Macon Co
1883 Pensioners List

Post Office
102,750 Briggs, Perpetus Argenta widow 8.00
16,034 Briggs, Mary Argenta dep. mother 8.00 Dec., 1872
55,852 Tooley, Livonia Argenta widow 8.00
180,156 Nelson, Jacob Argenta par. loss rt. thumb from g.s.w. 4.00 Dec., 1880
201,985 Kile, Isaac W. Argenta g. s. wd. l. shoulder 2.00 Jan., 1882
207,093 Betz, Solomon B. Argenta g. s. wd. r. forearm 4.00 Apr., 1882
213,164 Fesler, Isaac Argenta injury to abdomen 6.00 June, 1882
45,433 Benton, Charles F. Argenta shell wd. of head 24.00
20,959 Butt, William P. Bearsdale g. s. w. lft. forearm 6.00 Dec., 1863
189,509 Disbrow, Alanzo Bearsdale injury to abdomen 8.00 June, 1881
221,593 Smith, James T. Blue Mound chr. diarr. & dis. abdom. vis. 4.00 Dec., 1882
155,265 Spooner, Daniel Blue Mound chr. diarr. & dis. abdom. vis. 10.00 Sept., 1873
119,750 Brookshire, Overton H. Blue Mound injury to abdomen 4.00 Nov., 1872
160,610 Morris, George W. Blue Mound g. s. w. lft. shoulder 4.00 June, 1879
198,568 Crawford, David Blue Mound g. s. w. rt. thigh 4.00 Dec., 1881
182,010 Kennedy, Christopher Blue Mound g. s. w. groin, inj. to breast 12.00 Feb., 1881
155,569 Morgan, Levi S. Blue Mound partial deafness 4.00 Sept,, 1876
121,693 Stumpff, John Blue Mound loss rt. index finger 3.00
152,393 Seiberling, John D. Blue Mound wound head 4.00
58,333 Hardy, Joseph K. Blue Mound wd. r. shoulder 18.00
182,439 Drum, Margaret G. Blue Mound dep. mother 8.50 Nov., 1878
192,193 Wood, Sarah A. Blue Mound widow 19.00
167,858 Young, David Boody wound l. shoulder 2.00 May, 1880
123,158 Albers, John Boody wd. r. thigh & inj. to abdomen 4.00
134,974 Harmon, Isaac B. Boody loss 3 fingers rt. hand 14.00
110,062 Harbert, Wm. Boody wd. left hand 6.00
25,299 Bateman, Milly Casner Station widow 8.00 July, 1879
35,469 Busheart, Susannah Casner Station widow 8.00
59,718 Worley, David S. Casner Station loss l. arm 24.00
180,110 Wright, Harrison S. Casner Station injury to abdomen 4.00 Apr., 1881
187,128 Shields, John Casner Station g. s. w. l. thigh & l. side face 4.00 Apr., 1881
184,363 Carrigan, Reese B. Decatur g. s. w. l. wrist 12.00 Mar., 1881
167,057 Denison, Chas. N. Decatur wd. l. knee 8.50 Apr., 1880
166,882 Boberts, Ten Brook T. Decatur wd. l. forearm 2.00 Apr., 1880
220,151 Daniels, John F. Decatur g. s. wd. of r. knee 4.00 Nov., 1882
27,825 Imboden, Cyrus M. Decatur wd. l. hip 4.00 Dec., 1879
170,791 Brewer, Wm. J. Decatur wd. l. arm 4.00 June, 1880
185,953 Everett, Chas. W. Decatur ch. diarr. and var. veins l. leg 12.00 Mar., 1881
27,651 Buskirk, Adaline Decatur widow 8.00
215,960 Kallenbach, Morris Decatur inj. of l. knee 4.00 July, 1882
95,981 Ralls, Harriet Decatur dep. mother 8.00 June, 1867
194,558 Marion, May Decatur scurvy 6.00 Aug., 1881
217,889 McDonald, John F. Decatur shell wd. of r. leg 2.00 Sept., 1882
