dairy Truck in Decatur, IL. My dad Clarence Lloyd HIMES drove the truck. My mother Ella Mae (MARSH) HIMES is with dad in one of the 1946 photos.
Beach at Lake Decatur. My mother Ella Mae (MARSH) HIMES was 23, she is the nice looking young woman with the long dark hair print bathing suit near the middle edge of the photo on the blanket.
The Himes family home - 345 N 25th St Decatur, IL
This is a 1946 photo of house on our 345 N 25th St block in Decatur, IL near the STALEY plant with our neighbor Gene DOTY.
Willow Glen gradeschool before it closed. The land was donated by my 2nd great-grandfather John MARSH for the original log cabin school.
1930 Willow Glen School
Willow Glenn School in Friends Creek Twp east of Maroa and west of Argenta in Macon Co, IL. I would like to hear from anyone who could tell me names of the children in the 1930 photo. School teacher was Helena SMITH. My 2nd great-grandfather John MARSH donated land for the school. My mother Ella Mae MARSH was the child 2nd from the back in the middle row. I don't know which of the other children were which. Some of the other childrens names were Donald PULLIAM, Charles KATENBACK, Mary CARLYLE, Dale HENSON, Lula HENSON. I don't know the others does anyone else out there know the other children?
1935 Willow Glenn School
I have names for the 1935 photo if anyone is interested. My mother Ella Mae and her siblings Eugene"Pete", Alice and Shirley MARSH are in the 1935 photo.
1936 Willow Glenn School
My mother is an older child in the back row of this, I believe 1936 or possibly 1937 Willow Glenn Grade school class. I believe mom's brother Euegene "Pete" MARSH and two of her sisters Alice and Shirley MARSH are in this photo. My mother was not in the 1940s photo but her brother Pete and Bob MARSH and sisters Alice and Shirley are. If anyone can tell me names on this or any other school photos on this page, that would be great.
This is an early 1940s Willow Glenn School class photo. Left to right - Back Row:
R. PEARSON, Shirley MARSH, M___ LAVENDER, M___ AGEE, Mr. ARMSTRONG, Delbert?____, ?___ PULLIAM, ?__ AGEELeft to right - 2nd Row:
Carol MARSH, M___ ALLSUP, B__ L___ HUMPHREY, ?_______, B__ WELGE, M__ T___ HUMPHREYLeft to right - Front Row:
?_____, Bob MARSH, H___ CALENGER, B___ ALLSUP, John AGEE, ?___ ATER;Shirley, Carol & Bob MARSH were my maternal aunts and uncle. Carol was the youngest. My uncles, Pete and Bob MARSH and aunts Alice and Shirley MARSH are in this photo. The photo is very old and faded but I hope someone will recognize some child or the teacher in it.
1945/1946 ROACH Gradeschool Decatur, ILL 1st grade class photo for Macon Co, IL. I am the girl in front of the teacher in the back x over my head. We lived at 345 North 25th Street in the 1940s. Can anyone identify the other children. Were you or a parent in this class?
Front row sitting at desks left to right: Clarence Ethington--Don Moore-- Kermit Dealy--Leon Ishmael
Back row sitting left to right: Butch Brown--Richard Lazell--Carol Stogsdill
Front row standing left to right:--Coach Catlin-- Mary Stone--Della James-- Eunice Fathauer--Bob Woods--Maureen Gardner--Joyce Greeson--George Bennett--John Crabtree-- Sidney Foulke
Middle row --Philip Hunt-- Judy Dorsey--Lavon Larson--Pat Eastham--Larry Austin-- Reuben Dubson--Shirley Thompson--Bob Kinkaid--Duane Boyer
Back Row:--Benny Caplinger--Dick Thomas--Bob Runyen-- Gregory Montomery
This was probably 1953/1954 maroa grade school, probably 8th grade class photo. This class graduated from Maroa Highschool in 1958.
Does anyone know the year of the photo for sure? I know it was in early to mid-1950's for sure.
All photos on this page submitted by: Beverly (HIMES) BARGER in NM
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