206,967 May, Henry F. Decatur injury to abdomen 4.00 Apr., 1882
215,554 Mahannah, Henry Decatur injury to abdomen 4.00 July, 1883
2,631 Magner, James Decatur injury to abdomen & l. thigh 2.00 July, 1879
216,558 Rankin, Louis Decatur wd. l. hand 2.00 Aug., 1882
201,508 Fitzpatrick, Martin W. Decatur ax wd. l. foot 4.00 Jan., 1883
164,929 Jack, Joseph Decatur ch. diarr. & malar. poisoning 15.00 Feb., 1880
194,814 Jennings, Isaac D. Decatur shell wd. rt. index finger & l. side head & inj. to abdomen 8.00 Aug., 1881
201,393 Judson, Chas. O. Decatur dis. spine & resulting debility 8.00 Jan., 1882
182,336 Welsch, Peter S. Decatur injury to abdomen & saber wound of face 6.00 Feb., 1881
213,934 Williams, Presley E. Decatur chr. diarrhea 4.00 June, 1882
203,399 Cassell, John Decatur chr. diarrhea 4.00 Feb., 1882
197,000 Shelton, Abner J. Decatur g. s. wd. l. wrist 2.00 Oct., 1881
172,637 Sutton, Alexander H. Decatur wound l. thigh 2.00 Sept., 1880
168,543 Hamsher, Wm. Decatur dis. of kidneys 2.00 May, 1880
205,176 Laughlin, Andrew C. Decatur ch. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. 6.00 Mar., 1882
200,413 Stafford, Hiram P. Decatur dis. of heart 4.00 Apr., 1882
166,075 Songer, John A. Decatur partial deafness 4.00 Mar., 1880
199,991 Williams, Adolphus Decatur sh. w. l. shoulder & res. part. paral. arm & part. deafness 8.00 Dec., 1881
158,689 Berlin, David M. Decatur scurvy, rheum. 12.00 Apr., 1879
168,374 Butts, Frank Decatur g. s. wd. l. hand 6.00 May, 1880
174,256 Whitchel, Wm. H. Decatur wound l. thigh 2.00 Sept., 1880
55,650 Arrowsmith, Albert Decatur wd. l. foot 4.00
91,814 Hill, Franklin M. Decatur wd. r. thigh & dis. of liver 6.00
147,999 Hunt, James H. Decatur wd. r. foot 6.00
87,854 Good, Emanuel Decatur ch. diarr. 8.00
11,292 Betzer, Geo. W. Decatur wd. r. thigh 4.00
116,493 Bird, John Decatur wd. r. hand 3.00
133,497 Smith, Jonathan I. Decatur rheumatism 4.00
34,810 Young, John J. H. Decatur loss l. arm 18.00
11,535 Brown, Edwin F. Decatur wd. r. thigh 8.00
11,023 Glotz, Augustus Decatur g. s. w. rt. thigh, &c. 8.00
26,126 Hart, Eliza J. Decatur widow 8.00 July, 1864
109,232 Schwat, Jacob Decatur wd. l. arm & scapula 4.00
111,412 Stine, Hiram S. Decatur injury to abdomen 4.00
115,195 Stookey, Harvey L. Decatur wd. r. leg 8.00
89,569 Smith, Green W. Decatur wound r. leg 8.00
66,965 Lindsay, John Decatur ch. rheumatism 10.00
117,394 Henson, Robt. S. Decatur wd. r. breast & back, affecting shoulder 6.00
81,770 Maher, Edward Decatur loss r. middle finger 2.66
90,233 Shoemaker, David Decatur wound head 18.00
76,085 Curtis, Ira B. Decatur paralysis 72.00
141,676 Cowgill, Dewitt C. Decatur ch. diarr. & result dis. rectum 18.00
102,756 Childers, Asbury Decatur inj. to r. foot & inj. to abd. 10.00
53,555 Peniwell, Thomas Decatur wd. r. arm 6.00
107,948 Wiley, Allen Decatur wound r. hand 4.00
90,027 Widick, Andrew Y. Decatur wound l. forearm 8.00
87,517 Vest, Toliver P. Decatur wound l. cheek 8.00
94,535 Glore, James H. Decatur wd. r. arm 12.75
141,463 Priest, Horace C. Decatur wd. l. thigh 6.00
55,349 Carrier, Jonathan Decatur wd. l. ankle 6.00
49,285 Carter, Richard H. Decatur wd. r. thigh 18.00
10,189 Wilson, Hiram R. Decatur wound r. wrist 8.00
116,717 Neville, Wm. H. Decatur wd. of neck 6.00
133,474 Norton, Oliver B. Decatur dis. of abdominal viscera, resulting from chr. diarr. 6.00
53,461 Nicholas, John W. Decatur wd. l. knee 14.00
91,594 Norman, Frederick Decatur wd. r. hand & r. thigh 8.00
38,615 Lytle, Robert P. Decatur amputation of l. arm 24.00
132,731 Sharp, George Decatur wd. both legs below knees 6.00
157,557 Haner, John Decatur wd. l. arm 2.00 Feb., 1879
169,846 Sollars, Rowland G. Decatur injury to abdomen 8.00 June, 1880
201,137 Goodpasture, Harvey S. Decatur g. s. w. l. thigh 2.00 Jan., 1883
156,111 Ganer, Felix M. Decatur wd. neck 8.00 Oct., 1878
202,031 Armstrong, Wm. J. Decatur g. s. wd. of neck 2.00 Jan., 1882
174,512 Peake, Geo. B. Decatur wd. face, r. arm, and r. thigh 20.00 Oct., 1880
161,552 Aldrich, Harrison Decatur dis. of eyes 4.00 July, 1869
211,153 Williams, Joseph C. Decatur inj. to back 2.00 June, 1882
221,161 Nicholis, John Decatur dis. of abdominal viscera 4.00 Nov., 1882
176,099 Short, Wm. H. Decatur wound r. shoulder 4.00 Oct., 1880
152,859 Costello, James Decatur injury to abdomen 10.00 Aug., 1865
175,716 Hesser, Lucinda Decatur widow 8.00 Dec., 1876
243,854 Hand, John T. Decatur shell wd. l. side 2.00 June, 1883
163,023 Briggs, Henry A. Decatur wd. r. leg 3.00 Oct., 1879
154,405 Stafford, Rodney N. Decatur wd. l. side of face 4.00 July, 1878
155,588 Smith, Thomas Decatur g. s. wd. of l. side 8.00 Oct., 1878
60,451 Richardson, John Decatur g. s. wd. of head, loss l. eye & resulting imp'd vision r. eye & resulting epilepsy 50.00
65,985 Flinn, Thomas Decatur wd. r. leg & resulting necrosis of tibia 18.00
122,828 McCrary, Joseph Decatur ch. diarr. 8.00
32,607 McClelland, Joseph S. Decatur debility from typh. fever 8.00
164,038 Wilson, Anna Decatur widow 8.00 Feb., 1874
138,952 Decker, Malby Decatur wd. head 6.00
38,407 Donnell, Samuel P. Decatur wd. r. arm 18.00
44,380 Ebert, Henry Decatur wd. jaw 10.00
89,435 Dermit, James Decatur paralysis r. arm 3.00
10,132 Dunham, Dayton Decatur wd. r. foot 10.00
78,862 Kelly, Michael Decatur wd. thigh 2.66
20,748 Roberts, Richard J. Decatur injury to abdomen 4.00
110,774 Crum, Andrew J. Decatur wd. l. leg 6.00
42,189 Elder, Wm. F. Decatur wd. r. shr. & r. thumb 12.00
150,407 Martin, Auguste Decatur widow 17.00
3,849 Moesner, Mary Decatur dep. mother 8.00 July, 1863
180,589 Moffett, David S. Decatur minor of 19.00 Apr., 1878
193,621 Cox, Jerome Decatur minor of 10.00 Nov., 1881
189,767 Hines, Derelda Decatur widow 14.00 Sept., 1880
170,412 James, Clarissa Decatur dep. mother 8.00 July, 1875
7,358 Witts, Sophia Decatur dep. mother 8.00 Nov., 1863
3,088 Stough, Elizabeth Decatur dep. mother 8.00 June, 1863
52,924 Deboy, Eliz'th Decatur widow 8.00
102,203 Devore, Louisa J. Decatur widow 8.00
185,015 Ditzler, Sarah Decatur widow 12.00 July, 1879
364 Estabrook, Mary E. Decatur widow 20.00 July, 1869
134,513 Encke, Rachel Decatur widow 8.00 Sept., 1869
126,962 Ronen, Mary Decatur widow 8.00
146,190 Richardson, Rebecca Decatur widow 8.00
9,701 Smoot, Eliza Decatur widow 8.00
40,601 Scott, Emeline E. Decatur widow 8.00
13,851 Smalley, Mary Decatur widow 8.00
29,624 Smith, Mary E. Decatur widow 8.00 Sept., 1864
39,144 Tupper, Lamira M. Decatur widow 20.00
23,543 Childers, Ezekiel J. Decatur wd. l. arm 6.00
8,753 Holdemen, Robert Decatur injury to abdomen 4.00
135,624 Smith, Franklin Decatur wd. rt. ankle 4.00
9,823 Tupper, Mary Decatur widow 30.00 June, 1882
62,400 Morris, Nancy Decatur widow 8.00
50,894 Luttrell, Mary A. Decatur dep. mother 8.00 July, 1865
2,296 Ferry, Emma Y. F. Decatur widow 8.00
7,286 Bell, Lucinda A. Decatur widow 8.00 Apr., 1874
104,262 Barnhart, Susan L. Decatur widow 8.00
124,142 Boyd, Susan S. Decatur widow 30.00
7,362 Pugh, Elvira E. Decatur widow 20.00 Apr., 1875
162,586 Romine, Fanny A. Decatur widow 10.00
68,675 Martin, Isabel Decatur widow 8.00
10,908 Greene, Myra Decatur widow 8.00 Nov., 1878
820 Casterline, Joseph Decatur
8.00 July, 1871
14,806 Houck, Larkin Decatur
8.00 Mar., 1872
25,787 Houseman, Susannah Elwin widow 8.00 July, 1879
155,695 Parkhurst, Charlotte Forsyth dep. mother 8.00 Jan., 1872
45,598 Roby, Henry H. Forsyth wd. l. arm 6.00
100,771 Luderick, Henry Forsyth wd. of rt. arm 4.00
167,975 Gepford, Wm. H. Forsyth wd. l. shoulder & hip 2.00 May, 1880
181,115 Duncan, Harrison Forsyth wound of r. hand & r. thigh 6.00 Jan., 1881
217,954 Smith, James W. Harristown dis. of abdominal viscera 2.00 Sept., 1882
39,808 Hobbs, Nancy H. Harristown widow 8.00
57,228 Bullard, Chas. S. Harristown dis. of eyes 12.00
223,604 Nicholson, Jeremiah P. Long Creek ch. diarrhea 4.00 Dec., 1882
210,169 Brownlee, Wm. H. Long Creek injury to abdomen 4.00 June, 1882
48,434 Wilde, George Macon wound l. hand 18.00
153,507 Williams, Robert T. Macon wound r. shoulder 12.50 June, 1878
213,162 English, James Macon g. s. wds. of r. side of head & r. hip 4.00 June, 1882
72,119 Allen, James Macon ch. hepatitis 8.00
75,314 Lawley, Elijah D. Macon wd. of l. hip 24.00
96,237 Watson, William T. Macon chronic diarrhea 12.00
119,392 Rogers, Joshua Macon wd. l. shr. 6.00
50,063 Bivans, Robert Macon anch. r. elbow-joint 18.00
134,050 Quin, Catharine Macon dep. mother 8.00
40,592 McConaughy, Catlin Macon dep. mother 8.00 Feb., 1865
6,281 Jordan, Philena Macon dep. mother 8.00
25,690 Sargeant, Rhoda Macon dep. mother 8.00 June, 1864
31,226 Lewis, Letty Macon widow 8.00 Feb., 1881
52,686 Sherman, Margaret E. Macon widow 8.00
158,755 Burg, Casper Macon dep. father 8.00 July, 1872
40,595 Beshle, Eliz'th Macon dep. mother 8.00 Feb., 1865
100,540 Cummings, Eliz'th J. Macon widow 8.00
23,541 Watts, Mary Macon widow 8.00 May, 1879
200,197 Matheny, John Y. Macon chro. diarr. dis. of abd. vis., indigestion 6.00 Jan., 1882
122,014 Nesbitt, Wm. W. Maroa ch. diarr. 6.00
59,109 Gault, John M. Maroa loss l. arm 24.00
53,806 Hoff, David Maroa loss r. hand 18.00
31,915 Mason, Susannah Maroa widow 1812 8.00 Aug., 1881
133,379 Barnett, Valentine Maroa wd. r. hand 4.00
31,194 Hitt, Tabutia Y. Maroa widow 8.00
167,175 McMullen, Betsey Jane Maroa dep. mother 8.00 Jan., 1875
28,258 Updike, Sarepta J. Maroa widow 8.00 Aug., 1864
29,614 Gullett, Jane Maroa widow 8.00
29,440 White, Mabel R. Maroa widow 20.00 Sept., 1864
39,818 Maddox, Thomas Mount Zion wd. in foot 18.00
68,352 Morris, Lewis Mount Zion frac. l. humerus 8.00
68,763 Jones, James H. Mount Zion wd. left arm 12.00
8,765 Traughber, Eliza'th J. Mount Zion widow 8.00
191,221 Black, Ellen Mount Zion dep. mother 8.00 Feb., 1881
47,699 Alsbury, Jane Mount Zion widow 8.00 June, 1867
27,946 Sonders, Mary Mount Zion widow 8.00 Nov., 1879
22,771 Whitside, Joel Niantic g. s. w. both thighs 12.00
18,649 Griffith, Nancy M. Niantic widow 8.00 Feb., 1879
194,700 Seelig, Amanda E. Niantic widow 14.00
89,917 Ryan, Joseph D. Niantic var. veins r. leg 2.00
85,246 Farnham, Lindsey C. Niantic erysipelas 6.00
136,657 Van Hook, Samuel Niantic wound r. thigh & hand 6.00
53,861 Eaton, John Niantic wd. rt. arm 18.00
72,396 Hargis, Thos. J. Niantic wd. r. groin & thigh 10.00
115,710 Hereld, Amos J. Niantic wd. l. arm 6.00
179,952 Wells, Lemuel Niantic chr. rheumatism 8.00 Dec., 1880
62,219 Leigh, John Oakley wd. of rt. lung 14.00
42,227 Froman, Mary M. Oakley widow 30.00
199,970 Schroeter, Gottlieb Oakley g. s. w. r. buttock & groin 4.00 Dec., 1881
172,089 Bell, Albert Orcana wd. l. shr. 1.00 Aug., 1880
141,238 Morrison, Geo. S. Orcana wd. l. thigh 8.00
132,322 Shastid, Lydia Orcana widow 8.00
55,358 Lacost, Charles Outten wd. of face 18.00 Jan., 1865
189,243 Andrews, Isaac Sangamon Station dep. father 8.00 July, 1880
4,934 Ritchie, Thomas Sangamon Station partl. loss of vision 14.00
205,351 Andrews, Harrison S. Sangamon Station dis. of eyes & dis. of abd. vis. 6.00 Mar., 1882
7,513 Freeman, Margaret A. Warrensburg widow 8.00 Sept., 1880
69,010 Disbrow, James E. Warrensburg wd. l. leg 4.00
118,361 McKee, Albert Warrensburg inj. r. arm 18.00
72,453 Stewart, John H. Warrensburg wound r. thigh 8.00
54,662 Martin, Albert Warrensburg inj. to abdomen & wd. r. hip 6.00


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